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It's going down, Bert, Krischer and I are doing stand up at the Rose Bowl, go to two bears, one bowl dotcom and get tickets now. October 28th, it's going to happen at the granddaddy of them all, two bears, one bowl dotcom. Hey, if you missed the live show, you can still rent it the rest of this week. Why a major virtual dotcom? We partied. We partied hearty. Get tickets. Hey, guys, my Netflix series, The Cabin is streaming right now.


Check it out. I hope you enjoy it. Ellis showed up. Thompson Yeah. And Tom grabbed me and he whispered in my ear and he goes, Please don't tell him how bad you beat me. He'll never look at me the same.


And I went, OK, well, it wasn't like that at all. I said was, don't tell him what happened.


Go tell him what happened.


Wouldn't understand a hundred percent. I'm feeling sober and I'm feeling good. Hey, happy, sober October man. Hey man, same to you. How are you doing. It's been a struggle.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I've been trying to up my mg count every day. Yeah. So that's been tough.


Just me. I've been drinking lots of coffee and water and, and kettlebell swings working on my archery and throwing my friends under the bus on social media.


That's what I do. I mean I hope you guys have been having a fun so. Oh that's hilarious.


Fucking and my my inbox is just fucking filled.


Why'd you bitch out? Are you a bitch, Bert. Why are you such a bitch? David Goggins wouldn't have done it this way. Yeah. Cameron hands wouldn't have done this. If I'm like this is incredibly misleading.


The idea that we missed out, we bitched out. Incredibly misleading.


Yeah. Like incredibly misleading to the point that be real. If I had done this because for the record was October started, no one had spoken about it. I had reached out to Joe and you and Ari two weeks, three weeks before sobre October and said, hey guys, are we doing so? Rocktober Yeah. And nobody even answered it was radio silence. And I was like, and when the idea of this came up like a month or two ago, everybody, including Joe, was like, I'm not doing so.


Rocktober Joe actually was very explicit about not doing so Rocktober because he was doing what he was doing. He was doing the garden. He was. Yeah, yeah. He's doing the gardening in the garden. And he was doing the Boston or Boston Arena. Yeah. And he was like, and I'm not going to not party for those days. And we're like, yeah, I get it. And I remember him saying like these are really good, but we should do it.


We don't need to do him in October. We can do one in March, we can do one then. And so we're like, OK, cool. And we're all not in the same city anymore and we're not all in the same city.


And here's another little sidebar. Me and Tom had thought about doing so Rocktober on two bears, but thought it's not the whole group. Like we started it as a group.


It was started as a intervention for me to see to see if you could go a month without drinking. Yeah.


And I think it morphed into more than that. It morphed into a competition and it was fun as fuck, I think, honestly. I mean, if we're going to be very 100 in this. Yeah, I think last year it was fucked because ah he drugged me. Yeah. And no one talked for the entire month of October. And what was our competition.


I don't remember why I've been so drunk and high.


I don't remember we had to do we had to do ten different classes. That's right.


Which we didn't even hold each other accountable to at all. At all of fucking ridiculous shit. Oh yeah. At all.


And then. And then. And then I was like and then I get a text what like Saturday morning into October. It's October 2nd or so.


October 3rd. Hey guys, are we doing so Rocktober and. Yeah or. Nah yeah.


And I just Rosalina Elna and then I wrote it's seven thirty in the morning. I wrote Oh no I'm drinking at this moment. Right. Which is a which I hate to say this, I have to say this is a joke. Yeah. It was a Saturday morning. Not an implausible joke but not crazy.


Yes. By the way. Not crazy.


That's like that's like that's like like if Takashi's six nine is like and then I fuck the kid, OK, listen, I didn't vote, but I have four kids in the back. Right. Right. Allegedly. Allegedly. Allegedly. Allegedly. But like you. Yeah, it was believable.


But I knew you were joking.


I was definitely joking. And then and then we could just get this torrent of people who are like, why did you bitch out?


But I didn't know why I didn't. So I didn't. I don't like. Yeah, by the way, I really am not all over social media. I genuinely am not on it much. So all of a sudden I start getting emails to my barber thing. Yeah. And getting texts to my community thing of like why'd you bitch out man. This concerned like so if Joe decides not to do it, it's no big deal. If Tom decides not to do it, it's no big deal.


The second I decide not to do it, I have a problem. I have a problem. And they're concerned.


Yeah, well, I got I got a lot of them, too, and I just responded to the same to all of them. First of all, like, it's not a challenge to me. It's not hard. It's not a challenge.


It's not for any of us to not drink or do drugs. I'm not hard. Clearly, we've done it.


I know a lot of you have substance abuse issues and it might be a challenge for you. It's not a challenge for me.


OK, got it's not harder. Would be a tough one. No sugar, no sugar, no sugar. September. Oops.


We'll do it next year because it sounds better. Yes, but yeah but but I mean this shit is not that squat.


Yeah. Look, this is SS baby now. Yeah. It's not that, that's, that's not a challenge.


It's also I guess in the uniforms, you know SS armbands were September or September. But I do think that it's uh it's also it's it's going gonna end up being sober October because you you started after the month started.


So it's mostly sober, active on the fourth of October. Yeah. I'm still on the fence.


Oh, it's not a real thing. So this is but look, I understand people get excited and they feel like it's it's a it's a community thing. We're doing it together.


Oh, hold. Fine. I'll say this. Yeah. I didn't see the text Instagram, by the way.


Shut up, Joe. I got like five thousand followers.


If you just keep talking shit about me because it really does boost my followers. I loved it. Yeah. I saw the text one later and I saw it and I was like, I was like, all right, that's funny, you know, like I was funny. Yeah.


Was playful, it was playful. And Artur's pies were exactly what we said. Yeah. But then the one that like kind of threw me sideways was I'm driving in the car in the morning with Lee-Anne and Arrigo's. I'm always on acid.


Yeah. That's what I did.


Nobody was talking about either because I hadn't seen the post. So when Ari was like he called me a drug, I'm like, who called you a drug addict?


I was like, I wrote a book, by the way. It's totally accurate. Fuck yeah. Who said it? And I was like, I'm lost.


And then and then goes like, yeah, guys, are we doing this or not. He'd already posted it. Yeah. You already posted it saying that we had bitch down here. He said my boys Tom Tominaga bitched out which. Dude, I bitch out a lot, but let me bitch out for real before I bitch out. Yeah, I am a total bitch. I get it. I will bitch out non-stop. Let me do the bitching out, though.


Yeah. No, no, I know. And also when I didn't like when he asked are we doing this. And I said, hell no, I'm doing it like oh no we're not like we're not doing that like not like we're having a serious conversation.


It's like, it's like going it's like are we are we are we eating chicken wings right now. No.


Hypothetically say you and your family in your house, it's five o'clock and you go, hey, are we going to the movies tonight? Yeah. And everyone says no one replies are looking at their phones. Right. You're like, are we not going to the movies? And your wife says, well, I'm definitely going to the movies because I'm doing the garden in October and I'm going to be not watching movies that day. And you go, OK, well, gee, that is a perfect no thank you.


