5 Ways Audio to Text Transcription is Beneficial for Business

André Bastié
André Bastié
Posted in Media
2 min read
5 Ways Audio to Text Transcription is Beneficial for Business

Audio to text transcription services can help eliminate low complexity tasks, save time, and reduce overhead costs in today's business world.

Business employees are continually being driven by senior management to deliver more, with less personnel, and often reduced resources.

This pressure is driving workers to be more productive. It is now essential to find new solutions that can help eliminate low complexity tasks, save time, reduce overhead costs and streamline processes.

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence have paved the way for a new productivity tool that can help: audio to text transcription.

Audio to text transcription is the process of automatically converting an mpg3 audio file to text. The same conversion can happen with video to text.

So just how can audio to text transcription benefit your business?

Let’s look at some traditional business situations where audio to text transcription can be beneficial to a business.

Recording Internal Meetings

Internal meetings are an inevitable part of every business. In my experience, these meetings tend to be content heavy and fast-paced. Dozen of action points can materialise out of a 30 minute discussion. Capturing all the 'to-dos' through note-taking, whilst also listening to what is being said, is impossible. Something undoubtedly gets misunderstood or missed altogether.

By recording all internal meetings, you can capture all the action points and ideas discussed whilst freeing you up to focus solely on the conversation. Later you can convert the audio to text to have an accurate account of the meeting.

Moreover, if you are required to provide minutes of the meeting, you already have all the content typed out. A definite time saver.

Capturing Events and Conferences

Events and conferences are an essential activity for most businesses. They provide networking opportunities and help with business growth.

The downside of most events and conferences is that they often occur during busy business cycles or on the other side of the globe, meaning that not all of your target clients will be able to attend. Additionally, many events and conferences have simultaneous tracks, forcing attendees to choose one speaker event over another meaning they miss out on some valuable information.

By recording and transcribing the keynote speakers and roundtable discussions of your event and conferences, you can ensure that the content of your event is captured. This content is a great value-add that can be distributed to clients that were unable to attend, used as future marketing pieces, or even distributed to press for news coverage.

Simply put, offering transcripts of your events and conferences reinforces the idea that your company holds expert opinions in the industry and hosts exclusive, helpful events.

Optimising Video Accessibility

Video is now the primary way that today’s population consumes content. Business marketers are increasingly incorporating videos into their company websites and social media.

The problem is that many businesses fail to include subtitles and captions to their videos. Failing to do so means that a large part of their potential audience are unable to engage with the content. Subtitles and captions are essential because a lot of individuals consume video without sound: they are hearing impaired, deaf, or in an unsuitable environment.

Subtitles and captions not only make it possible for every viewer and listener to access the content, they have been shown to increase the watch time by 12 percent.

Adding subtitles and captions to video files is time-consuming if done manually. Audio to text transcription services make adding subtitles and captions an easy process. Simply upload your video to a secure external website and in a few short minutes you can have an SRT file to embed into your video to create subtitles and captions instantly.

Streamlining Market Research Data Collection

More than ever, business are engaging in market research to understand their clients wants, likes, and dislikes. Undertaking UX testing and hosting focus group discussions are several ways that this data is collected.

Just like it is essential to capture all the content of internal meetings, it is also essential to record and analyse all the conversations that are uttered by your target market. Here is where audio to text transcription can help.

Re-listening to hours of conversation is a time-consuming process. However, scanning a text document for the relevant information is much quicker. Additionally you can use the CTRL + F function to later find key data quickly across multiple sessions. Moreover, as the data is already typed out, you will save time in collating the data and writing up a report for senior management later.

Hosting Press Conferences

Audio to text transcription can help with press conferences too. Just like internal meetings, recording and later transcribing press conferences, allows you to capture everything that was said.

Later, you can use the collected material to help you provide a detailed report to senior management. You can also use it as reference to note which comments were on and off the record in case of any disputes. Additionally, you can use it determine which journalists you may need to follow-up with after the press conference.

Moreover, perhaps one of your senior executives made a quote-worthy, catchy comment during the proceedings. By recording the event you have a word-for-word account of that quote that you can use in future press releases.

Audio to text transcription is increasingly important in today’s fast-paced business world. It is becoming best practice to record internal meetings, capture events, include subtitles on videos, streamline data collection, and document press conferences. Having a text record of these events can help engage with customers better, keep senior management informed, and reduce heavy workloads for employees. A win-win for everyone!

If you want to know more about how audio to text transcription can help your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Happy Scribe.

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