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Hey there, it's Deborah Roberts. I hope you're following Inside the Midnight Order. It's a behind-the-scenes look at how a group of young women is tackling cold cases using forensic analysis and data skills.


Here's episode 2.


Hey there. I'm ABC news correspondent, Kayna Whitworth.


I'm Nancy Schwartzman, the Director and Executive producer of Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order.


From ABC Audio and Freeform, this is Inside the Midnight Order. Nancy, in episode 2, Dr. Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order continue investigating this Veronica and Archie case. Basically, they're trying to figure out whether Veronica's ex, who they call Archie, could be the man responsible for the deaths of several women. They have this case totally laid out in front of them with a woman who absolutely believes that her husband is this serial killer, and they have all this information to work with. Nancy, ultimately, what was the conclusion that they came to there and why?


This is where they were sharpening their skills. This was their first real get out, hit the streets, meet families, meet law enforcement, go to the scenes of the crimes. The Midnight Order comes to the conclusion that Archie is not responsible for this string of murders, but I think it really emboldened them to jump into the Picton case.


This Veronica and Archie case, was the Midnight Order's first official case together, but it's one that doesn't have, as you pointed out, the most satisfying conclusion for them. But ultimately, what does that case tell us about the investigative process What should the listeners be taking away from that?


What I love about the Midnight Order and their approach is, Compassion first, but let the evidence lead. Really taking this seriously, listening to this woman, looking at her data, looking at the evidence she gathered, she had a lot of information. So they did it carefully. They were constantly checking their own biases, reminding themselves, this is one source, let's go talk to law enforcement. Let's talk to the people who worked the case, see what they're still working on, what remains open-ended for them, what they can share, see if the hunches the midnight order has matches up with law enforcement, going to location. Even if the case is 40 years cold, being there yourself not Google mapping it, not just looking at a picture, going there yourself, measuring the distance. Donna O'Cog, the apartment building where she was babysitting to the convenience store where she was last seen in distress. It's like a three-minute walk. To do that themselves, they really get a sense of the night up. Then to go visit where her body was found, it really paints a much clearer picture when you're on the ground. I think their understanding of both the criminal mind and the experience of the victim was deepened by going to location.


So that's law enforcement discussion, go to location, meet victims' families and witnesses. That's irreplaceable.


I think, too, one thing that listeners will really learn here is that they approach these cases with a clean mind. They don't bring bias into the case. They approach it with facts first and facts only. I think that was a good scene-setter for the Midnight Order because I would actually argue it proves their validity here as investigators, and it really showed that they were not willing to be influenced from anything on the outside.


Which also doesn't take away from the motto, Compassion first, but let the evidence lead. I think what's so unique about this group is that they can hold both. You can listen to victims and their families. You can hold that empathy and really hear Veronica's pain, understand family members and their pain, and not have it cloud their investigation.


Absolutely. Lending that empathetic ear It allowed them to learn more about each individual victim without the total focus always being on the suspect there. It almost turned into each case being its own case, which really it was. And I think that they really showed that beautifully by leading with empathy. To learn more about how the Midnight Order investigated the Veronica and Archie case, I was lucky enough to get to speak with both Morena and Florence about exactly that point. That's coming up after the break. Bringing more to the door this lunchtime with free delivery from Just Eat, Subway, Bougeum, Grilla, and more of your local faves. T&c's apply, participating stores only and minimum spend applies. Offer valid until September first. See justeat. Ie for more details. Morena and Florence, I'm so happy to get to speak with both of you. I'm really curious as to how you have become so invested so early on in your careers in the Midnight Order. Florence, I know that you are pursuing a PhD in criminology right now. Tell me about how you found the Midnight Order, or did it find you?


I was a student in an intro to criminology class like 6-7 years ago. And in that class, Sasha was a TA, and I was very clear about my path of wanting to study atypical homicides. The instructor of my CRIM course had directed me to Sasha and told me that she was a serial killer expert. A lot of the work that she did was similarly things that I was also passionate about. I reached out to her. Eventually, I was recruited to help volunteer and collect data for her serial homicide database and her missing and murder database. And since then, I've been involved with her work, which has now blossened into the Midnight Order.


Wow. So you were early on helping build this database that is now the largest database of missing and murdered women in existence. And Morena, the second you said in this series, I Live a Double Life, I was locked in to your story. In the series, you're working at a grocery store. You're volunteering at the victim assistance unit within the police department, but you're also working with the Midnight Order. There's been a couple of changes since then. Tell me about that journey.