And then and then you and then and then all of a sudden your daughter wakes you up at 10:00 at night and goes, are we going to that eight o'clock movie? It's still on. And you're like, hold on, I'm in pajamas now. It's also eight thirty, sweetie, it's eight thirty. Honey, we missed the movie. Yeah. She's like, well we can start now. And I go, yeah, but we don't know that.


So that's that.


By the way, that sounded like a drug addict trying to explain. Yeah. And like somebody but just wait.


It was it just me. And then your brain starts going to conspiracy theory of like.


Yeah. Of like because it's never been like this.


Like it was never it was before. It was never I didn't.


The one guy decided to do so. Rocktober three days into the month. I also thought when the question was asked and the group text like are we doing this. I thought it was we will. But also like I, I thought the question was almost asked in jest, like we doing like. Well obviously not.


It's October 3rd. And then I'm in bed and I'm like. Is it because Tom and I pulled two bears off Spotify? This is really how you brought it, because I said Spotify call the like DOS or Rocktober does. Well, Joe, we just need to get rid of those fucking guys. You got one guy who can't stop drugging people. You got two guys who pulled their platform off. Listen, buddy, this is just you get some of your real inspirational friends like him, hangings and goblins and Goggins campaigns.


Guys run marathons every day. Right.


Do I bet David Goggins would have a hard time also brought here to get through it? But but like I get it. I mean, I get it. And that, Joe, is more of like a like a bigger Yeah. Thing now. And it's not it's not just like. It's not what it was, socks, because it was fucking it was fun, it was like one man, it was a lot of fun. All right, let's talk about this with our own thing.


So if you watched the two bears, one cave live show, the double of that, which is still available, if you go to IMH virtual dotcom, you can rent it. You'll have it for, I believe, five days or so to watch. It was a lot of fun. Thank you for for joining us there.


You saw the tennis footage. So let me just say this. When we brought it up, when I brought up those second tennis lessons. You said I'll destroy you and for the people that don't know. You did oh, OK, and I hate you, I by the way, I said to the dog, I said I said, were you shocked that I won?


And he goes, Oh, totally. If you if you asked me, I would have put all my money on top.


Well, here's the thing, though. Here's the thing. I mean, I'll break everything down and we're going to we're going to want to talk to your tennis coach about I he's he's fantastic.


But here's the thing, Matt. I think that, like, if it was been a regular ground game match, we were pretty equally matched.


I would actually argue that you were better than I was because I have a lot of aggressive, bad habits that you were beating me on consistently.


Like I have to go to the net. Yeah, well, but let me say something here.


I also feel a little hoodwinked.


OK, why? Multiple reasons. Well, number one. Number one, when you were describing.


Yeah. That a little bit when we were talking about tennis and like our backgrounds, I like I played as can you play as a kid? And then you said to me at one point, you go, well, you played in like tournaments and stuff. And so you'll you'll destroy me. And I go, I didn't play in tournaments. And you're like, oh, that was it. After our match, I was like, Yo man, your serve was insane.


And you go, Yeah, I used to play in tournaments.


Yeah, I played in tournaments too. But no, no, no, I never said it. You can find where you can find the footage, even the footage. If you say this is what I said to you last podcast or Dubai guys ago, I said if Tom said he played in tournaments then he actually played in like 50 tournaments. If I say I played in tournaments I played into. But I'll make you feel like it's 50, OK, which is accurate.


I did play in tournaments. I did. Now here's the thing.


I tip my hat off to you on a number of ways. No one just straight up for it. For what you did for winning. Number two for giving. No indication that you serve the way you serve, you gave me zero zero. I wish I could see what I've seen them, but I want I want a montage of all the good serves. Oh, we will have them for you.


Oh, no, no. You deserve it. You deserve it.


You you. You're such a cunt.


I guess the best was your your cheering team because Bush showed up and cheered you on. Yeah. Yeah. You're your coach was cheering you on. Yeah. Those three people who I didn't know was here. I didn't know them either. They were just sitting on the court cheering for.


I know, I know. Everyone was cheering you. But the best was that at one point they would cheer for you when I made a mistake. Yeah.


They go, yeah, yeah. By the way, do you know what that felt like? That that felt so special needs because I was so dejected already. And here's here's what killed me the most.


Here's what killed me. I felt like I was prepared to play. A match with you in every regard, except I never I never imagined that your serve would be your serve, so I was I was not prepared. And after, like a few games, I was so down about it and like, not even I wasn't even trying to return the serve at one point. And it made me so depressed that I wasn't even going to be able to, like, engage in the game with you.


So, like yesterday, all I did was play with Mike and have him serve the way you serve. No. Yeah. Are you serious? Yeah.


I was like, do Burt serve? And he can like he can switch up, you know, he's pretty good.


Yeah, he's pretty good. And well, let's call him. You want to call. Let's call it. I'm dying to talk to him, OK? He's I'm dying to talk. I really want to hear him talk about my game. Oh, he'll he'll he will.


I imagine that you were into the idea of him telling you that you're sharp in my head. Yes. Yes.


By the way, it should be noted LeAnn thinks I've coronavirus. Cool. Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum. Hello, Michael. Hey, hey, it's Tom and Bert, we're on two bears, one cave. Thank you very much for answering. How are you doing, man? Good, how are you guys? We're doing well, we're just recapping the awful events that took place not too long ago.


But I've been you know, I had to commend my friend on his, you know, job well done. He won fair and square. But I also wanted him to hear from an expert like yourself, a Division one college tennis player, a pro that teaches all types of people what you really thought of his serve.


I mean, I'll be honest, I've never seen that kind of discrepancy between a serve and the rest of someone's game in my life.


This is like when I saw him warming up with you, I thought, OK, he's definitely the player we expected, the player he sort of relayed to you.


Right. And then he started warming up, getting services like, OK, his motion, very good. That's clearly a strong point of his game. And then he served, you know, the first game to you. Yeah. A double faulted four times. And I was like, oh, OK. And then all of a sudden he just got into, like, a pocket, a groove, and the guy just started bombing serves. I was I was blown away by it.


I really just really impressed.


I mean, yeah, I mean, you, me. I think, by the way, there's something so that the audience knows the day before our match, Burt got drunk. Can I say with whom or no. Yeah. Yeah.


Got drunk with stone cold Steve Austin and he showed up looking like a bag of hot shit like dragging so hung over with uncrossable.


He's wearing like fucking dumb clothes. He I mean, he just looked like a mess and he was like, oh, I'm so hung over.


I got so drunk. So I turned to Mike and I go, you know, he got drunk yesterday. He goes, You're going to kill him. And then he takes a pause and he goes, unless he's like some John Daley type. And I go, he's exactly Egidio.


So wait. So wait.


Here's my question, Mike. Yeah, I hit my first serve. So this is an interesting part of the story. Yeah, we're warming up. And and I didn't warm up properly. Normally I warm up a lot slower. Yeah. So that I can get my groundstrokes going by. I never got to my groundstrokes ever feeling comfortable in the warm up. So I was kind of at a disadvantage. I felt okay with my backhand which my back hands not too bad but my forehand is is lost if I don't warm up.


