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This is a national story. This is a huge story. Fake names, new identities, new jobs, new country, plastic surgery. You have this sweet girl that did absolutely nothing wrong. She's got a whole life ahead of her. She was this incredible cyclist that was going to do great things. You are ready. I'm ready. You're ready. To see that taken away from somebody over something completely senseless. No one in cycling gets murdered. What the hell is going on? There's some suspicious activity going on in there, so we definitely went with a suspicious death. When you hear those screams in the video, screams of pain, screams of fear? Screams of fear. Colin had been the last person to be with Mariah or be seen with Mariah before her death. When detectives hear about relationship between this young man and two different women, that's often the motive for murder. That's why I really want to get your side of the story, because maybe there's a lot more going on. I might be talking about two suspects here. You thought that you were going to be able to get away with this. Ambulance, what's the address, please? There's a stranger That 911 call was the most traumatizing thing I've ever heard.


My friend is staying with me, and I just walked in, and she's laying on the bathroom floor, and there's blood everywhere. This is a horrific tape. Gut-wrenching. Is she awake? She's not awake. There's blood all over her face and all on the back of her head. Something strange. Got the The paramedics on the way to help you stay on the line, Kaitlyn. The operator then starts walking her through performing CPR. We're going to do this until health can take over. Count out loud so I can count with you. She's bawling when she calls, and then she just pulls it together. Okay, okay. Hump the chest hard and fast, at least twice per second and 2 inches deep. Okay. Then count out loud so I can count with you. You just hear her counting. One, two, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. She was not giving up. Keep going. 9, 10, 11. Doing everything she possibly could to try and save her friend. 12, 13, 14, 13. There's a stranger in the dark. I'm Hara Wilson. I also go by Mo. She just had this amazing smile that would just pull you in. She's a beautiful woman, super smart, really athletic.


Athletes, I mean, sometimes they're boring, and she wasn't. I think coffee in any vessel is pretty good. A wonderful mix of serious and driven, but also up for having a fun time. Mo grew up in Vermont. It's really beautiful area, really rural. Mariah's family, they've been in Eastbrook for a long, long time. The mountain bike riding is just spectacular. And then the snow starts to arrive. You get to sled, you get to ski, you get to snowshoot. Mariah Wilson came from a pretty active outdoorsy family. In fact, her dad had been a champion skier and coach. When she was young, she dreamed of being an Olympic ski racer. I bet Mariah Wilson when she I first came to Birkbound Academy, the prep school that specializes in teaching Alpine skiing. And then went on to compete for Dartmouth while getting an engineering degree. And it wasn't until she finished her downhill ski racing career that she really started picking up the bike and discovering not only that it was fun, but that she had the ability to be a great athlete. We'd be out on these early morning rides when it'd be 40 degrees and cold and muddy.


That's where your true grit would come out. At the point where most people would drop off or quit, the smile would break out on her face. I discovered that gravel cycling was a thing and ended up buying a gravel bike. I was like, Wow, this is so cool. I want to do this. Gravel racing is probably the newest form of bike racing. It's meant to be ridden on dirt, roads, gravel roads. You're out in the country exploring these beautiful terrain. It's like Viking's answer to the marathon. It can take anywhere from 5 to 12 hours. R gravel races are unique because they're open to everyone, from the top professionals to the weekend warriors. To the line for their 100-mile event. You're all ripping the same tough terrain, and We're all cheers in a beer after. I've really enjoyed the broader experience that gravel racing offers, that laidback feeling that often accompanies the really serious racing. Congratulations on your win. Thank you. She had thrown herself in to the biggest races in the country. Mariah Wilson, the winner. She was winning races by 25 minutes over the women's field, beating a really talented lineup of men's racers as well.


Mo, phenomenal race. Mariah Wilson, just untouchable. It was pretty clear that she had a pretty bright future as a sponsored athlete. I really like to race bikes as well, and I'm one of their sponsored athletes. She She quit her job and started to focus full-time on being a professional bike racer. I mean, that was a pretty bold decision to say, Okay, I'm going to see if I can do it. I'm here with the fabulous Mo Wilson. You are ready. I'm ready. You're ready. I'm so excited to be here. It feels like the first big race of the year. She started her 2022 racing season with a huge amount of success. Mariah Wilson arrives here in Austin, one of the sportiest cities in America. She's got a race in the area, and she heads to the garage apartment of her friend, Kaitlyn Cash, who she'll be spending a few days with. So around 5:30 in the evening, Mariah Wilson announces to this friend, her host, who she's staying with, that she is meeting up with someone named Colin. Kaitlyn Cash was also also out that night and gets an alert on her security app that Mo Wilson has come back, entered the lock code, and gone inside the apartment.


Kaitlyn Cash arrives back at her home, she notices that the door to the home is unlocked. She walked in the bathroom and saw Mo Wilson on the floor are bloody. She frantically calls 911. Is she breathing? No. Okay. Throughout those six minutes, she believed she could save her life, and she did absolutely everything she possibly could. Don't leave her alone and don't stop. As police arrive, they're about to plunge into a tragic web of lies, jealousy, and obsession. One, two. Yeah, keep going, Kaitlyn. That's a perfect rate. You're doing good. Keep going. They're almost there. Kaitlyn Cash desperately performs over 350 CPR chest compressions in just five minutes, trying heroically to save her friend, Mariah Wilson. Keep going, Kaitlyn. Don't stop. Keep going. You're doing good. Keep going. And then the moment the police arrive and take over for her, you just hear her fall apart again. Can I stop? Kaylyn, is that the police officer's with you? Yeah, that's the police officer. So by the time paramedics get in there, they realize that she's deceased. It's apparent to them almost immediately that this is a homicide scene. They found spent shell casings on the floor, but they saw no weapon.


It is certainly a murder. And then the next step in the analysis is, what murder is this? Because Mo Wilson has been shot twice in the head. She's not exercising any form of self-defense. She's on her back. She's helpless. And there's the coup de grav around right through her heart. It was personal. It was definitely personal. Whoever did this stood over Mariah after they had initially shot her and then fired one time directly over her. Their intent was to make sure that Mariah was dead. One of the neighbors told investigators that he saw someone on a bicycle leaving that area. Mariah Wilson's bike is missing. The first thing that ran through my head is this a possible robbery gone wrong, a burglary gone wrong. Somebody's tried to steal the bicycle, and the victim walked in on that person. At some point, they find Mariah's bike down the street, tossed into a bamboo grove. Actually right in here, it's all been He got down now. Off to the right, that's where the bike actually was. I thought that that was strange. If they stole it from inside, why would they just abandon it there? Almost as if somebody was trying to make this look like a robbery in order to steal an expensive bike.


