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We got something else now? Yeah, shooting, guy on the ground. I saw Sergeant Tyrone Hassel laying on the ground next to his pickup truck with a large amount of blood. With his wife had grasped onto him, hysterical. Hey, back up. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Breaking right now. A US military member home for the holidays has been found dead. He leaves the door, comes down the steps, and boom, he's shot right here. I can see his eyes. You knew he was gone? Yeah. Why is this happening to us? This was not a drive-by. This was up close and personal. If it's up close and personal like that, it usually means that the problem is up close and personal. We obviously are struggling with some leads right now. We don't have a whole lot going on, so we're trying to piece it together. What in the world had just happened? No one would believe the answer when they finally got it. 911, what's the address? It's an emergency. 911? I need help. I need help. My husband... Hello? Hello. Yes. I need help. I need help. My husband was shot. I need help. So a 911 call came in just around 11 o'clock on New Year's Eve of 2018, and Kamaya Hassel is the one that called the 911.


She is the wife of Sergeant Hassel. Okay, Can you tell me exactly what happened? My husband brought me some food, and he left out, and me and my son were eating it, and I just heard gunshot. And I put myself in the room, and I came outside, and my husband was on his way. Tyrone Hassel III. He was a sergeant in the army. He was back on block leave from Fort Stuart in Georgia, visiting his family with his wife and his kid for the Christmas leave. I was proud. Me He went through the rankings pretty fast. He made sergeant pretty quick, and a lot of people said it was hard to do. Got him. The army is also where Sergeant Hassel found love. His wife, Kamaya, a fellow soldier. Together, they have a baby boy. All three of them are here in Benton Harbor, Michigan, celebrating the New Year. My name is Sergeant Mike Lanair, St. Joe Township Police Department. December 31st, 2018, I was actually on my normal patrol duties that night. I heard dispatch of a subject had been shot. Pardon call the St. Joe Township for shooting. I actually broke off my traffic stop immediately and proceeded.


I got to go, okay? To address on Cofax. Your husband's outside. Okay, stand in line with me. Ma'am, take a deep breath. How many shots did you hear, ma'am? Ma'am? Multiple officers have already been dispatched to the scene, including Officer Jeremy Peppers. My partner informed us that we had an emergency call for a shooting that had just happened. We got something else now? Yeah, shooting a guy on the ground. Are you kidding me? That's Darts Coal, fax. Did you see anybody around? Ma'am? Okay. You didn't see anyone? Okay. Ma'am? Hello? Ma'am, take a deep breath with me, okay? When I arrived on scene, I arrived with numerous other officers, and also an ambulance was backing in to the that way. I saw the subject who was later identified as Sergeant Tyrone Hassel, laying on the ground next to his pickup truck with a large amount of blood. His wife had grasped onto him, hysterical. I know. Let me have it. Let me get in there, ma'am, okay? Let us get in there, hon. Okay? Okay. We obtained hours and hours of police body camera footage, and every officer on the scene that night had their cameras rolling, and you can see it all unfolding in real-time, it was absolute chaos at first.


It is chaotic, but we have to control that chaos. Get these people Come on, come on. The next thing you hear is that something's gone wrong. In my phone ring, and it was Kamaya, and I couldn't really understand what she was saying. She's like, Could you come home? Come home. And I'm like, Calm down. I can't hear you. What are you saying? And she was like, Ty got shot. Where did he get shot at? Who is it? You know who he is? It was my son. That's Ty Warhol has for our hassle to third. We were lifting the girney onto the back of the ambulance. And as I step back, she's going past me and trying to climb into the ambulance. Hey, back up. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I focused on her and pulled her away from that situation. I think I ended up in the front yard. Ma'am, you got to come on here with us, okay? Just standing there talking with her. At that point, I was starting to investigate. We got to figure out what happened, but you're going to be in the way in there, okay? I was trying to calm her down at the same time.


I was getting information on what happened. She didn't have a whole lot. She knew that he'd been at a with some family and that he was bringing her some food because she had stayed home with their son at Tyrone Senior's house there. We're just visiting. This is his dad's house. Okay. We live in Georgia. We're in the military. She was definitely visibly upset for me to try to calm her down and get a good statement from her on what she knew. The food was outside? He stepped outside to get the food? No, the food was in the house. He was leaving. Where were you at when this happened? In the living room of my son. We got to collect some evidence. I don't know what the hell is going on here, okay? My grandson is probably not by himself. Okay, I'll go take care of that for you if he is. He's one. Okay, we'll get you in there, okay? Okay. Standing near the doorway as the drama unfolds is the couple's infant son. Let's go clear this house real quick. There might be a baby in there. The babies are here. They're shell casings, guys.


Just be careful. I don't know how much he watched, but during the chaos of taking care of Sergeant Hassel and all the cops, he was watching it. When you have to go take him out of there, it was difficult. Okay, buddy. Okay, come here, buddy. I won't hurt you. Okay. I'll probably never forget that. He was probably a year and a half old at the time. A total innocent person there. You have to go and get him out, but you also have to kick in a dad mode. So he is comfortable enough to come to me so I can pick him up, take him out to his grandpa. Come on. I got you, bud. Come on. Okay. Atta boy. There you go. I think about that a lot. I think about the little guy, Tyrone Hassel IV. If you want, so you can sit in my car with him or whatever. Yeah, that was probably one of the most difficult parts of working that scene. The sergeant has a faint pulse as the ambulance heads to the hospital. Un unbelievably, it's the same hospital where Ashanti Hassel, Tyrone's stepmom, is working the late shift. They came through the back doors of the emergency room, and I've seen one of our paramedics actually on top of him doing compressions.


They were coming toward me, and I could see his face and how he was turned to the side, and I could see his eyes. You knew he was gone? Yeah, I knew because I see it too much. Not to know. Dr. Hammer walked out, and he just stood there for a second. And the only thing that I heard him say was that we actually worked on him longer than we usually do, dear. And he was like, I'm sorry. And for a second, the only thing that I could think was like, You don't know why is this happening to us? Sounds like this dude, he's just home from leave for the army. Back on Colfax Avenue, investigators know it's going to be a long night. We got a guy shot in the head, shell cases all over the place where he was standing outside. We really don't have a whole lot to go on. It was a baffling case to start with. One of the things that struck me was Sergeant Hassel's last act was an act of kindness. He was bringing food to his wife and his child on New Year's Eve. Why did this happen?


Who would have done it? With three decades of experience under his belt, Sergeant Lanier senses that the answers to those The questions will not come easily. This could be a tough one to solve. Yeah, it's going to be real tough. Where are you doing right now? Are you going to go to the hospital? I'm good. Okay. You need a ride, Tyrone? No, I can make it. I'm heading that way. Rick Biggert, retired Detective Lieutenant at the Baring County Sheriff's Department. When you have a shooting incident, usually there is a lot of people that show up at the hospital. You want to get there as soon as you can to get some witnesses, family members, just to get initial statements. It was bad. The news spreaded fast. Everybody was crying and screaming and falling everywhere. Kamaya Hassel was obviously there when I got there. So She was helpful. She answered the questions. She advised she was at home. They advised that they were both on leave from the US military, staying at the Hassel house for Christmas vacation. That evening on New Year's Eve, family members went to a party. She was left home alone with her infant child.