I always knew that I'm going to be working in law enforcement. From a very young age, I was still a child, basically, watching CSI and all of those typical series. Back in 2019, I took a course with Sasha. It was criminal personalities course, and it was very unique. Later on, Sasha invited me to join Midnight Order. At that time, there was no name. It was just a group of people who were creating profiles for serial killers, and I thought it was so fascinating. When you had a double life, I used to work in the grocery store while I was still at school. Most of the people didn't even know what I was doing. I would just come for a regular shift every time, do my job. Then on the weekends or in the evenings, I would just have merged myself in populating the serial homicide database.


But now you're working with the police department?




Congratulations to you, Morena. What's your role?


I'm a report integrity and compliance specialist. I'm basically helping officers with criminal reports, populating them, updating them, quality assurance, just making sure that they are living up to the standards. Sometimes officers are not in the best state of mind after going through a situation, crisis, and whatnot. So we are basically there for their support.


Florence I know you also have a background in linguistics and psychology. So how are you able to immediately apply that background and help the Midnight Order?


Coming from an interdisciplinary background gives me a holistic lens of the things that I'm studying, and helps me really critically think about the data that I'm looking at, recognizing there's different ways of understanding the world, and I guess in my case, understanding offenders.


Lorena, it was really interesting watching create a criminal profile. Tell me a little bit about your process.


In terms of Archie, where the profile started, I would say, information. You've built this profile of Archie, her husband that she believes is a serial killer. As you're investigating, you're doing grid searches, you're speaking with law enforcement, you're speaking with the families. You still ran into several discrepancies between Archie, the man you came to learn about, and the profile that you had essentially made of a serial killer and this profile that you were tracking. Morena, at what point did these discrepancies start to bubble up, and you I don't know. Maybe he's not the guy.It definitely took some time before we started seeing discrepancies because, yes, as you said, we had to go to the crime scenes. We had to write out the timeline. That was probably the biggest piece. The timeline was not matching. He lived in those areas, but just not in those times when they were killed. And that was one of the first signifiers for us to go like, It doesn't look like it could be him. And again, let's say, going into the crime scene of Christine Prince, looking at the area where her body was dumped, it just doesn't look like it was one person. Thinking about Archie, we thought that he was the only person who was committing all of it. We never came across a thought that he potentially had a partner. So that was one of the other discrepancies. And one after the other, they were piling up. And eventually, we just had to understand that probably Archie was not the one who was involved.In Florence, How about you? What are your thoughts?The really clear signifier was the fact that we had DNA evidence. That's the most tangible type of evidence that can rule someone out as a suspect, and did rule him out on several of the cases that we looked at.I'm just curious as to what it was like for you on a personal level to see Sasha get this package with this woman who really was absolutely convinced that her husband had been a serial killer, and you spend all this time investigating, and then to say, No, we do not believe that he was responsible for these deaths.Even though whatever she experienced was terrible, and maybe in some way she was hoping that She was right in her own personal investigation. We validated everything she went through, and we wanted to help her wholeheartedly. We still had to stick to the truth. He was not the person who was involved in the killings.I felt like it was bitter sweet because while that path was closed, the reality is they're still victims whose cases are unaccounted for. Their loved ones are suffering not knowing who murdered their loved ones and why they were targeted. So it's frustrating in that sense.And Morena, you're now starting your career in law enforcement. What are some of the things that you think will stay with you from this experience with the Midnight Order, especially pertaining to this Veronica and Archie investigation?I would say one of One of the most important things is considering perspective of the victims, of the victim's families. It probably also ties up to my volunteering with victim services. I think it definitely helped me to pay more attention. When something happens, all of the attention goes to the perpetrator. Not a lot of attention goes to the victims. Just being at midnight order and speaking to the families, going to their places, see how they lived and how life basically stopped after the crime happened. Perpetrator took away a most important person in their lives. Considering their perspective, considering them, the damage that has been done to them, definitely will always stay with me. In the future, I'm hoping to become crime analyst, just like Florence, and it involves investigations. It's basically a civilian detective. I'm hoping that this will stay with me. Remember the families, remember the damage that has been done to them.I absolutely understand that. The work of the Midnight is clearly not over. And that was my conversation with Marina and Florence. We'll be back next week with two other members of the Midnight Order, Hannah, the Midnight Order's database expert, and Aya, who's a psychotherapist and works with former offenders that are trying to reintegrate into society. We'll also explore the dark mind of serial killer Robert Picton, why he targeted specific groups of women, and how systematic failures allowed it to to happen. Inside the Midnight Order is a coproduction of Freeform and ABC Audio, and a companion podcast to the Freeform True Crime Documentary series, Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order, now streaming on Hulu. Soundtrack available July 19th on all music streaming platforms. I'm Kaina Whitworth. My co-host is Nancy Schwartzman, Director and Executive producer of Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order. This series was produced by Camille Peterson, Meg Fiero, Amira Williams, and Jailin McDuffy, with assistance from Freeforms, Katie Cilia and Megan Weterra. Susie Lou is our supervising producer. Music by nick Senna. Special thanks to ABC Audio's Liz Alessi, Josh cohan, Madelyne Wood, and Ariel Chester, and Freeforms and Freeform's Amanda Kell, Ali Bremen, Lindsay Chamness, Jasmine Karamzada, Heather Taylor, and Mike Wong.Laura Meyer is executive producer of podcast programming at ABC Audio.