Right. Yeah. And so then we get and I'm like, well fuck it.


I think and it should be noted, like for people that you lost the first to get your down. Oh. To Yeah.


And so, but what's interesting is Lindsey says, Tom, can I do an interview with you. And you're like yeah. So you go off. Yeah. To the back corner and I do my serve and I do my first serve to Mike and Mike when I hit my first serve to you said something, you went, oh wow. And I was like, oh yeah. What did you say? You said something. I just I just remarked that, oh, wow, you had a really you had really nice technique on it.


Yeah. And I was like, oh yeah. And I go, I have a pretty OK serve. And then I have I have like three different types of serve's. I have a flat serve, the one I hit. And then I have this kickback served where I throw it behind my head and I hit it with with like a weird topspin kind of. And yeah.


And I, I think I did one of those. I did my flat sort of once to you when we played my flat serves a lot better, but it's less, more, more unpredictable. And, and, but Tom didn't see any of these serve's. You're doing your interview.


But I, I had seen one serve and actually I was doing the pre match interview with Lindsey. And I go, I saw I saw one serve. And I go, I think Burt might be better than I thought.


Really? Yes. Because here's the thing.


When we were preparing for this match, you know, at first I was like just getting back into tennis. Then we're getting closer to, hey, we're figuring out a date to do it.


So in the game, my game is like improving. We're doing different things, you know, like getting the forehand better, the back, the backhand, working on vollies. And then, like, you know, we're like we're expecting like pretty much an equal match. That's what I think we're going for.


And then at one point, you know, we're talking about service returns and like, naturally, I even I go I mean, yeah, served to me. And then, you know, he he does Michael do like some crazy stuff.


And he goes, he's not going to serve like that. And I go, yeah, of course not. Like like why would Burt have a really advanced serve.


Like I mean I, I just didn't expect it. But it was. It was. And also, Mike, even to to further blow up your ego, Mike said that the other coaches, because there are coaches watching up from above in that booth in like the clubhouse there that they were noting.


They're like the guys service fucking real.


No, yeah, so when I went after you guys left, I went up there and I was talking with my coaches, my co-workers who are estimate the match, and these were all they're all very good players, former college players, some Division one, Division two, Division three, whatever. And they were like they were talking about I remember you and I, we played a couple of points against the both of you. Yeah. And you hit one of your flat surface to me.


And when you hit it to me, I got it back. You put it right in my body. Great serve. Right. I got it back with a back. And in that moment I was like I felt like, oh, my God, I'm back in college again. Like, I think that's how the surf felt to me. I was like, that is a legit surf. And the coaches then coming back were like, I can't believe, sir.


They were like, oh my God, that that's they like I think that sort of came in like 110, 115 miles out. And I was like, I know, yeah. But it was unbelievable.


They also said they're like, but the rest of his game is dog shit. I'm like, how do I get how do I get the discrepancy out? That's my question. Can I tell you what my can I tell you my this is my theory. I feel like when I swing harder, I have more control of the ball. But I can't get I can't get the confidence to swing harder on a groundstrokes. And what will help is if you can so if you notice with Tom's swing, we've been developing like a nice sort of topspin forehand.


He gets a lot of topspin on his forehand. You would need the same kind of thing on both your strokes.


Oh, I think I've been sort of allows you to I think if you saw me if you saw me play, I think if you saw me play, not in a match, I can't play.


I never use it for a reason. It fucks you up in a match. I get very like, let's just save the point as opposed to a part of that is because we don't play a lot, you know?


I mean, so it's like it's the nerves of like we were making it in like if we had just went there to hit balls together, it probably would have been different, you know, but we made it a thing. And I think that our nerves also were we're at play that flat surface pretty good, huh?


Mike, if I told Tom, if you came to me for a lesson and you asked me about, like, improving anything on your serve, I would literally have no notes for you. I would really just say, let me teach you how to hit an even more advanced serve than you already have. Like I would just teach you the various different kinds of spins you can add to the serve and how to play it better. There's like nothing I would change in your motion.


He's so happy you realize you're just getting me in trouble for the next bit, like someone's, you know, Fox is going to be like, so I heard you can play tennis. And I was like, I think me and Tom could take you in Costa easy.


OK, all right. I'll be like, oh, yeah.


By the way, are you going to grant me a rematch if I go to work and try to get to 100 percent? OK, yeah, I say we do a doubles match with my coach and your coach.


OK, ok, sure. We could do that too. I mean, why not. Right. We can definitely try that. What we should do a one on one again at some point we should do a one on one. Yeah. But yeah it was fun. It was a fun, it was a fun day.


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Get to know yourself on a deeper level. Unlock yourself with woop. Why way did your coach play college tennis?


Have no idea. You have no idea. Do you even talk to the guy. Yeah.


You never asked. His cousins are really famous tennis players.


Oh great. Great guy. His cousins are really, really famous tennis. But you know his cousins, right, Mike? The Bryan brothers, yeah, yeah, the Bryan brothers. Oh, that's right. Oh, yeah, probably they're probably the two greatest doubles players of all time. Jesus. Yeah.


So you think it's a genetic that the whole family has it. They're not as tall as my coaches are twins to, oddly enough. Yeah. And so is your coach tall. No. Oh no. But but he's he parties. OK, these are all really good and things.


I know about some tennis game. Yeah. I get, I get here. He said to me, this is I've only took I only played for a week before, before the match roughly.


Maybe like I knew this too. I knew you would have fucking zero preparation, zero preparation. Didn't don't even own those racquets. I borrowed those racquets. I don't have a racquet.


And and he said to me, there's so much I need to fix in your groundstrokes right now, but I'm afraid that I'm just going to fuck you up. So, yeah. Just hope that you can out your serve is enough. I played my coach and hit my serve and he goes, your serves great. Just just serve. If you serve well, you're going to win. Oh, so so he did tell you that he's like your serve.


I have. So out of my three serves the one that Mike do you know what I'm talking about. It's where you throw it a little bit behind you and hit it.


Yeah. It's called a it's called the kick sir. Kick serve my kick serves better than any of my serves really. And you did that or. I didn't do it because I was I was. I'm still in this like just try to get the point. Yeah.


I just wanted to I it was interesting, too, like the the psychology behind, like winning and losing and how it affects you.


Like as far as the match was going on and you were landing more, I was getting more and more dejected, but I could see that in your body.


But I just thought you were like because after the first two games I was like, Tom thinks he has this.


No, I didn't really I didn't know.


I didn't I was really happy that I had the two games, but I felt like I needed, like, things to work out for me to do because I really was I was telling Mike to that like I was full of nerves. I don't think my nerves actually started to actually go down until I won the one game in the second set. That's when my nerves started.


I understand when you say you had nerves, Mike, do you ever have nerves when you play? Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, I knew exactly what he was talking about because I could see it in his body language and the way he was approaching his shots, once I told them I said the same thing at the second half of that second set, you started to calm down. Yeah, I totally saw it.