Pretty quickly, the police made a public statement. There's some suspicious activity going on in there, so we definitely went with a suspicious death. They They were canvassing the empty lot over there with their flashlights, potentially to find evidence. It's becoming a part of normal forensic routine for detectives to literally walk up and down the street looking for cameras. The authorities come by the house and they ask, Hey, we noticed that you had a home security system. And then the side yard is where the security camera is. And at the top there, you can see the security camera that points to the viewpoint of Chestnut and 18. Police gather videos from several cameras around the crime scene and immediately notice this black Jeep circling near Caitlin Cash's home. One minute after Mo Wilson comes back and punches in the code on Kaitlyn Cash's apartment, there is a neighbor that captures this black SUV. You see the break lights go on, indicating that the vehicle appears to be stopping very close to Caitlin Cash's home. There was a bike rack on the back of the Jeep and a roof rack on top of it, but we weren't able to see any occupants.


There's another camera across the street. It's only recording this porch, but the microphone picks up some chilling audio that may be difficult to listen to. A female scream, and then I hear two gunshots. And then I hear a six-second pause, followed by one more gunshot. That tells me that I now know when my shooting occurred. It's late at night by the time police question Kaitlyn Cash, and she's clearly shell-shocked, but she is able to give them a crucial piece of information that Mariah Wilson had spent the evening with a professional cyclist and local celebrity named Colin Strickland. I had no idea who he was, but it was very important because now I know that this person was probably the last person to see her alive. I want to talk with this guy. Colin Strickland is 10 years older. He's 35 years old. He lived in Austin, Texas. Also a freakishly talented athlete. He has been one of the biggest names in the up and coming sport of gravel racing. And just about six months earlier, Colin Strickland and Mariah Wilson had a short-lived fling together. The day after Mariah's murder, police show up at Colin's home.


They realized the vehicle that they saw in the video matches the same vehicle in Colin Strickland's driveway. There's a black SUV. It has a bike rack on it. It has chrome around the windows. It matches the description of what is seen on that video. He was already outside in his garage, so I approach him. And of course, at that time, I didn't know that she went by Mariah. I didn't know that she went by Mo. So whenever I asked, Do you know Anna Wilson? He says, No, I don't know who she is. Well, so now that's red flag number one, because you just went out on a date with her the night before. And now you're telling me that you don't know who this girl is. But pretty quickly, Colin realizes that the Anna Wilson he's being asked about is the woman he knows as Mariah Wilson. Then, Detective Spittler breaks the tragic news. He seemed very shocked. And so going to ask him, Where were you last night? And what happened? And so he outlines his day with Mariah Wilson, taking her on his motorcycle to a local pool. Deep Eddie Pool is a gathering place in Austin.


It is a great place to go and exercise, unwind, hang out with friends. Colin Strickland also says from Deep Eddie Pool, they went up a hill to a place called Pool Burger, and it's this fun, hip, young people place. They leave Pool Burger, and they are traveling on Colin Strickland's BMW Motorcycle back toward Kaitlyn Cash's home where Mariah Wilson is staying. Colin tells police that he drops off Mariah, does not go inside. The more that he would mention his motorcycle to me, it seemed like he was distancing himself from that Jeep. I'm thinking, You're lying to me. I have you on camera driving the black Jeep that is sitting in your driveway. So at that point, I figured, Okay, I need to talk with you at the headquarters. Now, Colin Strickland faces over six hours of tough questioning. Just hours after Mariah Wilson's body is found, police bring Colin Strickland in for questioning. They're eyeing him because they believe he was the last person to see her alive. For the last few years, he's been the king of the Austin cycling scene. This is my racing bicycle. It looks like a 1980s movie theater. I love it very much.


He was really the first star in the sport of gravel racing. Travel seems to have captured everyone's interest. He was one of the first people to consistently win big races. I think the secret to my My favorite success is I don't actually ride my bike that much. I ride my bike very hard, and I ride my bike when necessary to prepare for a race. I always thought he was this funny mix of sarcastic and dark. He had this air of he had everything figured out. In the fall of 2021, I got the feeling from Colin that he was beginning his transition out, and bike racing was slowly starting to fall to the wayside. As far as a competitor, he was no longer the guy to beat. At the same time, Mariah Wilson is gaining her own status on the gravel circuit. And when the two of them meet, it's at a race in Idaho, and the sparks definitely fly. That is where we saw this relationship began to develop between the two of them. Of According to Colin, Mariah came to Austin. During that time, they had about a 10-day romantic affair. They went on a trip outside of Austin, and they went on bike rides.


I saw Colin and Mo at the driveway hanging out together. The driveway is like the linch pin to the Austin scene. They've run bike races out there every Thursday night for over 15 years. Everyone's there watching the races together. When I saw him, I was like, Oh, Mo's in town. I saw shoes with Colin. It was confusing, I think, for some people. Confusing because most people who knew Colin also knew he had a longtime girlfriend, Kaitlyn Armstrong. And while they may have been on and off, Kaitlyn and Colin had been an item for years, and everybody knew her as a fixture in his life. I had invited Colin over to dinner one night, and he asked if he could bring his lady friend. I had never met a girlfriend of Colin's before. We became pretty close. She was one of my best friends. We both liked riding and loved good food and drinks. She really cared about her friends and had a lot going for her. Kaitlyn grew up outside of Detroit, moved around quite a bit, and finally landed in Austin, Texas. She flew right through business school like a blink of an eye.


Kaitlyn worked in the finance industry, worked in real estate, but also was a yoga instructor. She had actually gone to Bali to train in yoga. Kaitlyn was quiet, very enjoyable to be around, very happy, very smart. Caitlin's apartment became uninhabitable due to a storm, so she temporarily moved in with Colin. That turned out to be a permanent stay. Outside of their romantic relationship, they had business ventures together. They had a company called Wheelhouse, where they renovated vintage trailers. Colin would sometimes call Kaitlyn a roommate or a friend in public. I was like, Oh, maybe that they're just business partners now. It was a little unclear. The gist of what I would from Colin was, I love her dearly, but I'm not sure of our future. It was just always like, Are they dating? Aren't they dating? Nobody knows. I don't know. Caitlin wanted more out of their relationship, and Colin wasn't going to give her a monogamous, long-term committed relationship. They'd broken up more than once, and in fact, that romantic break interlude Colin had with Mariah Wilson, it came during one of those breaks. Now, Colin and Mariah at this point are just friends, and that's where things stand when she lands in Austin and gets in touch with him.