She advised just before 11:00. Tyrone came home, brought her some food, stayed for a brief minute. Tyrone was leaving, going to his vehicle, walking out the door, and she heard several gunshots at that point. Which time she walked outside and found Tyrone laying next to his vehicle. Breaking right now, a US military member home for the holidays has been found dead after being shot multiple times. Police say that this happened at the home behind me on Kovacs. The Hassel family home sits on a busy avenue in Benton Harbor, which at the time had the highest violent crime rate in Michigan. But a heartbroken dad wants everyone to know that Sergeant Hassel was much more than a statistic. Why is it important to you to talk about it? What do you want people to know about this story? Well, I feel like I owe it to my son. He made me a proud father. He just did everything that he needed to do, and it was so successful. I feel like I want everybody to know about him, so I won't ever stop talking about him. And it's tough being good in these communities sometimes. When you come from where we come from, you just don't have a child that succeeds to that level.


It's exceptional. Definitely. From the classroom to the locker room at Benton Harbor High School, the story is much the same. I think that as a freshman, Tyrone knew the direction that he wanted to go. It's a rigorous course, courses to be an honors. And I think that he mapped himself out to be an honored student. What I knew about Tyrone is he was going to show up every day. He was going to show up with a good attitude, and I wasn't going to have to worry about grades or misbehavior or anything like that. Very respectful, willing to do whatever it took. He would play as hard as you needed him to play. The first week of school, there was somebody in the back of the room talking, and I looked at Tyrone and I asked him to be quiet. It wasn't Tyrone talking. And I didn't know at the time. And three days later, he came to my classroom and said, Can I speak with you after school? And he said, I just want you to know that was not me talking. I would I'll never disrespect you while you're talking. And from that moment to this one, I've loved Tyrone.


From there, he moved on to Grand Valley State University, where Hassel earned a scholarship to study mechanical engineering until he decided to switch gears. I was nervous a little bit. I should say I was probably scared of my son going to the army. You didn't show him too much of that. No, I couldn't. I'm dead still. So he actually thanked me once for supporting him with his decision. A decision that would take the sergeant away from Benton Harbor. Definitely when he moved away, he definitely didn't want to come back. He was motivated to do better. He lived here and he knew it wasn't nothing going on. You guys were shot in the head. We're trying to get stuff back to your point. One of my other former players called me, probably 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM. It's like, Coach, they killed Tyrone. I had to pause and like, Tyrone who? Although I know there's only one Tyrone I coached, I know that Tyrone isn't involved in any gang activity, drug-related activity, crime-related activity, and he's in the army, and he has a family. So who are you talking about? He responded with Tyrone, and The initial evidence tells a story, but not a complete one.


Here's what investigators have determined so far. I would guess probably four seconds to walk here to the truck. He leaves the door, comes down the steps, and boom, he's shot right here. Yeah. There were, I believe, five shell casings laying directly next to him, some of them in pools of blood, which tells us that the shooter was very close. There are drive-by's that occur, but this was not a drive-by. This was up close and personal. It was just an assassination of his driver. What it wasn't was a robbery. His cell phone, was it inside the truck? Yes, the cell phone, I think a wallet, and some other property were in the truck. Anything in here? A cell phone and then a black duffle bag. He had a very nice truck that he was driving. That was still there. We got a dog here right now. We're on track, but we on track. A canine picked up a cent, presumed to be the gunman's scent, between the Hassel home and a neighbor's property. This is pretty much the path that he took through the grass here. And the dog ended up about two blocks away in a driveway, which indicates from the canine that this is where it stopped.


So therefore, we're thinking a vehicle picked him up. There was one neighbor who heard gunshots and saw a parked car and thought that might be something, but they didn't call the police. Why not? It seems quite a few people go outside and what we call pop off their guns just to celebrate the New Year's Eve. There were other people that heard the shooting or heard shots. Kind of have to take that with a grain of salt on New Year's Eve. But it's clear from the talk on the body camera footage that the celebratory gunfire started long before midnight. Jeez. There is your automatic gunfire. Happy New Year, right? Investigators are counting on someone talking, and they find him. The reason I know all this, I was in my bedroom watching TV, and I had the shades open, and you see everything goes on. The new year begins with a new lead, courtesy of a very observant neighbor. Hey, Walt. How are you? I'm doing as ever. On where he's ever? Yeah. We've had a shooting over there, and Frank said you saw a vehicle parked over here. He parked right in the driveway. The reason I know all this, I was at in a bedroom watching TV and had the shades open.


I could see everything goes on. About what time was this? 9:30, 10:00. Okay. We're on there, right? First time he there, then he left, come back, about 15, 20 minutes later. But when he come back, I bet money on it. He was doing 50 miles an hour going up. Fifty? At least. And he turned around up there, came back, turned his lights off, backed into the driveway. He stepped out of his car, got back in. A couple of seconds later, he got out again, completely, and start walking. And they watched him, and he went and turned left. They said that they saw what they thought was a male subject walking down Jerold Street south, which is in direction of Tyrone Hassel's residence. And then a few minutes later, they see this subject, car leaving at a high rate of speed. And it's important simply because of where it's parked, where he had to go is not a very long distance. How valuable was their information mission. Very valuable. I would call it invaluable. You don't get witnesses like that on every case that you work. So it's definitely a great thing to have. I just add two together.


He has something to do with it. Okay. Did you hear anything? When I was in bed, yeah. Okay. What did you hear? Gunshots. The information would explain why the canine lost the scent, but it's also general in nature. No make of a car, no model, no license plate, just a black sedan. Investigators will need more. And the fallen sergeant's father, he's working overtime to provide it. Tyrone Hassel Jr. Has lived in the community his whole life. He knows the people in the community, he knows the streets. Streets talk, and he wants to know what's going on and what they're saying. I'm going to show you the Facebook post that I got that somebody brought to me already. The first name Tyrone raises to police is someone from his own family, not as the shooter, but as the intended target. You can hear him say the name on the police body camera the night of the murder. That's the first thing I thought about. Was it one of them?One of them? Was it been? Tyrone was going to find who murdered his son. I said and explained to him that we got to do it right.