information. You've built this profile of Archie, her husband that she believes is a serial killer. As you're investigating, you're doing grid searches, you're speaking with law enforcement, you're speaking with the families. You still ran into several discrepancies between Archie, the man you came to learn about, and the profile that you had essentially made of a serial killer and this profile that you were tracking. Morena, at what point did these discrepancies start to bubble up, and you I don't know. Maybe he's not the guy.


It definitely took some time before we started seeing discrepancies because, yes, as you said, we had to go to the crime scenes. We had to write out the timeline. That was probably the biggest piece. The timeline was not matching. He lived in those areas, but just not in those times when they were killed. And that was one of the first signifiers for us to go like, It doesn't look like it could be him. And again, let's say, going into the crime scene of Christine Prince, looking at the area where her body was dumped, it just doesn't look like it was one person. Thinking about Archie, we thought that he was the only person who was committing all of it. We never came across a thought that he potentially had a partner. So that was one of the other discrepancies. And one after the other, they were piling up. And eventually, we just had to understand that probably Archie was not the one who was involved.


In Florence, How about you? What are your thoughts?


The really clear signifier was the fact that we had DNA evidence. That's the most tangible type of evidence that can rule someone out as a suspect, and did rule him out on several of the cases that we looked at.


I'm just curious as to what it was like for you on a personal level to see Sasha get this package with this woman who really was absolutely convinced that her husband had been a serial killer, and you spend all this time investigating, and then to say, No, we do not believe that he was responsible for these deaths.


Even though whatever she experienced was terrible, and maybe in some way she was hoping that She was right in her own personal investigation. We validated everything she went through, and we wanted to help her wholeheartedly. We still had to stick to the truth. He was not the person who was involved in the killings.


I felt like it was bitter sweet because while that path was closed, the reality is they're still victims whose cases are unaccounted for. Their loved ones are suffering not knowing who murdered their loved ones and why they were targeted. So it's frustrating in that sense.


And Morena, you're now starting your career in law enforcement. What are some of the things that you think will stay with you from this experience with the Midnight Order, especially pertaining to this Veronica and Archie investigation?


I would say one of One of the most important things is considering perspective of the victims, of the victim's families. It probably also ties up to my volunteering with victim services. I think it definitely helped me to pay more attention. When something happens, all of the attention goes to the perpetrator. Not a lot of attention goes to the victims. Just being at midnight order and speaking to the families, going to their places, see how they lived and how life basically stopped after the crime happened. Perpetrator took away a most important person in their lives. Considering their perspective, considering them, the damage that has been done to them, definitely will always stay with me. In the future, I'm hoping to become crime analyst, just like Florence, and it involves investigations. It's basically a civilian detective. I'm hoping that this will stay with me. Remember the families, remember the damage that has been done to them.


I absolutely understand that. The work of the Midnight is clearly not over. And that was my conversation with Marina and Florence. We'll be back next week with two other members of the Midnight Order, Hannah, the Midnight Order's database expert, and Aya, who's a psychotherapist and works with former offenders that are trying to reintegrate into society. We'll also explore the dark mind of serial killer Robert Picton, why he targeted specific groups of women, and how systematic failures allowed it to to happen. Inside the Midnight Order is a coproduction of Freeform and ABC Audio, and a companion podcast to the Freeform True Crime Documentary series, Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order, now streaming on Hulu. Soundtrack available July 19th on all music streaming platforms. I'm Kaina Whitworth. My co-host is Nancy Schwartzman, Director and Executive producer of Sasha Reid and the Midnight Order. This series was produced by Camille Peterson, Meg Fiero, Amira Williams, and Jailin McDuffy, with assistance from Freeforms, Katie Cilia and Megan Weterra. Susie Lou is our supervising producer. Music by nick Senna. Special thanks to ABC Audio's Liz Alessi, Josh cohan, Madelyne Wood, and Ariel Chester, and Freeforms and Freeform's Amanda Kell, Ali Bremen, Lindsay Chamness, Jasmine Karamzada, Heather Taylor, and Mike Wong.


Laura Meyer is executive producer of podcast programming at ABC Audio.