Colin had been the last person to be seen with Mariah before her death, and that was why he had been called down to the station and spent about six hours answering questions with detectives. I to talk with this guy. I want to find out what happened. My potential theory is that Colin Strickland murdered Mariah Wilson. One of the things that he does disclose as part of that interview is that he had lied to Kaitlyn Armstrong, a about his whereabouts, so she would not become angry at the fact that he was spending time with Mariah Wilson. He also had changed Mariah's name in his phone to Christine Wall. Obviously, you're doing this because you know that she's going to get mad. You know that she doesn't like Mariah. You know that she doesn't want you talking to her. Colin knew that Kaitlyn did not want him having a friendship with Mariah, and Colin felt like her concerns were misplaced. He thought he should be able to have a friendship. Investigators want to ask about the black Jeep that was parked right here outside Colin its driveway because it seems to match the vehicle that was captured on security cameras just before the murder.


He immediately says, This is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn Armstrong. He basically said that that's her Jeep. She's the only one that drives it. This is a big deal, and now changes their focus. Colin Strickland may have been an obvious suspect, but now they're thinking he's not the only one. So I might be talking about two suspects here. We need to know where she was. Is there any explanation as far as why the vehicle would be over there? When investigators sit down with her to talk, they are taken aback by her response. She was almost emotionless. It was a very weird interaction Colin Strickland is in the middle of a marathon, six and a half hour long questioning session with Austin police. He and his living girlfriend, Kaitlyn Armstrong, are now both under suspicion in this murder. And then there's some more nefarious information that starts coming out. Colin Strickland discloses that he had purchased a couple of guns some months before Mo Wilson's murder. He says that Kaitlyn Armstrong was the victim of road rage and that she He was so deeply rattled by it that he wanted a way for her to protect herself. And he said she had done research and she picked out the gun that she wanted, and we bought them together.


It's the same caliber as what we found on scene at the murder. So this was definitely a red flag. As Colin is being questioned, Detective Connor is out investigating his alibi. I started trying to track down video surveillance and stuff to basically corroborate his story and figure out, Okay, is he telling us the truth? Video surveillance confirms that Colin rode his motorcycle directly home after dropping Mariah off. He could not have pulled the trigger. So now Detective Spiller begins shifting the focus of his questions to Kaitlyn Armstrong. He describes Caitlin Armstrong as being a very sweet, loving person, never gets mad at anybody. Strickland insists it's unimaginable that she could have harmed Mariah. Still, investigators are left with the impression that Kaitlyn Armstrong is jealous of Mariah Wilson. She's got a little bit of motive. She's got the access to a weapon, and then she's got the capability to be in that area. So it was starting to add up to where We needed to talk to her. They realized that she's got an outstanding warrant for her arrest. So it turns out in 2018, she went to a med spa one day and got a Botox treatment.


According to that arrest warrant, she's about to pay. She allegedly says, Hold on, let me just go to my car and I'll be right back with my credit card. They say that instead, she drives away without paying. They brought her in for questioning based on this warrant. She was brought in on that warrant, and that's when I interviewed her. When she walked in, what was your impression of her? She didn't move much at all. What does that tell you if someone is very still? Sometimes it can mean absolutely nothing at all. It can also mean that they're extremely nervous because naturally, somebody's going to move a little bit. When they're completely still, that's usually a little bit of a red flag. You're here for a warrant right now, I guess. Are you familiar with what you have going on with that? No idea. In the middle of the interview, I got a knock on the door. They pulled me out and they said, Hey, the warrant's not good. They realized that the warrant has some issue, that it does not match the birth date with Kaitlyn Armstrong's birth date. So that's not... You're not under arrest, okay?


Okay. I know. It's a little crazy. Yeah, so you're- So they just came to my house and put me in handcuffs for no reason. So there was some miscommunication on that. But I would really like to talk to you and clear some stuff up because Colin did bring your name up, and I think there's a lot more information that you have that can clear some stuff up. Does that make sense? It makes sense. I feel like I should have an attorney present. So you tell her that she's not under arrest, and yet she stays? Yes. The door is unlocked. You can leave at any time. I would love to leave. You would love to leave? He just arrested me in front of my house, in front of all of my neighbors, and carried me in here in handcuffs in front of downtown Austin. It was incredibly humiliating. I can't even imagine. You tell her she can leave, but then you just keep talking and asking questions. Yes. So that is the tactic that we use. Even if the person stands up and starts to walk towards the door, you stay seated and just keep talking and see if they reengage.


Did you hear about what's happened over the past 24 hours. Colin walked in the house and said one of the women in the cycling community passed away. Yes. Just passed away, which is an interesting choice of words.As if from illness?Correct. When your facture was murdered. It sounds like there are some issues between you and this girl, and I think that there's probably a lot more to it that you could help explain. When I had brought up her being jealous or upset over him seeing Mariah that she pops her head up, and that was the first time I saw any emotion from her. I didn't have any idea that he saw or went out with this girl. Okay, yeah. Has he been talking to her on the side? I would like to leave. I don't actually know, and I would like to leave. I really wanted to get her side of the story so that we could get some information and clear things up. You're welcome to leave, but again, that limits us to where we only have one side of the story. And your vehicle was seen next to her house, and we needed to talk about that, okay?


We honestly didn't even know that was her vehicle at that point. So when I confronted her with that, she could have easily said, No, that's not me. And here's the logical explanation behind it. But she didn't. So somebody else would have said, How do you know it was my Jeep? It would have been, I wasn't there. Exactly. When I can't explain that, and all I see is that your vehicle is over there, that makes it look not too good, right? Okay. Then when we're talking to Colin and we're hearing like, Yeah, there was some jealousy stuff going on. That doesn't sound very good. It was very intense talking to where she had this almost flat stare that just stares right through you. Sounds pretty off-putting that someone is staring right through you. This is not a normal response, especially if this is somebody that's just a witness and has nothing to do with this. Kaitlyn Armstrong clearly isn't talking. She states seven times that she'd like to leave, and finally, she does. I would like to leave. I'm free to leave. Okay. She could have provided a very logical explanation as to why her vehicle was over there.