I was I was really, like, tense. I was very tense. And I wasn't like I was throwing balls like half up instead of, like, fully up. I was just like and I was actually very annoyed at the gallery.


Why? Because they were cheering. Yeah, but I mean, like, I also didn't want to be watched, you know, and I wanted to just be just be playing you. And I felt like all this added, you know, it's like you feel like someone you're like, hey, man, I want you take a walk.


The best was everyone was cheering for you every time. Every time something good happened for you. Yeah. And then one time I did something good and fucking my cousin Andrew goes, way to go, Bert. I was like, Andrew, we're good.


Hey, Mike. How many. But how many.


Because I bet you probably saw let's not even say like stroke wise. How I'll tell you the two things I know I do that I can't help is I play at a very, very quick pace. And I bet I bet if someone was playing against me, they could get me out of my rhythm and get me into a different rhythm. And that would fuck me up my right. One hundred percent, yeah, one hundred percent, I think I think Tom actually has a very good approach of slowing things down.


And you kept pointing that out during the match. Yeah. So I think you're aware of it. But I think that a good thing for you is that and this is why a serve is so important. There's this pro player on tour. You can look him up. His name is Ivo Karlovic. He's like 41 or 42. The guys maybe got the best serve in tennis and he's able to compete just from just by being able to use his serve.


And so when you're serving really well, your confidence goes to the roof and you actually want to play quicker when you're serving well. You actually see pros who are serving when they're serving really well, they speed up their play because they just have lots of confidence. So for today, for that that day, it worked really well for you. Actually, everything kind of came together.


My other my other FLL fault is I want to be at the net like I whenever I immediately charge the net I like. And I and Tom was beating me very quickly at the beginning, just hitting it, lobbing it over my head. Yeah. The lob get it to the lob was a was the only thing that I felt like was working on you. But look man congrats Bert. Thank you. You know that I was so dejected when I left.


I went home, I hit both kids. I held, I held Christina's head under the pool and the water. It was it took a lot men with the best part.


The best part. Mike, you don't know this, but Alice showed up. Thompson Yeah. And Tom grabbed me and he whispered in my ear and he goes, Please don't tell him how bad you beat me. He'll never look at me the same.


And I went, OK, I won't say it wasn't like that at all. I said was, don't tell them what happened.


Go tell them what happened. Wouldn't understand.


Hey, Mike, you just made my my my year. Yeah. And this is a guy, by the way, I hear this is a guy who it will not go to his head, Mike.


So thank you. He's a very grounded individual and this won't blow up. I can't wait to get a tennis racket and start practice.


Oh, shut the fuck up, Mike.


Thank you so much, man. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks, guys. Thanks, Mike.


But we will be real. How do we? Because when we played them, there was a second where I thought, yeah, what me and you got isn't athletic, but it's definitely had Fakhoury. Yeah. Like there was a second when we were playing him. Yeah. Where he was like where we were going up back and forth and points.


No, no, no, no, no, no. There was a second now there was a second. Nope.


He went by the way he went from just standing and watching with his shoes untied.


Yeah. How do these guys and served a 125 mile an hour serve and you know, he aced us.


He aced us so bad.


He was the number one player in the state of Michigan. He was big time D1 college. How did you meet him? Just walked up to that place to take lessons.


Really? Yeah, actually, the truth is, no. We went to get Ellis' lessons, and then when I wasn't, I was just like, oh, and then you saw me like, who's this cute guy?


I was like, Hey, man, what do you do know? I he was taking a lesson with somebody else and we decide what if what if we took a lesson at the same time, like right next to you and know.


Well, like he could be on a court. Oh I thought you unless I was like, yeah, let's let's double up.


Dude, you're four. Let's do this. Um, wait, did you you told the man that we had a ten thousand dollar bet. Yeah.


She goes she's I said I was getting a coronavirus test before I came to play tennis with you and a flu shot and which is ironic. Lansing's I've coronavirus. I would have only gotten it. I couldn't have gotten I would have gotten it from you. You're the only person I saw. Yeah.


And she, I, I was just talking, the whole crew for the tour was there and I was just talking out my ass and I said yeah. Tominaga playing. And I said ten thousand dollars today and I but I was just came out wrong and Lanús what did you just say? And she got so upset I said, listen I and are playing for ten thousand dollars today. She goes, you are not playing Tom for ten thousand dollars. And I said, why is that bad.


And she went you fucking idiot.


You haven't you don't even have a racket like you don't have a racket. You don't mean that you took a week of lessons and you think you can beat them. She goes, you know that Tom's coming in prepared. You know that he's been practicing. You know that. And I go, that's not I go. I trust in my abilities.


And then and then I threw a temper tantrum about some trees that we apparently trees are fairly expensive. Yeah, I didn't know anything, but I don't know about trees.


Oh, we bought a bunch to, like, surround a property. Yeah. You're at your new house and a bunch of them died and I threw a temper tantrum and I was like, I was like, fuckin why would we get these stupid ass fucking trees? They're like cherry trees or something. Not cherry trees, but like they're like a type of cherry tree. When I wanted ficus I guess is strong and they're like where their roots are invasive, I go and buy a fucking ficus and she goes, well you can now with your ten thousand dollars to get the fuck you want.


And I was like, I don't really have ten thousand dollars.


Like I was, I was just joking. I was like, I was like never mind, we'll just keep these shit trees fucking shit, you know.


She said to me, this is this is OK.


I'm trying to level my emotion right now because I, I think that and this is this is what started this whole fucking argument.


I find out another one of our comedian friends is moving out of L.A., right? And I'm like and I just tweet off, I go.


And I'm fine with everyone leaving L.A., like I said to you, I don't know what your I really don't know what your plans are. I know that you guys have plans of possibly moving, but I don't know. Nothing's set in stone right now. Yeah, whatever.


But I said to you on the phone, I think it would be great for your boys to grow up in a lake.


I think it would be amazing. I definitely agree. Outside of L.A., you said outside of L.A.. I definitely think that.


I really do think that. Do I want you to stay in L.A. like more than a hundred percent? Like, I don't want you to leave at all. I don't want I didn't want you to leave. I didn't I don't want Joey to leave. I don't I don't like like I would want I want all of us back together. That's not the way it's going to be. I get it. But I get this one more tweet and these fucking cunts, this cunt says to me, how how's it feel that you have no friends, bro?


And I'm like, But it does mean something to me because I'm like, yeah, I know all my friends are gone. Yeah, it does suck. And what's it feel like? You're building a fucking house and all your friends are gone. Hubbert panic much. And I'm like, fuck off. By the way, I blocked him. I was like your garbage human being dude who's only a bass fisherman that fucking you're a piece of shit.


Who the fuck fishing for bass.


Anyone these days, I think is a real specific about what he does back on this guy.


He fucking every pictures of him with another bass. Yeah. And I'm like fucking I believe they're called bass fish bass. Yeah.