Benny Newman is Tyrone's stepson and lists the Colfax Avenue as his own. He's well known to police. The theory being that Benny stole from the wrong guy who sought revenge but shot the sergeant by mistake. You ever tried to kill or did kill your brother was trying to kill you. I I'm here to work a murder and get this thing solved. I told you, if I knew anything that I had to do, you saw my brother murder case. You think I'm going to tell you that that's all I'm trying to say? We just want to get to the bottom before somebody else gets hurt. They're confronting Mr. Newman about that, but he denies any involvement in any other acts, denies that he would have been the intended target for this incident, and he denies any knowledge of what took place with Sergeant Hassel. Turns out, Benny Newman has no connection whatsoever with this case, and authorities clear him. There were a lot of different leads that were coming in, and the police were trying to follow up on all of them. Yes, the streets are talking, But it's getting police nowhere. In the days following the homicide, investigators have to run down an assortment of leads, tips, and rumors, many of them offering a similar scenario, one that implies that a dirty look or a mean stare was the spark that would later escalate into the shooting.


And that was the case here at this local roller rink, where Tyrone liked to skate with his friends. He just called an old buddy and said, Hey, man, come roller-skating with me. We'd heard through one of the people that he'd had a beef with somebody at the roller rink. Everybody was at a loss trying to explain what happened, right? And one of the leads might have been that incident at the roller rink. Yeah, they said he got in two with somebody. He never got in two with anyone. No? There was no one else who gave him a dirty look or words exchanged. I was on the sideline, I'm watching them skate. He was just skating his normal self, happy, smiling, just going around the road, just normal stuff. Nothing abnormal happened. We talked to the individuals involved. They said there was no beef. I don't know what they're talking about. It might have been a look or something, but Tyrone didn't have any problems with anybody. It It's mid-afternoon on New Year's Eve, and a surveillance camera picks up Sergeant Hassel at this local Walmart. It's the last time he's seen in public, and he's with two unknown individuals.


You can see Sergeant Hassel over by the counter in the white camp. When he was there, two people approached him at the counter in the Sporting Goods Department. There was a brief interaction with that. While the police saw that, got that video, and need to track those people down. He was actually seen two individuals walking through Walmart and talking to these individuals as if he knew them. We were able to determine who they were. It turned out to be a father and a son, and the son had been friends with Tyrone, grew up with him, known him basically all his life. And the interaction turned out to be completely innocent, dead end. But you still got to run through all the scenarios and keep investigating. On a cold January evening, the streets talk again. This time, the message is short and direct. A week after the shooting, family members hold a vigil here on the Hassel's front lawn. It was at that event that a man comes up to Tyrone and says, I know who killed your son. A Chilling You True Crime podcast on Gilgro Beach. The perfect place to dump a body. Inside the search for a Serio killer.


Her last phone call was to 911. Disturbing clues. Body count, body count, body count. Greenmore really scared me. Very ritualistic behavior. Stunning setbacks. They were as stump as we were. There was a lot of speculation. And shocking twists. We were anxious to have this over with. Their cases went unsolved. That'll leave you breathless. Until today. Eyewitness to Gilgo Beach, a new podcast available now. We're just weeks into this year, and the news is already nonstop. Two overseas wars, a presidential election already testing the democratic process, a former President in court. It can feel impossible to keep up with, but we can help. I'm Brad Milkey, the host of Start Here, the Daily Podcast from ABC News. Every morning, my team and I get you caught up on the day's news in a quick, straightforward way that's easy to understand. So kickstart your morning. Start Smart with Start Here and ABC News, because staying informed shouldn't feel like a chore. A party call in St. Joe Township. I can to be her husband testing shots. Say, bro, you know what I tell him? Ain't no more going broke. Ain't no more going broke. Family wants to find the person responsible for a New Year's Eve shooting that left a 23-year-old active military member dead.


No, no, no, no, no. We got to figure out what happened. We really, really want to know why. Tonight, a vigil was held for Tyrone, and a GoFundMe was started. I know they'd be also bar guys from the start to have a hustle that he was serious about. In the days following the shooting, mourners attend a vigil at the Hassel family home, and someone in attendance approaches Tyrone Hassel and says the alleged shooter in his son's case is the same man involved in a separate shooting that same night. The second shooting happened about 30 minutes ago on Apple Avenue in Benton Harbor. On New Year's Eve, there was another shooting, 10, 15 minutes away on Apple Street. There was a suspect developed with that shooting. So they tried to follow up on that suspect. We had to look at that initially, of course, to see we had a shooting here, now we got another shooting here. Is this retaliatory? Both shootings involved a nine-millimetre handgun. A crime lab will tell investigators all they need to know. It turned out through investigation that it wasn't associated. The evidence didn't link it up. Spent shell casings from the Apple shooting scene and spent shell casings from Sergeant Hassel shooting scene did not match up.


So we knew it was not the same gun that fired these bullets. Investigators have been spinning their wheels for days now, and frustration is growing. Now, time is ticking, and the longer an investigation goes on, it becomes increasingly difficult to find out who did it and why they did it. So now we're progressing into day four, day five, day six. We're still following up on every lead that comes in, always coming up empty-handed. It was definitely frustrating having these leads just go nowhere, going back to square one and almost having to start over the entire investigation just to try to retrace another lead that seemed to be going to another dead end at that time. So it was getting to me. Every tip that we received came to really a dead end. And of course, you're going to go through every lead you can find. His mother and father are still wanting justice for him and wanting to know what happened. His wife wanting to know what's going on, telling Tyrone Hassel a second as she's living in his house. We need to find out who the murderer was. We need to solve this. Kamaya Hassel remains in town as funeral arrangements are finalized.


Was she making plans for the funeral? Yeah, definitely. I've been to the funeral home with her. We went to the church together. We planned an entire funeral. Picked out the pictures that would be playing at the repass. She was following through with it all. And then eventually planning to go back to the military base? Yes. And she wanted to have him cremated. And she had her urn picked out. She wanted them to cremate him immediately after the funeral so she can take his ashes back. Until then, the grieving widow sits in solitude in the very same house where the murder occurred. Most of the day, she would just sit on the couch and wouldn't move, wouldn't go anywhere. The distraught parents of Sergeant Hassel split their time, grieving the loss of their son and comforting their daughter-in-law. Every day, I would try to consult her. I would try to make sure she ate, make sure she tried to get some sleep, try to make sure she did the proper things that she did to take care of herself so she wouldn't have a nervous breakdown. That's what I was feeling. At that point, I think I turned into a father to her instead of...


I had to be strong for my family. Kamaya finds comfort on social media posting, I wish I was dreaming, man. I'm trying not to blame myself. And about Tyrone, she posts, My baby loved me. I owe you another baby. We needed a girl. On day 11 of the investigation, cops finally catch a break as that curious black car is spotted once again. Sergeant Hassel was shot multiple times, two times in the head, one time in the neck, and then one time in the right arm. It appeared all at fairly close range. If it's up close and personal like that, it usually means that the problem is up close and personal. But nothing added up. There was no motive that we could find locally. I was in close contact with Tyrone Jr. I had contact with Kamaya every day. She'd call. By all accounts, she was doing a very good job in the army and working her way up. She was a specialist, Specialist Kamaya Hassel. Kamaya Martin grew up in Georgia, a member Out of the Junior ROTC in high school, she made a name for herself as an outstanding young cadet, and she won several awards.