Maybe that wasn't her vehicle. Maybe that was another vehicle that looked like hers. But she didn't say any of that. So she goes into that interview, a person of interest, and comes out of it a suspect. She was our top interest at that point. And then an ominous tip, a good friend of Caitlin steps forward and says, Caitlin told her she'd called up Mariah and warned her to stay away from her man. I think Caitlin just wanted Colin for herself. In every homicide investigation, you have to keep an open mind. And detectives keep coming back to this relationship thing. Caitlin was in love with Colin. And maybe even slightly obsessed with Colin. It was almost like Kaitlyn had felt this ownership over Colin and that Colin was hers. And detectives are noticing a difference in how Colin speaks about professional cyclist Mariah Wilson and how he talks about his living girlfriend and amateur cyclist, Kaitlyn Armstrong. Mariah was an equal to him, and she could keep up with him. They were peers in the cycling world. But whenever he spoke about Kaitlyn, it was, She's holding me back. I've told her, Don't ride with me.


Authorities develop a theory that Caitlin felt threatened by Mariah. It seems like it could have been a form of jealousy of, This is my boyfriend. I'm not going to let anybody else have him. Or, Hey, I'm really jealous of how good of a rider you are, and I think that I am your equal, even though my boyfriend believes that I'm not. Caitlin felt like Mariah was what Colin wanted Caitlin to be. She did not like the fact that they were in communication. She did not like the fact that there was this ongoing friendship. As authorities start to laser their focus on Caitlin Armstrong, they also begin to wonder, what relationship did Colin and Mariah really have? I think their connection was about the sport. She saw someone who could mentor her, and he saw someone he could mentor. Detectives learn about an incident in January 2022, some four months before Mariah's death. It seemed to mark a turning point for Mariah in terms of how she viewed her brief romantic relationship with Colin. In January 2022, Colin, Kaitlyn, and Mariah are all in Arkansas for networking reasons around a race, and they end up at a sponsorship her dinner together that, by all accounts, was pretty awkward.


Detectives learned about a text message from Mariah Wilson to Colin Strickland. Words to the effect of saying, This weekend was strange for me. If you just want to be friends, it's totally cool. My mind has been going in circles, and I don't know what to think. His response to her text was to apologize for putting her in an awkward position at that dinner and to explain that Caitlin was in town with him for a business meeting. And he admitted that in hindsight, this was not a good idea. And I believe from that point on, there was no ambiguity between Mariah and Colin. The gist of it was that, yes, we're just friends. But police are learning that Kaitlyn Armstrong was far less clear on her own status with Colin after they'd gotten back together. When they broke up, it was a very clear breakup, but they never separated separated their housing. Kaitlyn had a home that she was renovating. Kaitlyn said, I would move out, but I would have to get a lease. And Colin said, Your house is almost ready. If you just want to stay here, you can. And as a result, it was easy to slide back into a relationship.


He said that in retrospect, that was a mistake. And then police got a crucial tip about a conversation that took place at this popular cyclist hangout. Kaitlyn was really angry, almost like shaking. And she started telling me how Colin was dating Mariah. She was like, But me and Colin, we'll just always be really close. We'll always be best friends. During that conversation, Mariah Wilson actually happened to walk into the restaurant. I asked Kaitlyn, What if he all of a sudden is in a long-term committed relationship with someone else? She said, Oh, I'd kill her. Kaitlyn told Nicole that she'd called Mariah and confronted her that day. She's like, I'm Colin's girlfriend. We live together. Stay away from him. I didn't take it seriously, but there was something about it that in the back of my head, believed. But I didn't consciously realize I think I realized it later. A second hipster also calls police to say that she was with Caitlin Armstrong in Arkansas several months before Mariah was killed, alleging Caitlin had also used the words kill her in a conversation with her about Mariah. This anonymous tipster goes on to say she distinctly remembers Caitlin Armstrong talking about getting a gun.


She doesn't remember if she said she had a gun or if she if she was going to get a gun, but she distinctly remembers her saying the word gun. Police execute a search warrant on Colin Strickland and Caitlin Armstrong's home, and they recover a gun that they then conduct ballistic testing on. And what they do is they take the casings found next to the body of Mo Wilson, and they compare it to test fires from this nine-millimetre Sig Sauer that Colin Strickland bought for Kaitlyn Colin Armstrong. Meanwhile, this case is starting to get a lot of attention in the media with sensational claims about a love triangle gone wrong, which both Mariah Wilson's family and Colin Strickland are quick to say is absolutely untrue. Colin Strickland releases a statement expressing his sympathy to the Wilson family and his regret over his connection to the horrible crime. He writes, We weren't in a romantic relationship, only a platonic and professional one. It was not my intention to pursue a long and auxiliary romantic relationship that would mislead anyone. Mariah Wilson's family also said at the time of her death that Mariah had made it clear to those that she loved that she wasn't in a romantic relationship with anyone.


There was no active love triangle. Mariah just happened to be the person that Colin had dated briefly, and Caitlin became obsessed with that. I think that Caitlin thought that there was a lot more going on and built it up in her head into something more. So armed with new details about Kaitlyn Armstrong and evidence that would appear to clear Colin, authorities want to question her again. And that's when they make a stunning discovery. She seems to have disappeared. Her phone was off. Her Instagram was gone. Nobody knew where she was. Essentially, Kaitlyn Armstrong drops off the map. We have no idea where she is. And then a shocking new video of Armstrong surfaces. She shows up at the Austin airport dressed casually. She's got a yoga mat. She's got a COVID mask on. She boards a flight. Now, this is a huge story about a fugitive who is running from the law. They began suspecting that she has left the country. The question everyone is asking is, where has Caitlin Armstrong gone? And so the investigation now becomes an international manhunt. The last thing Mote did on this earth was screaming terror. And the gunshots were to Mariah's face, the first two, which also feels personal.


Mariah just happened to be the person that Colin had dated briefly, and Caitlin just became obsessed with that. This is really what catapulted this story into the international news. The fact that Caitlin fled. She fled the country. She changed her identity. She changed her looks. She took on new names. It's tonight the urgent search underway for a suspected killer. What does it like to hear that your daughter is a fugitive? No, it was just unbelievable. What are you running from if you're innocent? She goes, Oh, I'm about giving up my US passport. They just grabbed her and said, We're taking you in because you have no documents. I knew she did something bad. What would drive her to take those actions? I think fear. Fear of what? Fear of what had happened. Fear that she might be also murdered. So you're saying that she was afraid that she might be the next victim? I'm going to break in this. He went arm's wrong, escaped from Travis County. Stop it. He was in custody this morning. Holy shit. Let's cut. Stop Is this a murderer who's good at covering their tracks or someone who's just really good at running away?


