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Now to the dramatic rescue of two divers. After 38 hours stranded at sea, the US Coast Guard located the husband and wife after seeing a flashing light in the water. They went missing on Wednesday while scuba diving off a Texas beach during bad weather. Tonight, my loved ones are calling this a miracle. Here's ABC's Melissa Adan.


A harrowing tale of survival tonight after this husband and wife managed to survive nearly 38 hours in the ocean off the coast of Texas.


It is a miracle. It is a miracle.


Divers Nathan and Kim makers were with the group scuba diving in the Gulf of Mexico when bad weather and violent waves separated the couple from the group.


The rain was so hard that you couldn't see outside. The waves were atrocious.


A huge swale comes in and engulfs Kim and Nathan totally. When the swale rolls out, they're nowhere to be found.


The coast Guard deployed searching more than 1600 miles, miraculously spotting the couple who were signaling so's using their dive flashlights.


Nathan is a diabetic. He was almost in a coma when they got him. That's another miracle. They got him just in time with.


Definitely this family rescued just in time. Now the family of Nathan and Kim saying that he was actually just released from the hospital. His wife though, however, is still recovering. But wit again, this couple so thankful to have survived and quite a rescue.


Melissa, thank you.