Junior Cadet of the Month, Cadet of the Year, Leadership Awards like Unit Commander. In 2015, while at Fort Carson in Colorado, Kamaya met Tyrone Hassel. I was there when Kamaya and Ty first met. Ty was a gentleman. Charming. Smart. She liked him a lot. After probably three or four months, I think it was serious. How did you hear about his relationship with Kamaya? When I heard of his relationship with Kamaya, he was getting engaged.Not even a girlfriend?Not a girlfriend. When he told me he was getting married, I was like, Is you getting married for money in the military, or are you getting married because you love him? You say for the money, what do you mean? Because in the military, I believe it's to get more money when you're married. He was like, No, dad, I really love her. Then you finally meet Kamaya, and what did you think of her? It was like, I really know him for all my life. She walked in, Hey, dad, called me dad right off the bag. So you gained a daughter-in-law, and then very quickly, you're a grandfather. Yeah, I gained a daughter-in-law, and then next thing you know, boom, the baby bump.


She was pregnant. It was my son's first child. He was happy about it. So when he was happy, I was happy. When I first met Kameya, she was a sweet girl, real nice. The military is very hard. So when you find some friends, you want to build your own community and stuff and get to know each other. Delina and her husband, former Sergeant Mark Burks, became fast friends with the Hassels. Mark remembers a sweet moment between Tyrone and Kamaya when they all watched the Super Bowl together in 2018. Four-man rush. Four players caught. He had his arm around her, and he was like, kissing her on the cheek. And my wife was like, Oh. She's like, Why you don't Why would you do me like that? I was like, Oh, he's so cute. Look at him. And Mark was just like, Oh, that's just that young love. They just going to get over that. He was in love with her. He was hugging up on her like, This is my baby. It's now been a week since the murder, and none of the leads have panned out. So police asked Kamaya to come in for another interview.


When you're a week separated from the event, your adrenaline has come down slightly, and you might remember some things that you didn't remember on the scene. This is the never before seen interview obtained exclusively by 2020. Okay. What he's going to ask you is your phone, so we can download the phone. We have to eliminate you to move on, you know what I mean? So we can focus on other things. We're still just piecing together because it was really a mystery at that time. We obviously are struggling with some leads right now. We don't have a whole lot going on. So we're trying to still piece it together. She was questioned by Detective Easton and Detective Peek. Has he ever cheated on you? When we were dating, but not while we were married. You're not a jealous person. You're not like, Hey, were you out fooling around or anything? Did you give him any grief about it? No, we never had those issues. Okay. We were really just there to get her timeline. What happened and when. What happens Monday? Monday is New Year's Eve. They had their own thing going on, even though it was New Year's Eve.


Kameya had stayed behind with her baby while Tyrone went to his family's New Year's Eve party. I wasn't really upset about it because I knew that he was going to be with his family. Yeah. She did say that she was a homebody. It's not my thing. I'd rather just sit at home. And then he brought food home for you. Yeah, he brought food home for me. The detective then asked Kamaya how she felt about Tyrone's parents. Oh, they're nice. I always enjoyed them. They're really nice people. When Kamaya and Tyrone were overseas in South Korea, his parents took care of their baby. They watched our son. Well, took care of our son all the time we were gone. So they had our baby and the dog. That's really nice of them. Yeah. I mean, you love them. I mean, you consider them like your parents, aren't it? She's cordial. I mean, she's not crazy outgoing, But she was very nice. Does he have life insurance? Yeah, we all do. Okay, yeah. That comes standard or whatever, right? That's a military thing, yeah. What does he get? The SGLA, the amount is $400,000. One of the benefits for your survivors is if you were to be killed in any way, your survivors would get this benefit of the life insurance.


Even though he wasn't in combat or anything, you still get that $400,000 because he was-That's what they were saying. That's a good base for your life, and you could set up a maybe college fund for your kid and everything. Yeah. I mean, I don't really know until I get there. I'd rather have him than submission. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. At this point, Kamaya's bank statement shows that she had already received $100,000 in death benefits. That money is in addition to Tyrone's life insurance that she stands to receive. Can I see your phone for a second? Yeah. Do you mind if I run your phone real fast just to see the... Just to to make sure the messages are all the same? Yeah. Okay. All right, I'll be right back. So you have no idea who would have done this, and you were not involved in any way whatsoever. It just happened so fast, and I saw that he was laid out there by his truck. Then I went out there, I'm shaking him. I'm like, Bay, get up, get up. He's not talking. I'm just buying anything. That's when I ran back in the house and got my phone call 911.


We walked out of the room, we were probably like, She was like, emotionless. Who knows? Maybe she's been crying for seven and a half days, and she just has no more tears at that point. In the meantime, St. Joseph's Police Department went door to door looking for surveillance footage recorded the night of the murder. There was none to be found except this one. That security camera here at enterprise Car Rental provides investigators with a critical piece of information. It captures Sergeant Hassel's pickup truck as he makes his way to Kamaya to deliver that food from the party. It's that same camera that later captures a black Chevy Sedan traveling in the opposite direction. Fairly rapidly, driving a little bit erratically. Definitely in a suspicious manner. Prior to that, we had received information from a neighbor that observed that vehicle in the driveway. Did you see what vehicle it was? It was a black car. It had the lights in the front. Which also contributed to us believing that that was the suspect vehicle on video, fleeing the scene. So who was in that car? The license plate was not visible in the video. But the investigation takes a dramatic turn.


A week and a half after the murder, a tip comes in the Saint Joe Township Police Department. It was an anonymous phone call from a woman. Sounded like she was near the military base. The guy I need to look at your wife. She basically told us we need to look at Kamaya. A US military member home for the holidays has been found dead after being shot multiple times. All right. Do you have any idea what happened here? We don't have them anymore. We don't have one of our kids. A grown-up kid who was now a husband and father. Son, it's time for a house for the third. This is all the Tyrones. Yes. Or generations. This was a planned execution. It was just when and where. And then I just heard gun shots. He said it's done. I had to do what I had to do. What the hell just happened here? A tip led to the arrest and the murder of Tyrone Hassel III. He was like, We found your son as killer. Wow. What do you mean? And now everyone at the funeral is finding out. At the funeral. And he was like, Oh, you don't know, huh?


I was like, Wait, huh? Why did he got away with this murder? I'm going to just tell you, my son. What did he say? I didn't believe it. My wife almost passed out. The whole house just went crazy. 23 hero, Tyrone Hassel III, was an outstanding young sergeant with a bright future. He had been gunned down in cold blood while his wife, Kamaya, and young son were nearby. He was doing so good. He was a very likable person. I didn't know of him to ever have any enemies. How on earth did this happen? No one has an ill feeling towards Tyrone. I can't imagine this is something that happened because of something he did. He was so young. He did. For what reason, really? Fire. There seemed to be no motive for the killing until 11 days after the murder, when police received an anonymous call with a shocking tip. One of our officers received a phone call from an anonymous person in Georgia. Stated that was a female collar, spoke with a heavy Jamaican accent. I have a been in Terrisón, and I had a conversation with him a few nights ago, and he was very distressed about the situation.