It felt insane. What the hell is going on? It's only been days since cyclist Mariah Wilson's shocking murder. And after initially suspecting a prominent fellow racer, Colin Strickland, who Mariah had previously had a brief romantic relationship with, police have cleared him and quickly shifted their focus to his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Kaitlyn Armstrong. Colin Strickland told police that right at the end of December, 2021, he goes to a local gun store and he purchases two firearms, two handguns. One is a Springfield Armory 9mfor himself, and he buys a Sig Sauer, which is a very high-quality gun for his girlfriend, Kaitlyn Armstrong. I keep seeing everybody saying, Why would Colin buy her gun if he knew that she was so crazy and jealous? Us. He bought her a gun because she would maybe need to protect herself at some point. He hasn't said this to me, but I feel secure in saying that Colin certainly regrets purchasing any fire arms, given the terrible things that happened in this case. Police are now convinced Kaitlyn Armstrong didn't use the gun for self-defense. She used it to commit cold-blooded murder. The reports from the ballistics exam came back. The ballistics evidence indicated that the gun that Colin said belonged to Kaitlyn Armstrong was the murder weapon.


We knew she had access to a gun, and then seeing her vehicle over there was definitely a turning point that we needed to talk to her. Once that warrant is signed, I send it over to our Lone Star Fugitive Task Force, which has our tactical intel guys on it. But the problem was that they couldn't find where Caitlin was currently located. She also went dark on social media. So essentially, Caitlin Armstrong drops off the map. I asked Colin if he had reached out to Caitlin or if he had heard anything from her, and he said he had contacted her. She never contacted him back. I believe he thought that was strange. Hey, are you doing okay? Are you all right? While the Austin law enforcement community is scrambling to track down Kaitlyn Armstrong, the cycling community is reeling from the loss of Mo Wilson. She was so smart and so talented, and she was taken. There was a race the weekend following Mo's death. It was called Gravel Locos, and she was supposed to be at that race. I'm sure many of you have heard we lost Mo. I believe it was Wednesday the evening.


And her family sent me a statement, and they basically said, We want you all to do what Mo wants you all to do. She wants you to race. We had a moment of silence for Mo, and then people started riding this 190-mile course in the middle of Texas. Race your best race. Race it for Mo or race it for yourself, but race your best race. The start was really emotional, and people rolled out together not racing. I can't imagine how hard that was, especially for her peers, the other women in the race, especially. The gravel community is a tight-knet community, and it's very protective. We don't want to have drama or bad attention brought to the sport. This is new. This is scary. So there's going to be some serious hesitancy on people's parts to talk about a difficult subject like this. And the story is only escalating, quickly making national headlines. But authorities now have a lead. She is seen on camera at the Austin Airport, walking through the airport really dress casually. She's got a yoga mat under her arm. She's got a COVID mask on her face, and she boards a flight from Austin, Texas, to LaGuardia Airport in New York.


So there's a mobilization of the Marshal Service to try to find her. The search tonight for a suspected killer on the run. The US marshal put out a wanted poster for Kaitlyn Armstrong. Investigators now believe Kaitlyn Armstrong fled from Texas to New York City. She's been missing since police in Austin questioned her about the murder. At this time, we're still getting tips. People are still calling in. Somebody had mentioned something about a sister that lived in New York. Eventually, members of the US Marshal Service speak to Kaitlyn Armstrong's sister, who was in upstate New York. But by then, Kaitlyn is no longer there. It's obvious that after a few days, that she's made an attempt to disappear. Someone else who desperately wants to find Kaitlyn, her father. Now we're going to turn to the Texas yoga instructor, Wanted for murder. Her father is now speaking out. We love you, Katie, and we are going to figure this out. I know her, and I know how she thinks, and I know what she believes, and I know that she just would not do something like this. There are a lot of unanswered questions. But right now, the number one question everyone is asking is, if you're Kaitlyn Armstrong, where would you run?


Was that yoga mat caught on surveillance cameras at the airport a clue? She was into health and fitness and wellness and yoga and that eco-lifestyle. In some ways, it was the perfect place for someone like Kaitlyn Armstrong to hide. In other ways, it probably was the exact place authority stories would expect she would go to hide. The urgent search underway for a suspected killer. Authorities have charged Caitlin Marie Armstrong with first-degree murder. The The bigger the story became, the harder it was going to be for her to hide. Putting her name and face at the forefront of the story was essential in finding her. But as authorities in the United States were still trying to track down Caitlin Armstrong there, she was landing here in Costa Rica, hiding in plain sight as a new tourist, seeking out a wellness hideaway by the beach. Costa Rica is a very, very small country, and it is absolutely inundated with American tourists. It's close, it's cheap. The surfing's fantastic. The waves are great. It's a mecca for surfers from all over the world. There's also a thriving yoga community down there. Costa Rica is an amazing place for yoga because the nature, Costa Rica, helps a lot to bring your your soul and your mind back to the roots.


In late May, Kaitlyn Armstrong takes a bus several hours from the capital of San Jose to Jaco Beach. She signs up for a class at the Aurora yoga studio just off the city's busy main strip, telling the instructor her name is Liz. The woman who called herself Liz, she told me she was in the area, not not just in Jaco, but in Costa Rica. She was counting for a place to teach yoga. And she came to class very shy, very quiet. There was another guy also, really fit, and they started chatting at the end of the class. I thought, well, he's nice-looking, she's nice-looking. So they are flaring or something like that. She asked him where he from, and he was from Austin, and she really interested that he was from Austin. They keep chatting for a long time. I have to tell them that I have to close the studio, so they went outside and keep chatting. The two grab a meal down the street, but Armstrong doesn't stay in town long. Within days, she's heading further west by boat to another surf town on the Pacific Coast called Santa Teresa. Santa Teresa is on the Nacoya Peninsula In the middle of nowhere, basically, 6 hours from the main city.