So I block him and then I get in, I go, I tweet out, I will run for mayor of Los Angeles before I move out of this fucking city. Yeah. And then I settle in and this is what is wrong with how people perceive me.


OK, ok, let's be good. I say stupid shit, huh? I say crazy shit, but all it takes is one Lionel what's his name again? Lyle, one Lyle to get my back in this, if that's all it takes.


Yeah. And I said to LeAnn. I bet if I ran for mayor, I could fix this fucking city and she said, you're you're being stupid, I said, don't do that. You're shutting down an idea. You're not letting it get off the ground. Let it get off the ground, let it breathe, see if it makes any sense. And she goes, you're being dumb. You could not be mayor. I go, hold on.


I definitely could be mayor.


Like, here's the thing. This goes back to your idea that morons are dreamers. Yes, but I don't remember having that idea.


But you said that the problem with smart people is they don't dream and that morons do dream. So let us fucking dream.


Let me dream and then and then have a smart guy hear me out and go. Actually, this does make sense. I need someone to go. When we came up with two bears, one holding Corp..


Right. You came up with when I came up with two bears, one holding Corp..


Yeah. I wouldn't want to be known as somebody that came up with that idea.


All we need is one brilliant guy. Yes. To go actually like Mark Cuban. Right. I'm making this pitch to Mark Cuban. OK, Mark Cuban. You can get into the ground level right now, but like, I need one brilliant guy to go. Actually, this isn't that bad of an idea.


I remember you remember when I said, I want to sell my I want to sell my business to Mark Cuban. Yeah.


I was like, I'm going to sell me to Mark Cuban and just invest in me. Invest in me. Yeah. And see where it takes you. By the way, everyone thought that was dumb as fuck, including all my agents and including everyone. However, had I pitched myself to Mark Cuban at that time, yeah. He would make millions of he would have made millions of dollars on an investment. Yeah. And by the way, I probably he would have been investing.


I would have a connection to Mark Cuban. For real. Yeah. So my point is this. I say I could run for mayor and Lanús Landstar are shutting it down. I said you're what's wrong? You're the teacher that told Richard Pryor, stop being a fucking jackass and sit down. You're the you're the one killing the dream.


I go, I said, I need you to be like Tom right now and just hear me out. She was just called Tom. I don't want to hear you talking about being mayor and not granted. There's a lot of holes in this theory.


I didn't know that it was four years, which seems really long on paper. I can't imagine in life four years of just living in L.A. and just wearing a suit and shaking hands with people and fucking be exhausting.


You would be really over being a mayor quick. I think. I think it would be very over, very quick, but I think I would fix things. What would you fix? Oh, I'm fixing homeless people right now. How are you fixing that?


Getting rid of them, not getting rid of them, like put them on buses and ship them out. Although if that is like see, here's the thing is I also am open to moronic ideas and I like to let shit breathe.


So if someone's like, what if we put them on buses and moving to Bakersfield, no one's going to notice.


Bakersfield is pretty rough as it is. Yeah, but like the idea and I'd be like, hold on, this makes sense. Yeah. Like but like I was I really honestly was like, I bet my plan for being mayor. I was like, No one, I'm just a figurehead, I'm going to hire all the really good people that know what the fuck they're doing, right? Yeah. And then we're just going to go and I'm going to make TSAs.


All we have homeless are we're going to have a gang bang Anzar. We're going to have like and I'm going to fix all that shit and go. But no one thing is we got to start getting rich people to leave our fucking city.


Yeah, well, just, Joe, the the handful of people I know that are leaving, that is 500 million dollars that left the city that left our fucking city. Well, because, no, there's a lot more people that you don't know.


There are so many rich people leaving our city that you're going to leave it to just it's just sitcom actors and fucking soap stars. Yeah. And it's like all these fucking titans of industry are gone. We need to keep those motherfuckers because no fuck tax dollars. Keep them. Let's do it. I could be bigger. The mayor, like, I just it's like. And so that was Lee-Anne just got mad at me and then a bunch of people started.


Then you start hearing the people that agree with you being mayor and you're like, well, maybe it was a bad idea.


I love that you could go full circle with that and be mad at people and then be mad at the people who agree with your idea. Yes, that was nice.


By the way, my first line of business being mayor at the time, you got to be mayor down to a year. I don't know who wants to be mayor for four fucking I think people that really want to be mayor want it to be for long. What is Eric Garcetti s deal anyway?


Sounds like a gangster to me. He does. Or the name. Yeah.


Eric Garcetti here. Yeah. Hey, it's Eric Garcetti. Let's let's see. Maybe I can just support Eric Garcetti. Is he he's got to be Democrat. There's no we got way. We got a Republican mayor.


Jesus. How old is he. Oh, he's got to be 40, he's got to be 50 50 to. Here he is. He's Mexican, he's Jewish. Looks like he's the city's first elected Jewish mayor, a second consecutive Mexican-American. Oh, yeah, I remember very well, so Rosa wasn't that wasn't his last name, right? It wasn't. No. Go to the library. Royals. Good.


Did you just have to sit down and write down his name?


Just tap on his name, preceded by. There you go. His real name. Isn't that really? Wait, maybe it is scroll down. He looks like it's Glorioso. Scroll, scroll, scroll to early life, what's his real name? It'll say early life, yeah, that born on Roman Villa Jr.. Yeah, but I want to say he took his wife's name. Well, who's the guy that that's a different last name right there, man, Vellore?


Well, yeah, because he's Yeah. Villaraigosa So yeah. So we find out how he got his last name on this is going to say they're just.


Keep scrolling, scroll down, OK, he changed his surname to look upon his marriage to Karina Rugosa. Also he combined Vellore and Rugosa to be a U.S. intersection. Yeah, that's pretty interesting. I've never I didn't know someone ever did that.


I think you do it when you're running for mayor in a predominantly Mexican city. But he was up here and he had the visa, I think. Yeah, but that's like Krischer. And if you're like, I'm running for mayor in Germany, Krischer. Garbles gerbils. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Oh, no, no, no.


I'm just saying, like I'm saying, German name Sorano Schwarzenegger.


Maybe if I change my name to Veha Krischer. There you go. Run for mayor. There you go. Why did he, did he get ousted for some shit.


I don't even know anything about mayors. Like I want to go, I want to go to something real quick. Go to our list.


Because it was fun, like the competition thing is fun. What else? OK, I'm trying to think of other competitions. That's all I've been doing all weekend. OK, so what I here's what I know. There's things that I know you're better at and the things that I don't know, OK. Like what? Like I know you're a better golfer.


OK, so it's not really a competition, right. Yep. That's it. That's all I know. OK, so like things that I think would be an even match.


I was doing this last night.


OK, like archery. Let's do archery because I mean I don't have the archery background.


I competed in tournaments as a kid. Did you really know. But I'm a pretty good archer. How do you know this just am. Why is this a hidden thing or are you going to be like, well, actually when I was 14, I'm going to show I'm going to send I'm going to send Nadav a clip, OK, of you doing that? Yeah, this is so this is. I wonder if Cody texted it to me, but Cody texted it to me.