You guys should look at the wife. She didn't really elaborate too much, but she did hint that there was a relationship that Kamaya was involved in that may have led to something like this. The relationship with the guy and the girl is the same platoon. The tip essentially said Kamaya was having an affair with a man in the army in her platoon unit down in Georgia at Fort Stuart. Fort Stuart is the largest military installation on the Eastern Seaboard. Their primary mission is to train the third Infantry Division for any deployments anywhere in the world. And it's at that base in Georgia, where Specialist Kameya Hassel worked as a truck driver and where Sergeant Hassel was a wheel mechanic. The very same day that police in Michigan got that anonymous call, there was another stunning development in the case, this time at Fort Stuart. Two soldiers went to their chaplain with fear of another service member. His name is Jeremy Quaylar. The two individuals had known about the affair that Kamaya Hassel was having with Jeremy Quaylar. The soldiers were concerned for their own safety after Quaylar was becoming more and more anxious. With this information, Army CID, the Army's Criminal Investigation Division, launches their own probe into the murder of Sergeant Hassel.


Kamaya became very friendly with Specialist Jeremy Coyar. And that evolved into an affair, and it was seen by their friend group. They knew it was going on. Some of those friends are interviewed by Army investigators at the base. I've seen them together, mess around. So when you say mess around, what are you getting at with that? Because obviously, everybody's got different... Oh, yeah, yeah, sexually. Okay. Jeremy Coyar was in the same platoon as Kamaya Hassel. Kamaya and Jeremy drove trucks for the military, so they worked together fairly closely. Coyar stated that Kamaya Hassel was his girl and that Sergeant Hassel had to go. Jeremy Cuerre was from Chicago. He was married. Jeremy is my ex-husband. We met in high school. He was eye candy for me, at least. He was fine. He was cute. The way he was, he was charming, very charming. We had learned that Jeremy Coylar had a very short temper, was never in a good mood. He was known by some of the people in his platoon to have a little bit of an anger issue. Our relationship was It was rocky. He was cheating on me. I've seen women in his phone.


I went through his phone, and that's when I seen him conversating with women. I'd seen her name on there. Kamaya. I didn't think of anything because I've seen multiple women. It wasn't just her. It was sexual conversations. Army CID talk with Sergeant Tederius Goldston. He was also in Georgia at Fort Stuart. Sergeant Goldston had some firearms that he was looking to sell, and he sold two of them to Jeremy Coyard. I sold him firearms. Okay. What firearms did you sell him? I sold him a Ruger SR-S-R-90. It's a nine-minute. After talking with another soldier, Army CID learns that Jeremy Coyar had allegedly described how he says he killed Sergeant Hassel. He's bragging. He's telling his best buddy on base what he did. After he shot him, he went up, stood over him, and put one in his head to confirm the kill. One of the shots was directly in the forehead. Jeremy Coyar is immediately put under surveillance at his home near the base. In his driveway is a black car that looks very similar to the car caught on security camera the night of Sergeant Hassel's murder. It was a black Chevy Impala, and we had and conducted a search of the vehicle and discovered nine-millimeter ammunition and another nine-millimeter magazine.


It was believed to be a nine-millimeter pistol that was used in the murder of Sergeant Hassel. The license plate number was provided to the St. Joseph Township Police Department. We ran that through our license plate readers, and we were able to pick up that he was in Michigan in the area of the murderer within a few hours of the murder. Just seven hours after Army CID started their investigation, Jeremy Quayar is arrested. And he's detained at the Liberty County Jail. The Army's Criminal Investigation Command is a special agent and wanted to question you about the following offenses in which you were suspected or accused, and it's Homicide and Conspiracy. Do you understand those? Jeremy Coyar invokes his right to remain silent and doesn't speak anymore. Back in Michigan, police want to talk to Kamaya about this man, Jeremy Kouyar. Do you know a guy by the name of Jeremy Cooler? Quayar? Yeah, I know Jeremy. Once we got the information from the US military, it was go mode. You and Jeremy were romantically involved. He flat out says that. No, we were not. There's a possibility that he has a crush on me. Anybody can have a crush on me.


I'm not dealing with anyone to where that they would want to do something to my husband. We're driving the Citroën C4X on Dublin's most speed-bumped road, as voted by an online poll, to test Citroën's progressive hydraulic cushion suspension. The music is coming from a vinyl record playing on a record player set up in the back seat. Here comes a speed bump. Let's see if this record skips. Perfect. Went off without a scratch. Book a test glide in a Citroën today. Visit citroën. Ie. Jeremy Quayar is now in custody in Georgia. In investigatorsators confirmed that Kamaya Hassel's lover was in Michigan the night of Sergeant Hassel's murder. He'd been up here three to four times, and each time he wasn't able to commit the homicide because either Sergeant Hassel had somebody with him or it just wasn't the right opportunity. The Bairn County Sheriff's Department did a lot of the forensics on the phones and was able to put a timeline together for us, showing his coming and going into Michigan. This is actually some property that was recovered in our suspect, Jeremy Coyar's house in Georgia. There is a receipt here from the Illinois Toe Plaza, putting Jeremy Coyar's vehicle coming into town.


So it It ties together with his car traveling into Michigan as well with the toll receipt. But that security footage we see of Sergeant Hassel at the Walmart that day, the killer had been nearby? Yes. According to the plate scanner, it put his vehicle within a mile of the Walmart. Now, investigators in Michigan are especially eager to interview Kamaya again, this time about her affair with Jeremy Quayar. Police reach out to Tyrone's father. I got a call from Officer Peppers, and he was like, Tyrone, something just came up. I told him, I need you to bring Kamaya to the Sheriff's Department. And I couldn't really give him much more information than that because of where we were headed with the investigation. I just told Kamaya, I was like, We got to go to the Sheriff's Department. On the way there, did she seem nervous? She asked me. She was like, I wonder, why are we going back over here today? Lieutenant Bigger was holding the door open, and we walked in. He was like, Mr. Hassel, take a seat right here. Kamaya, you go this way. So they separated us immediately. They didn't explain anything to him.


He didn't say anything. He just said, It's going to be a long night. I walked out the door, the Sheriff's Department, and I just stood there for a minute, and I'm like, What in the world did just happen? We took her up to the Sheriff's Department interview room. We got a couple questions for you. Myself and the Detective Lieutenant Biggert conducted the interview. You have the right to talk to your Lord and Human President with you while you're being questioned. She's read her rights. She was willing to talk to us right away without hesitation. This video obtained exclusively by 2020. If you give up the right to remain silent and later wish to stop answering questions, no further questions will be asked. Do you understand that? I understand. Okay. This is the first time I've heard those. I didn't do it before? No. We do all that. We basically, right off the bat, asked her who Jeremy Coyar is. Do you know a guy by the name of Jeremy Cooler? Coyar? Yeah, I know Jeremy. Who is he? I work with him. She originally stated he's just a subject she works with on base. Then we asked her a few times, What's your relationship?