There's only one road in and one road out. It attracts people who are looking for great surf, yoga, health and wellness, or people who are drawn to how remote it is. It's a perfect place for someone who maybe wants to hide. Lots of people pick up start their lives over. Lots of yoga teachers move down here, restart their lives down here. It's that yoga scene and the isolation there that seemed to draw Kaitlyn Armstrong. She settles in at Don John's Lodge, one of several hotels on Santa Teresa's main street. It has a couple of two dorm rooms, probably like, I think there's eight beds per room. And then there's the yoga deck in the back. It was mostly backpackers and surfers, and the place wasn't She was too busy, so she had the room for herself in the back. By now, Kaitlyn Armstrong has taken to calling herself Ari, and she's gotten a discounted room by working short shifts at the front desk and welcoming new arrivals. She never wore makeup, had her hair back, and just really sat to herself. Every day I would see her, I would just say hi, and she would say hi, and we'd have a little talk and laughed at my jokes.


I guess she had a sense of humor. Armstrong begins making friends and integrating into this little expat community down in Costa Rica, and she clearly intends to stay there for a while. She's going out, she's been socializing, she's heading to popular spots to eat. The barbecue restaurant and sports bar, Coox, became one of Armstrong's regular hangouts. We had parties Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays, two, three times a week. She'd be here at night. So I'm usually talking to everybody. Where are you from? How long are you here for? And with Ari, it was, I just moved here. I'm teaching yoga, staying at Don John's. And then she was just in here a lot. She was usually with guys. Ari wasn't a bad-looking girl. That's probably why Teal was talking to her. Teal Ackerson was a local surfer in Santa Teresa, who Armstrong started to spend time with. Ari was a strange person, but she was nice. I met her right outside the tattoo shop. I was out there having a beer in the lounge, and she scooted over by me and started talking to me. It became apparent to me that she was trying to have a conversation, trying to get to know me.


We went on a couple of dates, but she said that she had just been through a real traumatizing breakup, and she hadn't healed from it yet and wasn't ready to get close at all. So we were just being friends. In the few weeks that Armstrong was living in Santa Teresa, she changed her appearance gradually. At first, she had long, beautiful hair, but then she died it and cut it short. So Ari was about the first month. She didn't have anything wrong with her nose, and she disappeared for four days, and everyone was worried about her. She just came back with a bandage on her nose and says it was a surf accident. It happens to people all the time, especially learning surfing. It's just like, Oh, you got hit in the face with your board and move on. She said she went to the doctor. Me personally, though, I was like, There's no way. It's too perfect. Man, how did the surfboard hit you? That's a perfect hit directly on the nose. Despite that nose injury, Armstrong is still busy at Don Jones, taking part in yoga classes in its tree house studio. She's not hiding.


She's not laying low. She clearly intends to stay for a while. I think she was trying to make this home. One funny conversation we had, she goes, Oh, I'm thinking about giving up my US passport. I was like, That's probably a bad idea because when you travel, your US passport's like gold, right? You could go to almost every country. Looking back, obviously, that's a pretty interesting thing to say. While Kaitlyn Armstrong seems to be settling into her new life in this tropical paradise, US marshals are picking up on her trail using that yoga mat from the Austin airport as a major clue. That yoga mat changed their line of thinking. She got comfortable in Costa Rica, and she made a mistake. I just put my hands up, and I'm just sitting here just like, Oh, this is hardcore. I've never seen that happen in Santa. Santa Teresa is awesome because of the ocean that's there. That's why I'm there, so I can do my in-water photography. It's not making me rich, but it pays for food. A normal day is four hours in the water in the morning, and then I go get a smoothie, and then just hang out and find things to do.


Really relaxing. No one's in a hurry. It's really chill. In Costa Rica, you hear this term pura vida. It means pure life. It's about living a good life, living a clean life. After several weeks, Kaitlyn Armstrong settling in to the Santa Teresa lifestyle. She's dating, teaching yoga classes, and maybe feeling that she's gotten away. But back in the US, for authorities, their search for Armstrong is front and center, and it's gaining gaining momentum. Authorities discover that just a day after being questioned by police, Armstrong sells her Jeep in an Austin Carmax for about $12,000 at a discount, and then flies to New York to see her sister. Authorities become aware that Kaitlyn Armstrong is traveling on someone else's passport. Using that passport, they then trace her to Costa Rica. Another major clue for the US marshals was the yoga mat Armstrong had with her in that Austin airport security video. They were looking at places where it'd be really easy to get a job as a yoga instructor. The US marshals are working with local authorities and zeroing in on her whereabouts. We collected mobile devices, laptops, because things like that, they can also show me specific location data.


The marshals were able to find... She had created another Gmail account. One of the things that Gmail saves is your search history, and she did not opt out of that information being stored in their system. In this case, Kaitlyn Armstrong left a forensic trail that led authorities basically right to her doorstep. She was making on-rise reservations into different hotels. She was using different alias as Beth, Liz, Elizabeth Martin, Ari Martin. And significantly, investigators find a search history that leads them to one specific city. Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. The US marshals, along with local investigators, went door to door looking for women who matched her description, wearing Hawaiian shirts. It was an undercover operation for them that was quite extensive. They were on the ground there for multiple days. They were worried they were going to get found out because while everyone on the beach was looking at the surfers, they were looking at their phones, comparing the people they saw. Investigators organized a sting on a Santa Teresa community Facebook page focused on her passion for yoga. There was a yoga studio that was there and spoke with the owner and told him, Can you do us a favor?


I want you to post a help wanted ad just saying that you are in need an experienced instructor and that you all are hiring. Sure enough, she actually responded to it. She never showed up for that actual interview, but that was a clue. She's here. She's somewhere here and she has to be nearby. We just don't know where. But authorities got a tip that she might be at a local hotel. That local hotel was Don Jones. On June 29, 2022, the owner of Don Jones leaves Kaitlyn Armstrong in charge, greeting guests at the front. I noticed Arie was alone, so I just started talking to her, just making stupid jokes, and she started talking more to me, and she sat back and relaxed. And then some guy came in who said he was from Mexico. She said, Yeah, there's a room available. And he said, Okay, I'm going to go eat real quick, and then I'll come back. And then he left. It was the Deputy Marshal. He pretended to be a Spanish-speaking tourist and told our team member and Costa Rica law enforcement that he had found Kaitlyn on site. At that point, they summoned local officials.


