CyberNews grows to more than 270K YouTube subscribers with the help of Happy Scribe ́s subtitles

Niek Leermakers
Niek Leermakers
Posted in Case Studies
2 min read

CyberNews case study

Helping to make the cyberworld more accessible

The CyberNews YouTube channel delivers the latest insights and trends in cybersecurity and technology. Its commitment to high-quality, engaging videos has made it a go-to resource for anyone interested in staying informed about the rapidly changing tech world.

CyberNews is available via nine separate YouTube channels, covering six different languages. CyberNews uses Happy Scribe’s AI-powered and expert-reviewed foreign subtitles and transcriptions to deliver content daily on these channels.

“We ́re happy about the quality of the subtitles from Happy Scribe and the speed as well. It's actually rather fast, it rarely takes longer than a day and that's great for us!”
YouTube Team Lead, CyberNews

Results with the help of Happy Scribe

CyberNews case study results

Customer Challenge: Delivering high-quality, tailored, local content in 6 different languages

As a rapidly growing channel, CyberNews had a goal to extend its influence beyond English-speaking audiences to tap into the vast opportunities presented by global markets.

CyberNews wanted to create and deliver content that not only resonated with local interests but also responded to local trends and matched the tastes of viewers in each of the six separate regions they had channels available in. With this in mind, CyberNews carefully crafted content to meet these requirements and developed a production workflow that ensured video production could happen at scale.

The next step was to find a partner that could provide:

“With just an English channel we were missing out on business opportunities. We want a brand that's recognized worldwide and caters specifically to local audiences around the world.”
YouTube Team Lead, CyberNews

For CyberNews, quality is paramount. Many of their viewers watch videos in silent mode, relying on subtitles to engage with the content. If the subtitles aren't top-notch, viewers struggle to understand and interact with the videos, directly affecting how people perceive the Cybernews brand.

CyberNews needed nothing less than high quality subtitles!

The Solution: Happy Scribe ́s services for high quality foreign subtitles

CyberNews chose Happy Scribe’s AI-powered media localization services to meet their multilingual content needs. This decision was driven by Happy Scribe’s provision of:

And the results? Increased reach, increased revenue and the creation of an outstanding global brand!

Happy Scribe has contributed to CyberNews' successful expansion into global markets. The reliable, high-quality media localization services have helped CyberNews to maintain its professional standards while reaching a broader audience. As CyberNews continues to grow, they look forward to further collaborations with Happy Scribe to find new global opportunities!

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