Wait. Is this going to be of use actually shooting an arrow? Oh, of course. OK, you ready? Yeah. Hang on here, boy. Hold on, let me let me I want this to be so. Just text it to unit of. OK, here we go. So so I bought. OK, I don't mean this. I'm trying to be as fair as I know, the people are very passionate about archery, but growing up in Florida, there were always compound bows or recurve bows around if you went to anyone's lake house, if you went anywhere.


And so a lot of times we spent time shooting bows and arrows when Joe got into archery. Yeah, I told you one time we were in in Hawaii. And I forget the price point.


We were doing a show and we were with a bunch of guys that were on Steve Case's land.


Right. And that's the AOL guy, yeah, Steve Case has a ton of land, I think, in Lana'i or KWI, and we're on his land, we're at his actual house and we're having a cookout. And we had hunted a pig that day and it started raining under a tent and they had an archery target up. And they said and I said, oh, I bet I could I bet I could hit it from here. And they started laughing.


They're like, you definitely couldn't hit it from here. I went, No, I'm pretty certain I could hit I bet I couldn't hit a bull's eye, but I bet I could hit really close to the bull's eye by now. I can hit the target. And they're like, you couldn't even hit the Harbel from here. My crew is with me. Yeah. And I was like, no, I definitely could. And so, so. So one of the guys, I said, grab a bow, grab an arrow.


I guarantee you. I'll bet you. I want to say I bet 500 bucks. And then all the guys, the hunters are like, oh, I'm in on this. I bet you can't even pull the bow back. And I went in my head, I'm like, OK, is there something I don't know?


Because you have to do a bet where you. Yeah. You know, that it's dead money. So I grab the bow and I and I don't even sign it up. I don't even use the site at all cause I never use the site going up in archery such now that there's site. So it's like you can like line it up and you go, I pretty much got it. Like if I just let go now. Yeah, I got it.


And we used to do with our fingers. We never had the fucking thing. Yeah. We just Russ Matthews had a compound bow. We just fuck around in the backyard so I pull it back. And I line it up and then the guy goes, hey, man, if you use a site, you can really and I'm like, Oh my God, I let go and I shoot real close to a bull's eye. And by the way, it's raining.


I'm under a tarp and we're fucking a legit distance away and everyone loses their fucking mind. Yeah. And then everyone else wants to bet money. So they're betting one hundred bucks and they can't even pull the bow back like it was a pretty heavy compound bow. Yeah. And I was like I was like yeah. And people like that, you bullshit that bullshit. So the same thing happened on the set of the big show.


So we have this little who I think I post who I don't know if I posted this, OK, we, you know, we can show this, we can do it now.


We can show this. And so, so we. We had a they had a bow and arrow on the set and I said, hey, can I shoot the bow and arrow? And everyone was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. And I was like, well, as soon as I do that, I start playing in, like, how do you which way do you do it? Yeah. And they're like, shoot.


And there's only one guy that matters and it's Conrad. I'll call Conrad, see if I can play this. We'll play it then if we can't take it out. And so I Cody Rhodes definitely grew up hunting. Definitely was your concern. You will you'll hear Snoop in here. Yeah. And then just watch. Just watch. Everyone's backing away. They think I'm going to get hurt.


Now there's a balloon and we're locked. But he was shot. Rathborne. Shot a bull's eye. Yeah, see, my look at Cody's blown away, he's like, that's mine, the bull's eye. This is OK.


Watch this. This reminds me, by the way, this would have been your serve.


This is your TechnoServe.


There's so this is this. You actually showed it. But what I almost paid to be like, oh, I'll do archery.


Yeah. And then we show up and you're like, oh yeah. I used to fucking hunt hogs. No. Yeah. So like archery is not fair because when Yogananda Archer I remember one time going, hey guys, your bow. And he was like, it's not that easy. And I was like in my head I was like, who's never complicated growing up? I'm like I say, I don't know. And he was like, you need to be fitted for it.


And I was like, all right, no. Okay.


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All right. So so not archery now, obviously. Is there another really good one that you're like, I'm really good at this.


No baseball, but no.


Yes, I would know that. Like going to a batting cage with you that you could rip that, you know, they rip a batting cage. Oh right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You because you haven't seen me with a homerun.


You know, what happened is a perfect day. That's not even coherent sentences. So.


So the Comedy Store used to do this is right. When we had Eila they did homerun derby go out to Pan-Pacific Park and they were playing homerun derby. And Steve Bird called and he's like, hey, do you want to come out and play? And I was like, Yeah, so get out there. And everyone's like, I mean, Bredar swinging a baseball bat is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Didn't play baseball, I guess.


Didn't play baseball. But he's got a pretty good swing and he lifts weights. Yeah, but he swings a baseball bat like Sorina swings a tennis racket. Yeah.


So when he swings you to look at is every swing kid something.


Yeah. Yeah.


So I get out there and I play baseball like logit played baseball and so did you. Is this your wife said two things that you.


I cannot believe you would admit it. Either she got it wrong or for the first time in your life you were modest.


So she said that your father was an alternate in the Olympics.


That's a little I was back before during segregation. The kidding. No, he was not an alternate in the Olympics. He he ran I think he almost got into the Olympics like he was running in the races to get into the Olympics. He's a legit track. Legit track. He ran track and field of Villanova under Jumbo Elliot like a legit track guy.


OK, but if you told my dad my distance guy or a sprinter, sprinter, not sprinter, sprinter, like hundred yard. Yeah, I think I think he did four hundred and half mile.


OK, but but was legit scholarship to Villanova to run and then and then when we did the episode of the cabin. Yeah. With Caitlyn Jenner. Yeah. Caitlyn Jenner was like yo did you know Marty Liquori. And he was like no more like the guy that went to the Olympics was my dad's roommate or something. OK, so yeah, my dad was really into and ran marathons all grown up.


Now the other thing that she said that I was like, how could you have not mentioned? I already know what this is. You do? Yeah. She said you turned down scholarships, baseball scholarship to use baseball, you know, whatever.


She got that wrong to Citadel and Duke offered me scholarships and I turned them down.


They finally let me rephrase that, OK? They recruited me, OK, and I turned both of them down. And then I went to FSU to walk on and I walked on the first day and Coach Martin was like I was like, I, I, I by the way, I hadn't played in forever. Yeah. I hadn't played the whole summer. I supposed to go and play Legian Ball up there. I didn't, I party my dick off.


I had a pledge pin on, he was like take that shit off. And then he was like, he was like all right. He's like, you're not I don't think you're going to start, I don't think you're going to play. I'll be honest with you. But we can always use a bullpen catcher. And he was like, go down there. And I walked out of the bullpen and I walked right out, left field. I left my bag.


I left everything and walked out.


I got back to the house, my dorm, Chilly Willy, Paul Piezo, Chandler, Perry and and maybe Brian Callahan were getting high with all the windows blacked out, with holes poked through. Do they call it time traveling? And they were laying listening to Pink Floyd. Yeah, I my uniform on and I laid down and I took a hit of a joint and I was like, I think I'm never playing baseball again, OK? And I was like, I was done.