Ten minutes later, three uniform cops came in, and they just went right for her. Documents. Give me your documents. And she said, I don't have I just put my hands up, and they're like, Where are you staying? And she said, Punta Reina's. And then they're like, Where are your documents? Punta Reina's? And she's like, Yes, no. And she just couldn't answer the questions. And then they said, Where is your room? And she didn't want to tell them. They just grabbed her and said, We're taking you in because you have no documents. And I'm just sitting here just like, Whoa, this is hardcore. I've never seen that happen in Santa. The police don't do stuff like that. So I knew she did something bad. The way these cops are talking to Armstrong was taken to the local police station just up the road, and she initially gives authorities a false name, Ari, but eventually admits her true identity. And she finally gave the name, Okay, I am Caitlin Armstrong. After Caitlin was captured, the owner of the hostel where she was staying opened a locker, a lockbox. The belonging to her. And inside, he found a receipt for more than $6,000 for plastic surgery in the name of Allison Page.


She'd gotten this nose job and forever altered her face. Also, he found her passport with Kaitlyn Armstrong's name on it, a second passport not belonging to her. They found her sister's, Christine's passport. This passport is the one that had the stamp on it for entry into Costa Rica. Kaitlyn's sister, Christie Armstrong, says she doesn't know how Kaitlyn got her passport. After 43 days on the run, Kaitlyn Armstrong was detained on an immigration violation and later charged for misuse of a passport. Armstrong was deported back to Texas, where she was formerly charged with the murder of Mariah Wilson. She pleaded not guilty. Former fugitive, Caitlin Armstrong, is now back in the US after weeks on the run. When I saw her mug shot, it was this weird contrast because the person that I knew didn't belong in that mug shot. It didn't make sense. Why do you fled to out of the country, man? I was very surprised that she had gotten a nose job. I was like, I thought that you were going to be able to get away with this. I was also thinking about Kaitlyn, who was my friend. I was thinking she must be terrified.


But I was angry at this new Kaitlyn. Thought that she deserved what she was going to get. Armstrong was transferred to the Travis County Correction Complex, but what life behind bars isn't for Armstrong, who on the evil of trial, dramatically tries to escape yet again. So breaking news. Caitlin Armstrong escaped from Travis County Deputy's custody this morning. Holy We wanted to just try to find out everything going on with the situation. After 43 days on the run, Kaitlyn Armstrong is back in the United States for the fourth of July holiday. But she's not going to be celebrating her because she's been brought here back to Texas in the custody of the Travis County Sheriff's Department. She faces a murder charge, and her bond is set at $3.5 million. Judges will often increase a bond amount if they think someone is a flight risk or has, in fact, tried to flee in an effort to avoid a charge. According to foreign officials, Armstrong altered her physical appearance. She died her hair brown. She cropped her hair shorter to about shoulder length and had a bandage on her nose, which she claimed it was from a surfboard incident just days before.


I'll tell you this, she did not look like the pictures that were shown on the news. She did not look like that. So even if people seen those pictures, they probably wouldn't be able to guess it was her. Hearing that she had got plastic surgery, she had fled to Costa Rica, that she had someone else's passport, it was just It felt insane. Your heart's like, what the... It's like, what the hell? What the hell is going on? It feels like a movie. Kaitlyn Armstrong, once she is back in Austin, retains one of the city's most prominent defense attorneys. She pled not guilty in court and said that she did not kill Mariah Wilson. Just weeks before Caitlin Armstrong will appear before a jury to decide her fate, another unbelievable twist. Our 2020 team is in Texas interviewing Austin investigative reporter, Tony Plahetsky, in the KVU newsroom when suddenly the news breaks. Please, Margaret. Tony Plahetzky interview. Take one. Marker. Sixty feet away from Kaitlyn Cash's home. So, we're going to use Caitlin Armstrong, escape from Travis County. Stop it. He's in custody this morning. Holy shit. Okay, hold on. I can call right now. Hold on.


Yeah, yeah. Can you just stop for a second? Let's cut. Stopping? Immediately, we wanted to just try to find out everything going on with the situation. So we called TCSO, the Travis County Sheriff's Office, which operates the county jail. We learned that Kaitlyn Armstrong escaped custody while being taken to a doctor's appointment. At that time, they say that she bolted and began running. And you see her in her black and white prison outfit, makes a run for it. And then you see her attempting to climb a fence. Kaitlyn Armstrong was just two weeks away from the start of her murder trial. She made a go for it. Authorities say Kaitlyn ran a mile away, stripping off her prisoner's uniform, even freeing a hand. She had different clothes on underneath the black and white jumpsuit so that at a point, she would be able to strip that and not look like she had just escaped from police custody. She made it about a block into a neighborhood behind a complex of doctor's offices. They were able to detain her a few minutes later. Kaitlyn Armstrong bolts for about a mile, then darts down this side street into this neighborhood, and perhaps there is a karmic twist to the fact that she's recaptured on the street, bearing the name of the woman she's accused of killing, Wilson.


Now, police say that this was not a spur of the moment decision to try to escape, but that Armstrong plotted and planned this out. An affidavit now detailing the 35-year-old put in a medical request restricting the use of leg restraints and then utilize an injury complaint, getting herself an appointment outside the prison in Austin, Texas. Looking back at video of her over the past couple of months, she had been training physically. She'd been running, doing squats. I was so glad that they caught her because I did not want to go through another manhunt of trying to find her for God knows how long. Kaitlyn Armstrong's attempt at avoiding justice fails. And at her upcoming trial, prosecutors are about to say they're going to present evidence proving that Kaitlyn Armstrong circled and stalked Mariah Wilson. Circling the area, waiting for something to happen, waiting for Mariah Wilson. This is the Blackwell Thurman Justice Center. It's a long way from Costa Rica, but it's here after two attempts to escape, that Kaitlyn Armstrong will finally face a jury of her peers who could decide her fate. The trial of Kaitlyn Armstrong is underway in Texas. All rise.


Practice to have your district report in the down session. We now hope ready Kennedy starting. There appeared to be a greater level of security in the courtroom, and frankly, a greater level of security around her. The last thing Mo did on this birth was scream in terror. You hear those screams. Those screams are followed by. Two gun shots. You're not hearing any more screams out there. Why was it important for the jury to hear that ring video and to see the video right off the bat? I wanted to come out with a bang. I wanted them to feel the passion of how the murder happened right up front. Thanks to Colin Strickland's police interview and other legal documents, we know what Colin and Mariah Wilson were up on May 11th, 2022. But what was Kaitlyn Armstrong up to? If she's not going to tell us, prosecutor Ricky Jones says the evidence he's about to present in this courthouse will. Colin Strickland is very clear that he never told Kaitlyn Armstrong that he was going to see Mo Wilson. One of the big questions that I think so many people had going into the trial is how Kaitlyn Armstrong knew where Mariah Wilson was that night.