Are you guys friends, romantically involved? No, we're friends. We're not romantically involved. After about the third or fourth time we asked her about Jeremy Coyar, she made a statement which was very odd. What's up with that? She wants to know why we're asking about Jeremy Coyar. We've got Jeremy talking down there. Where? Fort Stuart. Officers are down there with him right now. We knew what happened. We want your side of this story. Side of the story for what? What happened to Tyrone. What do you mean? What is he saying? We went on to inform her that we have information from the military base in Fort Stuart of what had happened. We've got a lot of people coming forward down on Fort Stuart. And what are they saying? The stuff that Jeremy told them. In hopes of getting Kamaya to crack. The detectives lie, which they are legally allowed to do. They say Jeremy is telling everything to army investigators. And at this point in time, do you wish to have a lawyer? When in fact, He's not talking at all. Jeremy is cooperating at the other end, okay? We want to know your involvement of Tyrone's death.


I don't have any involvement in my husband's death. She wouldn't admit to it? You could see her just trying to think of something. At that point, she never really gave up the full relationship, even that she had talked to him. But let's be honest, you and Jeremy were romantically involved. He flat out says that. No, we were not. It's a possibility I'm pregnant right now with my husband. Well, I'm I mean, just because you- But you want to know something? Why is Jeremy... Do you tell me why he think he's telling people that he's wrong? I do not know why he's telling anybody. I've never been romantically involved. I've never cheated on my husband. I confronted her with everything that was going on. She still denied it. Now, if there's a possibility that he has a crush on me, anybody can have a crush on me. But I'm not dealing with anyone to where that they will want to do something to my husband. I'll be raking them in with this. See how Jeremy's doing over there? So I walked out, gave through thought, and I said, Let's try a polygraph. We did ask her if she'd be willing to take a polygraph.


Instead, she would, and that she wanted to take it to clear her name. I don't really have a choice. Well, I appreciate it. What are my other options? Yeah, I don't really have a choice, and I don't want this going any further with me being attached to it. You know what time was going on. So I called Officer Peppers at... It was like midnight. I said, Man, can somebody tell me what's going on? My son's funeral is tomorrow, and Kamaya is there. Nobody telling me what's going on it. He said, I don't know. I call you back. What Tyrone didn't know was that Officer Peppers and Sergeant Lanier were on a two-hour drive to the Michigan State police headquarters so that Kamaya could take a lie detector test. When we got there, Lieutenant Gusky took over. He's breaking him across the top. He got her basically to feel relaxed and to befriend her. I'm in your corner 100, 10%. I'm not bailing. But the one thing I don't do, I'm not a guy that's going to beat around the bush and go halfway. He flat out confronted her with new information. Something is going to happen.


You understand that? I remember looking at Officer Pepper. It was just like What the hell just happened here? I didn't believe it. My wife almost passed out. The whole house just went crazy. Is there anything else we need to tell us? Just hours after Jeremy Coyar had been arrested for the murder of Sergeant Tyrone Hassel, Kamaya Hassel is waiting to take a lie detector test. This is her recorded interview with police. Why did I take this test today? Because I want to clear my name. I want people to know that this situation is not tied to me at all. I love my husband. I wouldn't do anything. If I could, I would do everything in my power to have him back. That happens when you-Detective Lungusky administers his test, and after it was done, he simply went to Kamaya and said, Look, I know you're lying. I'm in your corner, 100, I'm not bailing. He got her basically to feel relaxed and to befriend her. And Kamaya eventually gave a play-by-play of what happened. It created us when it started. We weren't sexual or anything, but we were really close. But you are now. We are really close.


You guys were probably sexual somewhere throughout all that. She had to be. Not even just sexually. I just was feeling so bad, looked hot. And it's just like he was just there listening and everything. She goes on to blame Sergeant Hassel as the reason for her searching out Jeremy, saying that he didn't pay enough attention to me. He didn't give me what I needed. So many times, I've been with the baby, majority then Todd. I can't count on my finger how many times he's given him a bath. I've worked the same amount of hours that he worked, and I still have to come home and do everything for the baby. As we started to talk, it started to unfold what her role actually was in this. As it unfolded, she wound up being one of the coldest people I'd run into in my career. How do you text them that you're calling them back with the food? I told him that he was bringing us back to eat. He was bringing them back to food. He's bringing back to food? He was just like, Never mind. We'll just try another day. And then I said, Well, he's about to bring us something to eat.


Were you pretty adamant with him? What was his message going to show? He was going to show he was like, Hey, get him to stand up. I was like, Hey, hurry up. He was on the way back. Twelve days after her husband's murder, Kamaya finally comes clean. You said you feel as responsible as Jeremy is. I mean, this is what you Did you say this is a 50/50, you guys, right on this? Yeah. I know all about it. I probably could have stopped it, but the reason why I didn't, because I felt like he would be mad at me. And not love you anymore? Yeah. Because I just felt like I wasn't getting that love at home like I wanted to. Is there anything else we need to tell? We were sexual. That you were sexual? Okay. I just wanted to go through this with you. I wanted to read it. Kamaya Hassel signs a document admitting her involvement in the murder. I said, Did you plan with Jeremy to kill Tyrone? He said, Yes. Was the money part of the reason for the murder? Yes. After all of our experiences with Kamaya throughout the investigation, it was definitely shocking to hear her confess.


She had been sitting on that information the whole time. All right, I think I will be right back. Okay. She was arrested on the early morning as her Welfare was. Actually, it was the day of the funeral. She was actually locked up. I heard three car doors shut. So I was like, Okay, that's probably two officers in Kamaya. When I opened the door, it was three officers, no Kamaya. And he told me to come outside on the porch. So I'm like, What's going on? And then he was like, We found your son as killer. And I'm like, Oh, and he said it was Kamaya. Wow. I was still in shock. I didn't believe it. My wife almost passed out. You just couldn't believe it then. No, I couldn't believe it. I was angry because I sat there with you, and we catered to you for 12 days. Even though we were the ones that were really hurt, we catered to your needs. Was there ever a time when you thought that she might have been responsible? I couldn't see it. Not at all. Not even a slight chance. It's amazing how sometimes we just don't know a person.