Yeah. It's very, very poetic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I but if you I wish I could send you. You can't see it if you go to my Instagram. I don't think it comes up. And there's music attached, but me hitting a baseball is one of my I had I just recently did a video of me hitting baseballs. Yeah. And keep going. Keep going. I wonder if it's going to. Keep going, keep going.


He but I don't think it's blocked. Keep back, go back, go back up, go back up. Go back up. I guess it's blocked but me hitting baseballs, one of my favorite things.


OK, well, let's go back to our our list here. So here's what I was saying.


Things that I know you would have to a big leg up on so far are golf.


Yeah, archery, surprisingly. And baseball, which, you know, that would be like a batting cage like. So I'm not really. So here's the thing that I know that you're not like, excellent at. Obviously, you're not going to be disciplined. You're not going to sprint. I mean, run the bus. The tour bus driver smoked you. So that's obviously you can't like you can't sprint. I don't think you're a good basketball player.


Love. I love this.


Right. I'm not good at basketball, but. No, but hang on. Let me rephrase it, OK? I'm great at basketball.


Oh, OK. I'm great at basketball. OK, but I do. Let's do basketball one on one. Let's do one on one.


Because by the way, I'm, I am I never was good growing up, but I was loved basketball. I loved loved it. But I just for whatever reason I have a hard time with, with conflict. So if you're going to be a good basketball player, you've got to be comfortable talking shit. Bumping into people. Yeah. Like in like going hard in the paint. I'm not that guy. There's a thing with me. So what do you love.


I love shooting and I like. Are you a decent player. I don't know. OK, I don't know. That's a really good. So ok. No one wins one on one basketball.


Yeah. There's this kid. Do you know who trysting jazzes. Now I'm obsessed with this page. Do this kid is this kid is type interesting in this kid is so awesome. He is good with gurus. YouTube page.


You've never seen him dressed in jazz. I don't think so.


So this kid could YouTube page. Google's YouTube page and then. Go to his videos, OK, look, just see this one. Yeah, watch this. This he just goes in, he can really ball and these dudes just can't play and they just foul him like crazy and he's legit. And in every videos, like trash talker gets served and it's just this fat old Albanian dude.


Yeah. This kid can logit play basketball legit.


So his is his channel all about him playing ball. It's all.


And by the way, during the pandemic, this kid is gone to every court in the world and been playing five on five. This kid legit can play. So how old is this guy?


I don't know. He's got to be like 22. I guess he's never going to play college or anything. Yeah. What's the, uh, he's 20. So let's watch. Is there a story on him like like did he play at a certain level?


He played AQ what's AQ. AAUW yeah. That's pretty. Let's see. Or scroll down. He's he's he's short, um, he's making good money on it, think he's a trick shock jock I.


All right, one is born, but a lot of the, uh, right now doesn't say about like where he because he obviously played organized ball, he had to scroll down. No, I don't want to know about his girlfriend, neither do I want to see education, keep on education, keep going. Let his dad he play at Wisconsin.


No. I can't I can't tell from this, it's interesting, he played dude, he played this one kid. This is my favorite one. I think he's in Atlanta and he's just drives around, he just drives around the country and plays pickup games. Yeah, and he's good, but he doesn't talk shit. This kid doesn't he doesn't. He just goes in and because he looks the way he looks. Yeah. People are like not just people.


The course he goes to black dudes. Bully asked black dudes fucking find him out.


Yeah. Sniff him out and talk so much shit. And this guy, I mean he went to one park in Venice and this guy is like, put the camera away. You don't want it out today. You're not getting shit done today.


And this kid just schooled this guy. He goes to this one. I want to say it's in Atlanta. Maybe it's in Ohio. I forget exactly. But there's this guy talking so much shit. Yeah, man. Fuck you. Fuck you. I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to put you in your place. You put your camera away on the fucking star YouTube.


Meet me. They play all eleven treston scores, ten unanswered points, ten on answer points where the guys leader literally breaking his ankles everywhere and then for the last point goes to the half court and shoots from there and sinks it.


And then the guy loses his bet with Tristan and you see all the bets at the court. Everyone had bet this guy, he then has to do a hundred push ups and they take his shoes to the guy that he beat.


They take his shoes. And this guy Dristan goes, I feel really bad, man. I know. I was losing these shoes. They took his shoes. They weren't even good shoes. They just took his shoes fucking.


Oh, well, this is what it says here. So so he's like trick shot guy. Oh, skills. He posted a video of himself sending his high school teacher sprawling with a well-timed cross. OK, so that's him playing ball.


Uh, if he accepted the coveted basketball scholarship he'd been offered, he would have to shut his accounts down, not only because between basketball classes, he wouldn't have time to make content, but because the NCAA forbade student competitors from profiting off their own names. Images, athletic abilities have just accepted a scholarship, but chose to keep content, ended up making ad revenue. The NCAA could yank his scholarship and banned him from college ball.


There's another dude I fucking follow who was a field goal kicker for USATF. Who has a channel and I watch some of his videos, it's him, I think it's him in foot races against dudes, field goal kicker UTF put over here. You see, I've put, uh, YouTube. He was this dude had Daewon offers and then turned them down to keep doing the same thing with this kid.


Maybe it's not this kid, is it? This kid? Can you Google that guy? Yeah, that's him, I think. And now he's got a really popular YouTube page from kicking Donald, is that him? I wish I was doing this. Destroying them, destroying erratum. This guy's page is great, it's got like three million views and it's him racing. Look at this. Is him an. Do you want to do do you want to do like coverage here?


Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Can we get it? Can we get a quarterback? Can we get a quarterback? Yeah. And then we hold on.


We just do like you'd have to you basically have to cover me and I have to cover you will have heart attacks on the field. Be really cool. Yeah.


Yeah. What if we were so exhausting. What if, what if we.


I really like the idea of basketball, except. Is I like the basketball. I love sprinting, OK? I love sprinting, but I think we should do like a 220. It's like a quarter of a way around the track.


Halfway around the track. It's more than a 100 it's a little more distance to it. I was thinking way less like 40. Yeah, like a 40. I wonder if I've gotten faster since Ron, because I've been working on my sprints. You have? Yeah. I actually get on your treadmill. Yeah. Because that's how my brain works as I work on my sprints so that when Ron beats me, I know Ron has not been working on his prints, he's going to, he's going to ask for that rematch, right.


Yeah. Yeah. And it's coming Servet cold. So wait we got sprints. That's something we could do. Basketball. Basketball one on one. Do you want to do like a football drill with a quarterback, like a legit quarterback?


I don't know how you gauge that, although I would do it, by the way. I'll do it for fun. Yeah, it'll be fun. I think what we do is we set it up and we shoot it. We'll figure out the bet because even like tennis, when when we got to tennis, the real challenge for me became me and you playing your coach, because I love I love Tarnow.


I love tug in the tiger's tail. Yeah. Yeah.