A forensic analysis of Kaitlyn's personal devices show that Kaitlyn is obsessively looking at Mariah Strava's account in the days leading up to her arrival in Austin. Strava is an app that cyclists is used to track and share where they are riding. On May 11th, 2022, Kaitlyn Armstrong looks up over some shop. You see that? It's Kaitlyn Armstrong's seat. Investigators say Strava shows Mariah starting and finishing her May 11th ride at Cash's garage apartment on Maple Avenue. So now Kaitlyn knows Mariah's in Austin and where she is likely staying. It's Kaitlyn Armstrong. Who can you? Who lived with Colin? It was a business party. As a result of that business, they shared an iPad on a laptop. It was connected to Colin's phone. So Any time that he would receive a text message, that same text message would also come across on his computer. Kaitlyn got full access to be able to see anybody that he had already been texting with. She had access to his accounts so that she could do banking business. It was never intended that they share everything, every password, every correspondence that he had ever had. Four, 4:09 PM. I may get a mole.


Send that move to the Kate's car. He did exactly this. Caitlin is back home. So that's pretty significant because now I know that Caitlin was aware of the conversations that Colin was having with Mariah. I believe that the triggering mechanism was that text message. I think she sees that message at 4:54. And shortly the after is when she's in that Jeep in the Lamar area. The prosecution says, cell phone pings show Caitlin's Jeep driving to the address in East Austin. Experts show the jury the time stamps on those cell phone pings match the time stamps on video evidence collected on the night of the murder. Now, there's four videos of the baby's camera that captures Caitlin Armstrong circling Cash's house. The car had passed through the neighborhood several times. She circles the block, And then at 7:30 PM, she shuts off her phone. Yes. Kaitlyn shuts off her phone, or somehow the phone goes dead. Why is that significant? I think she knows the phone can be tracked. But something else is working in her car, right? Yes, the infotainment system itself. It has just a built-in GPS. And once the cell phone lost connection with the tower, the GPS showed it continued over to Maple Apple.


Gps location puts Kael Armstrong, in an alley, about 15, 20 yards. On those stairs that Mo Wilson went up. In a dramatic moment, the prosecution rolls out what they say is a silent witness to the murder, Mariah's bike. I will never forget the moment that the assistant DA carried Mariah's bicycle into the courtroom. I remember looking at her family and seeing their reaction. It was as close to having her in the in the courtroom that day, I think, as anything. We did swab for DNA on the bike that we found in the alleyway, and there was DNA that came back on the seating the handle bar area of the bike that was showing to have a high likelihood to belong to Ms. Armstrong. No one else in the world had a 6-hour P365 and left their DNA at the scene. No one else in the world was angry that their boyfriend was out with Mo Wilson. Just her. No one else in the world had their Jeep circling for an hour before you heard that 9:15 shot. After eight days of testimony, the prosecution rests. There is a lot of system. There's not much stake.


It's a case based on assumptions. It's based on confirmation bias, a lack of direct evidence. The defense absolutely focused on the fact that in this digital age, with all of these cameras, that not a single image of Kaitlyn Armstrong carrying out the murder was admitted into evidence. We were not able to see anybody in the driver's seat. It was It was dark at the time. We weren't able to see any occupants in the Jeep. Was Kaitlyn in the black Jeep? Who had access to the black Jeep? Who had access to the key fob to the black Jeep? You and your partner seem to imply that Colin may have been driving the Jeep that night. Do you think Colin was driving that black Jeep? It's not our role to solve that crime. We We want to make sure the jury considers all the possibilities. The defense seemed to be implying, and it could have just as easily been Colin as it was thought to be Caitlin, which is absurd and ridiculous and really offensive. There's video evidence proving that Colin was elsewhere. One of the things that was so striking about the defense is that I think in the minds of many people sitting in the courtroom, it was like, That's it?


That's all you have? After nearly 40 witnesses and almost 500 pieces of evidence, the case is in the hands of the jury. I remember I was very nervous, extremely nervous. I was thinking, Was that enough? The defendant will please rise. In a little more than 2 hours, the jury reenters the courtroom. The defendant will please rise. We, the jury, having found the defendant, Kaitlyn Armstrong, guilty of the offensive murder. The jury delivered a 90-year sentence and a $10,000 fine. We take all acts of violence and gun violence really seriously. It is an entire team who works hard to live up to the aspirations of our community. This case was no exception. You may be seated. Before Kaitlyn Armstrong is escorted out of court, Mariah's family and friends were given a chance to speak to her directly. Karen Wilson down. I hate what you did to my beautiful daughter. It was very selfish and cowardly because you never chose to face her woman to woman in a civil conversation. She would have listened. If you allowed yourself to actually know her. This never would have happened. You killed her earthly body. But her spirit is so very much alive, and you can never change that.


While Kaitlyn Armstrong's father's heart breaks for his daughter, he also says he feels for the Wilsons. A wonderful young woman has lost her life, and I can't imagine the pain of the Wilson family. We'll never know, but I think that she could have been the greatest female bike racer to ever live. Welcome to the first annual Ride For Mo. I'm Eric, Mariah's dad. Mariah was a wonderful daughter, sister and friend to many of you. We miss her dearly, and I know many of you do as well. I I know there's 125 of you. We got four. The Ride For Mo to raise money for Kingdom Kids, to be a part of their family and support them. Kingdom Kids is a little organization to get kids out on these trails. And so many of us that volunteer for Kingdom Kids really love Mariah a lot. Here to support and do the things that she can't do anymore. It's impossible to to overstate how tragic this has been. She had just barely begun to show the athlete that she was going to be in gravel cycling. Mariah might say, Enjoy the interchange of you and the environment today.


May it lift you beyond your skin to a transcendent joy, beyond the ego, and into a different reality. Mo was a phenomenal person. They're using the slogan ride for Mo. I think you can take that message and apply it to anything in life. A fitting moving tribute. A new legal team, by the way, for Kaitlyn Armstrong, has now filed a motion for a new trial. But if her conviction stays, Armstrong's first chance at parole will be in 30 years when she's 66. That's our program for tonight. Thanks so much for watching. I'm Deborah Deborah Roberts. And I'm David Muir from all of us here at 2020 on ABC News. Good night.