If there was a movie, she would have won an Oscar. Definitely. And I I found out somebody who I thought I knew I found out. I really didn't know at all. Sergeant Hassel's obiturary had already been published. It said he leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife, Kamaya Hassel. They asked me that day if I wanted to stop the service, but that was not an option. It already been 12 days now that he hasn't been buried, and we needed to get it going. And now everyone at the funeral is finding out. At the funeral. As the service was going on, you could see people start to whisper to each other, phones coming out. While we were in the funeral, our phones was just blowing up. Everybody, we kindly declined the calls. As we were leaving, one of Tyrone's uncles, he was like, Was you all real close? I was like, Yeah, man, that was like my brother. He was like, I could tell. And then I was like, Yeah, I just feel bad for Kamaya. And he was like, Oh, you don't know, huh? I was like, No, what? He was like, Yeah, they came and picked up Kamaya this morning.


I was like, Wait, huh? She set it up. I didn't want to believe it. Jeremy Quayar and Kamaya Hassel are both in jail awaiting trial for the first-degree murder of Sergeant Tyrone Hassel. And Kamaya makes a revealing phone call to her mother. I'm in the jail. Why are you in jail? This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance. What if comparing car insurance rates was as easy as putting on favorite podcast? With Progressive, it is. Just visit the Progressive website to quote with all the coverage you want. You'll see Progressive's direct rate, then their tool will provide options from other companies so you can compare. All you need to do is choose the rate and coverage you like. Quote today at progressive. Com to join over 28 million drivers who trust Progressive. Progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates. Comparison rates not available in all states or situations. Prices vary based on how you buy. We're following breaking news out of Barian County this morning. Police say a tip led to the arrest of two suspects in the murder of Tyrone Hassel III. News broke just hours before Hassel's family and friends gathered for his funeral.


Everybody is in the church, whispering amongst each other because it came up on the news break that German Kamaya was arrested. She is booked in at the Barian County Jail. And she immediately calls her mom. Hello. This is a call from an inmate at the Barrient County Jail. So Kamaya, when did all this come about? It was planned in Korea. I got myself mixed up in I don't know. Something I didn't think would be like this. I can't hear you. We planned it. You all planned it? Yeah. Tamaya, I don't believe that. Is somebody making you say that? Somebody made me plan it. He was forcing me. I don't know. I was- Who was forcing you, Kamaya? His name is Quay. Why was Quay forcing you? Because he wanted to be with me so that we could be together. Her mom expressed her extreme disappointment in her child at that time. Why you all just woke up? He wasn't letting me, and I was scared to tell anybody about what was going on. Who were you scared to tell? You talked to me all the time. You could have told me. I just knew that you would be disappointed.


You were living a double life, and you had your herds been killed. The father of your child. Are you talking about I'd be disappointed? No, I'm disappointed in this. This is what I'm disappointed in. It was our lead story many days. Are you US Army soldier is now on trial, the New Year's Eve murder of her own husband in Barian County. People were so stunned by what that young woman was capable of, that people wanted to hear what really happened. If Sergeant Hassel was killed, she'd get that money, and a lot of it. This was a strong case. I want everything out for that jury right away, and I want them convinced in opening statement. You will find that he was the victim of a planned killing. Conceived months before, the woman responsible for that killing is seated right there. The You'll find she had murder on her mind, a betrayal on her heart. So this whole plan of Kamaya and Quayar wasn't at the heat of the moment. This was a planned execution. It was just when and where. At times, Jeremy Coyar said, Look, it's not working out tonight. We'll do it another time.


And the defendant said, No, no. We got to get it done tonight. She was using Snapchat to tell Jerem Quayar where Sergeant Hassel was, when he was leaving the house, when he was coming back, when he was in his vehicle, and that's how they planned it. We went through her cell phone, and one of the Google searches was how to delete Snapchat from your cell phone, and Snapchat was not on her phone. So obviously, she'd eliminated an application from her phone to evade that data. Cell phone records also show that Sergeant Hassel texted his wife at 10:48 PM. He said, Just wrap you all food up. About to be on the way. Then four minutes later, she's on the phone with Jeremy Coyar. And she let Coyar know at that time, Hey, you can't leave. He's coming to bring me food. This is the time. Steve Perangeli, the prosecutor, did his best to try and create Kamaya. This image as though she was some mastermind criminal. Kamaya, I think, unfortunately, hitched her wagon to a very dangerous individual and allowed herself to follow his lead. Jeremy Coyard is directly, no question about it, responsible for Tyrone Hassel's death.


But just because he's responsible, does not mean Kamaya Hassel is involved. This is Mr. Cuer's plan. This is his idea. Kamaya's defense attorney also argued that she was manipulated into a confession by the police. You're a victim this. You are still under his control. He's been working you since Korea. I knew it for a fact that he'd manipulated her. When I cross-examined him, I asked him, I said, You knew what buttons to push. You were looking to get her to tell you what you wanted to hear. And one of the things that you're allowed to do when you're interviewing someone is you're allowed to make things up. Is that right? That is correct. You're allowed to lie to a subject to see what they will say in response to your lie. Is that right? That is correct. They tried to play Detective Lungusky as an expert who manipulated her and fed her the evidence that she regurgitated to him. Isn't that a huge step to kill your husband just to be with another guy? But when you broke down his interview with her, she would always give out the evidence first. Do you mean to go by Solomon's will or-Multiple people take the stand, including Tyrone's father, friends, and first responders.


But the prosecution believed the star witness was Army Specialist Jaquan Hamilton. Sir, if you would, for the record, state your full name and spell your last, please. Who was friends with Jeremy and Kamaya. Jaquan says that Jeremy told him about his plan to kill Tyrone. He's basically explaining why he has to go. He has to get rid of him. The defense went after Jaquan, who initially did not report Jeremy's plan because he didn't think he was serious. If you had reported this, maybe it wouldn't have happened. Is that fair? Yes. When Jeremy Coyar went back to Georgia, he made statements to Jaquan Hamilton about killing Sergeant Hassel. When he first approached you, what did he What did he say? He said it's done. I had to do what I had to do. Did he talk any further about it? He was going into detail, basically saying, I caught him coming out the house and shot him in the head, and then dropped, and then shot him again. When you asked him whether or not Kamaya Hassel was involved in the planning of the murder of her husband, what did he say? He said it's mutual, it has to be done.


It was Jeremy Kuaire's own mouth that got them caught. If he had not bragged about what was going on to other soldiers at the base down in Georgia, they might have got away with this murder. The defense didn't call any witnesses. The amount amount of evidence that was against Kamaya was considerable, certainly not the least of which was her statements to Detective Longusky, and also her statements that were recorded in the conversation with her mother. There was no cross-examen that could really be done on those phone calls, and that was the last piece of evidence they got to hear before I arrested my case. A jury deliberated for 1 hour and 8 minutes to find Kamaya Hassel guilty in the murder of her husband, Army Staff Sergeant Tyrone Hassel III. Guilty of first-degrees premeditated murder as either or better. Guilty of conspiracy to commit first-degrees premeditated murder. Kamaya had no real reaction in court. She didn't look our way. She was not emotional. There's no doubt in my mind that had Kamaya never met Jeremy Coyar, this never would have happened. I think Jeremy had convinced her that this was the way to go. This was her only route towards happiness.