There's something about getting a pro athlete and seeing just how hard they can go.


Right. And also the fact I think it's it's kind of fun to do it in the moment, like when they don't expect it to be done because like he was just watching and you're like, no, no, no, let's play right now.


What would you say if I said. What if what would you say if I said we got, uh, who's number 99 on the Rams? Donald Aaron. Donald, Donald. Yeah. Would say Donald Glover. Um, what if we got Aaron Donald?


We tried to defend him to want to be really bad.


Do you think we could hold him? No. Hold on. No. Hear me out. We would kill us.


Well, I know we can't get them right now, but like. Here's the thing I like to feel OK. I want to feel the heat. I want to feel this is not the kind of heat you wanted. I'm serious. He's the best player in the NFL right now. I mean, he is listen, dude, he is being double teamed by three hundred and thirty pound men who bench 500 pounds.


But don't you want to throwing them? Don't you want to feel don't you want to just just nobut here. Put it in perspective being you double team him OK. And we put my wife in pads holding a bowl.


What. But like ok she wouldn't agree to it. I love this football idea. I say we feel all the football.


Feel the football, who do you who do you think could kick the longer field goal? Oh, that's a good one. Here's the thing. I have a zero zero field goal kicking experience, and I have I have less than zero.


But I did practice with Pat Mack, if he wants. Yeah. And I learned the trick. It's all about magic tricks and this shit.


I do like punting. I've never punted in my life. Punting is fun. Should we do a oh, we should do where they can't catch punt pass and kick.


Yeah. Punt, pass, kick. We should do a pump pass and kick. That's a good one. Punt pass and kick that he's throwing.


Hey dude, if you guys have an idea of a competition you think you'd like to see us do. Yeah. Put it in. With the hashtag, hashtag, hashtag. Two bears, one cave at Gmail dot com, hit us up in the subject line, should be a challenge, challenge, challenge.


Yes, I love this.


I love punt, pass and kick at.


The Rose Bowl. You want to pump past the cake at the Rose Bowl? We could do that if they if if we get that date. Yeah, I don't know. But people who already know by the time this comes out. Yeah. We will have already been on sale. Yeah, that's true.


But we can do a pumphouse if they let us do that that day. That would be amazing.


I love it. OK, I love a house and kick contest. I love it. I love basketball.


One on wait. Who we need to get. I want to do surfing so bad we need to get a football.


Let's do surfing.


Do you think we can get Kelly Slater Surf Ranch. I don't know, maybe I feel like we need to get a good, like good football people to come that day. You know, I mean, like, yeah.


Oh yeah. Like at quarterback, a legit kicker to help us out. It's got to be so many in the L.A. area, you know, really.


For real. Oh, you think. Yeah, there's a ton of like former players that live here. I really want to do surfing. I really want to do something. I really want to do surfing.


You mean just like as a fun thing? I want to get into surfing. I wish I could get into surfing. I could see you getting into it.


But we should do is we should do I bet we would get fucking worked at Kelly Slater surf camp, right. Course we would. But apparently they go. I just saw Casey Neistat did a thing there. Yeah. And they only let him surf for waves and apparently it's a hundred thousand dollars to rent that thing out for the day. Really.


Yeah. Here is here's a few things we can definitely do like that. Are I mean we could we could set these up. The Sprint race is easy to set up obviously. Yes. It's easy to set up one on one basketball. Very that punt pass kick thing would be dope. You can do it in a no different places. If we can do to the Rosebowl would be just incredible. Here's my other thing.


Well, I think I would like to set up a challenge where me and you take on a pro and something like a like a Joao's versus pros kind of thing.


Yeah, yeah.


This is fun because I really our strength is competing together. Yeah. I mean that would be really fun in basketball. It would have to be two on one, two on one. And we play Anthony Davis.


Oh yeah. This would be good. Right. I mean as long as we agree to stay like fifteen feet apart, the only way that that would work.


So we like what. OK, what can we what, what do you think we have an honest chance of beating. What kind of pro at anything.


I'm definitely not the tennis thing. That's a bad idea. Not tennis will be tough. Yeah. Um, do you want to play two on one basketball against uh get you ready. Yeah. Against a fucking bench player. No, no. I get a retired player. OK, Jason Williams. Not the one that killed the key people. Oh, the white guy, the white. Yeah, I mean, his skill, you know, these guys skill level is off the charts, right?


He so they can they can they can shoot like not looking. And I'm always amazed when you see like when I watch a kid, Treston Jass, everybody's name right now.


But when you see him just drain three pointers. Yeah. Just drain them.


You're like, oh, that's like you got to be thousands of reps doing that muscle memory. Yeah. Snoop had a basketball thing set up. It is at least probably pretty decent. Right.


Like I wonder if we could beat Snoop and his friend is to on to. Superjet, I, we they we had a basketball out there to be a trick shot basketball guy. Yeah.


And they lowered it to like nine feet, maybe insteps, like we can dunk on that.


I was like, I can't talk on nine feet. Yeah, you can. Well, that's what he said. Yeah. So. And I could palm the ball. Yeah. So I went up and I got stopped by the rim and Snoop was doing dunks like Tom-Tom Dunk Googe behind the back. And I was like, oh he's legit. Legit. He has a basketball court in his house.


Yeah he does. Yeah he does. You couldn't dunk on nine feet. I don't believe that I might get a basketball rim set up at my new house. There you go. Start really playing basketball, OK? That sounds right. I missed it, so you couldn't, though I could not dunk on nine feet, I could not. But now granted I was in jeans. Yeah, yeah.


And I had Nike Air Force Ones on those dunking shoes. They're kind of they're very heavy, OK. I had hair product. Yeah. Yeah. I know all the facts of it. I just had lunch. OK, well, look, we need to set up these challenges.


Is there anything we did not cover today? By the way, someone get us just to talk to Kelly Slater to get to a surf ranch. I mean, you go out there and we do a surf challenge. By the way, there's also one of those surf things that in the middle of the desert in Palm Springs, Nadaf get get Lindsay on that. We'll go to the middle of the desert and do that. Surfing in the Palm Springs.


It's, I think, boy nation.


The hoodie is often pop and go to Thomas, click on the store, get our new hoodie, the Boornazian Nation hoodie mag. Sure. If you haven't yet checked out our sites. But Robert Thompson, great outcome for some live dates that are coming up and will be announcing more hopefully as the Wrona gets defeated. Hopefully, yeah.


I mean, hopefully I don't have it. I'm getting another test today. Yeah. We're far enough away, right? Yeah, we're good. Yeah, all right. Uh, congrats again on your victory. Thank you. And thank you, Mike, for all the kind words you had to say. Time to retire that racket. Pick up my sneaks and into basketball and Britain. OK, love you.


Like to Tom. And one goes topless while the other wears the shirt. Tom tells stories in bird style machine. There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep it clean. Here's what we call Vegas. Okay. No scrapes, a bit of booze, amateur pathology, dirty jokes, raunchy humour, no apologies. Here's what I call so there's one case.