She had everything that she could have wanted: car, a family, a house, a career. And she let it all go for some insurance money. He was something to everybody he met, but to you, he was expendable. He was a check, $400,000 check. So So now it's Jeremy's turn to have his day in court. And I was like, This dude is sick. And he has a surprise encounter with Sergeant Hassel's father. I'm going to just tell you my side, but you do deserve that. Kamaya Hassel was sentenced today to life in prison without parole for helping her boyfriend kill her husband, Tyrone Hassel III. Coyer Coyar took a plea of second-degree murder, so he didn't even want to take it to trial. Jeremy Coyar was sentenced today to 65 to 90 years in prison. We made that plea bargain after talking with the family. We believe that 65 years was enough. I've seen all the information they were saying in court. That was my first time even hearing the information. I had this pit in my stomach. I was so disgusted. There's no question that the guy was pretty unhinged. I mean, he told a friend of his that he was planning a murder, and then he told the same friend that he had committed this murder.


He would cry on the phone and just, I'm so sorry. And I'm like, No, you're not. You're just sorry you got caught. Because if you didn't get caught, you probably would be living your damn best life right now. In contrast to Kamaya, Jeremy Quayar did show some emotion as he was sentenced and as he was listening to Tyrone's mother speak in court. We did all of this for money and my son's spot. You could have had his house, his wife, he didn't help raise his son, but you could never be him. He was better than you, and he still is, because the person that he was, his name will live on. Your Honor, I want to apologize to the family again. Sincerely, I was a fool for just taking her words and not really looking to see who he was. I just had issues within my own deacons. After we took his plea agreement, while he was walking out of court, he told Tyrone Hassel Jr, I want to talk with you. I need to talk with you. I was in the hallway, and he was trying to say something. I said, I want to know what he was trying to say.


And Lieutenant Bigger heard me. I did speak with Tyrone and said, he's reaching out. He wants to talk to you. I spoke with his attorney, and his attorney said, That's fine. You can set it up. Everything will be recorded. And it was just going to be a standard jail visit. But the visit is not what it looks like on the video. I couldn't see him across from me. I was looking at a monitor, and he was looking at a monitor. He was in It's a different location. How are you doing, sir? I'm all right, under the circumstances. Honestly, I'm very sorry. I know that is not even enough. You know? I'm going to just tell you my side. I know regardless, but you do deserve that. And to be honest with you, it's sad, but you deserve that. What did he say? He said a lot more than I really wanted to hear as far as his relationship with Kamaya and stuff. I didn't come to really listen to that, but I did because I didn't want him to shut down on me. I'm being real with you. I'm truly sorry. I thought I loved her.


You know what I'm saying? I was all over the place. You know what I'm saying? For some reason, I thought Kamaya was my light. You know what I'm saying? You could see the anger. You could see the disgust in Tyrone Hassel Jr. 'S eyes. He was pretty graphic in his description, what he did. Yeah, and He told me how many times he came to kill my son. He honestly took me like six times, sir. At least six times. I'm being completely honest with you. The first time I chose. And I know from what he was saying and him describing my house that it was real. He had been there before. He had been there before. I do remember him saying he was hiding behind a garbage can in this one day. You know the two garbage cans you have right there by your patio? I was waiting right there and he had came out. Look, I choked many times. You know what I mean? My mind was twisted. I thought I had to do that in order for me to have a family with her because I wanted kids. It was... Jeremy Coyer didn't hold back.


He spilled everything, how it was planned, how he executed his son in his driveway. That's when she was like, Oh, he's coming back. And I was like, You really just want me to do this? So I was like, Man, I came back. And that's when it happened. He definitely owned up to his part of all it. I think he wanted to give closure to Tyrone of everything that happened so there wasn't questions. Maybe that's in his mind. And for the heartbroken father to sit there and listen when he knew the truth and what had happened, that took strength that I don't think most people could muster. I wanted any information that I can get out of him. I wanted to know how much involvement she had in it. When he got shot, did she come out? Did she really... She had to I was so concerned. I was just wondering if she talked to you about that afterwards. Yes, she did. Matter of fact, she did. She was like, Yeah, he died of my arms. And she was saying she was sad about it. And I'm like, Why did you have me do it then?


Do you think Kamaya was the mastermind mind of this crime? I know she was a mastermind, and I realized that he was just as sick as she was. For him to think that after they did what they did, that they can just have a happy ever after life. I hope and pray that within himself and his soul that he knows what he did was wrong, and he accepts it, and he just has to... He got to roll with the punches in it. You got to deal with it. But just months after talking to Tyrell Tyrone Hassel. Jeremy shocks everybody again. This time, he's taking it all back. Jeremy Coyar, the man who previously pleaded guilty to the murder of Tyrone Hassel III, now hoping to withdraw that plea. Withdrawing it is like a slap in the face. It makes you wonder, what is this guy's picture? Some of your favorites? Oh, that one. This is all the Tyrones. Yes. One, two, three, and four. Four generations. Yeah. That's his son. That's Chuck. That's one of my favorite pictures right there. We don't have them anymore. We don't have one of our kids. Because when you look at pictures of them when they're babies or whatever, usually they're still here.


I felt like, man, this is The only thing we have left is pictures. Just months after speaking with Tyrone's father, Jeremy Coyar tried to withdraw his guilty plea, but the judge upheld it. How often do you think of Tyrone? All the time, every day, especially when I have to work with his daddy. His lab is just the same. It sounds like I'm standing next to him again. How do you want the world to remember your buddy? He has a very nice, charismatic guy that loved his family and loved the people he grew up with. And what about Kamaya and Tyrone's son? Tyrone Hassel IV, nicknamed Chunk? Well, he currently lives with Kamaya's mother. The Hassel family gets to see him over FaceTime. What message do you have for your grandson? I got a lot of things to talk to him about. I would like him to know that his father was a good man, and his father loved him very dearly. I would tell Chunk that his dad was remarkable, and all he ever wanted was for Chunk to be better than remarkable. All Tyrone Hassel III wanted to do was lay the foundation for his son, Tyrone Hassel IV.


That's legacy. He wore number one. So the first home game of every year since his tragic passing, we call Fly High Tie Day, and dedicated to him, have his parents come out, put up a banner, there, throw the first pitch. Sergeant Hassel wanted so much to give back to this community. And the hardest part is we'll never know what Sergeant Hassel could have done. Specialist Tyrone Hassel, fourth Major of the Yes. Okay. The time that he was with us, he was successful, and he was living his dream. He was doing what he wanted to do, and he was happy. Kamaya Hassele still has an appeal pending. We reached out to her for comment, but she has not responded. As for the $100,000 in insurance money that Kamaya already was paid, the military was able to get it back. It's now in a trust for the couple's son. That is our program for tonight. I'm David Muir. I'm Deborah Roberts from all of us here at 20/20 and ABC News. Good night.