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It's been viewed as an example of Ukrainian strength and resilience. But after pushing Russia back two years ago, Kharkiv has been bombarded with new attacks. It's made life there difficult. But many who live in the city are refusing to leave, instead, risking their lives to help the others still there. Using a combination of video diaries and interviews with residents, ABC's Patrick Rivel takes us inside Kharkiv.


It can be hard to sleep in Kharkiv.


Ukraine's second city is under constant bombardment. Just 20 miles from the border with Russia, Kharkiv became known around the world for its astonishing resistance. Two years ago, Ukraine drove Russian forces back from Kharkiv, allowing people to hope the city was saved. But now, things have changed. Russia is bombing the city almost daily, and last month launched a new offensive towards it. Unable to seize it, many in Ukraine fear Vladimir Putin has decided to make Kharkiv, once home to 1.5 million people, unlivable.


They're trying to get as much close as they can so their artillery can hit Kharkiv and just push away civilians, trying to make them exhausted mentally and physically, and make Kharkiv empty, more and more empty. We have people just having normal life, knowing that every day. That's what they're afraid of.


But despite the continuous attacks, it's people trying to keep ordinary life going.




Hello. My name is Roman Kachanov. I am Fire Chief from 11 Fire Station from Kharkiv City.


For more than two years, Roman and his team have been responding to Russian strikes, tackling blazes, pulling survivors from the rubble, an unending battle, and one that in the past two months has hugely intensified.


It's like first days of the war, like very intense. Probably right now, I'm seeing as much dead, injured, and burned people as was first month of war.


Abc first met Roman in August 2022.


Let's go one more. If you know there is nobody inside, there is no emotion. You know you need to go there, do your job.


I remember My colleague, Ian, met you two years ago now, really. How do you feel compared to how you felt back then? How do you feel now?


Comparing to how it was and how it right now, it's probably I feel like every firefighter feel in the whole world, but only because we're used to all these conditions. Of course, it's bad. I have depression or apathy. I don't know, because I don't see my family. You're losing point of your life. You're losing of your life because the family is the most important stuff in your life.


Roman sent his wife and daughter abroad after the full-scale invasion. They are still there.


A lot of us separated from their families. A lot of divorces, a lot of everything. So that's hard. Emotion. Emotionally hard. So not emotionally hard because of war, because of dead injured people, even used to this one. Sometimes you have some stuff in your head. Maybe you need to speak with your guys with a beer, maybe cry a bit, I don't know, just two. You can share it only with the person who been through the same.


Since 2022, seven firemen have been killed in Kharkiv, and nearly 50 wounded, according to local authorities. Roman himself suffered a concussion last month from an explosion while tackling a fire caused by a Russian strike. The Russians frequently hit sites a second time once first responders arrive, the so-called double tap.


One year ago, I got 140 calls because of the shellings, and 33 times I've been at the calls during the second of the shellings. Yeah, but I was very lucky. I mean, no scratch.


Konstantin is a youth soccer trainer.


. This is what Konstantin worries about.


Adapting to the constant attacks often means having to move life underground. Last month, Kharkiv opened its first purpose-built underground school, 16 feet below ground. For the kids here, it means they can attend in-person classes for the first time in more than two years.


We started in distance learning for two years, and now our children can just sit at the desk. They can speak to each other. You can see that they are smiling. They are very happy to be here, and they feel safe to hear. For the first time, it was strange because it's new for us, but I understand that it's cool to be here, and we understand that it's safe.




Since the invasion, Maria works with other volunteers, distributing humanitarian aid and helping evacuate people from combat areas. Last month, Maria decided to evacuate her own children to Germany..


.. This summer, I decided that my kids will be more safe in my parents' vacancy because they will destroy their investments in civil objects, in trading centers, in residential quartels. It's very dangerous, but I have to work here and. In June, the Biden administration finally allowed Ukraine to begin using American weapons to strike back over the border inside Russia.


That has pushed Russian missile launches further away, and so the bombing on Kharkiv has eased.


I think me and a lot of other Ukrainians who are still here, who are still in Kharkiv.


If we will be thinking negative, it will make our condition even worse. I'm trying to stay positive. We have idiom in Kharkiv and in Ukraine. You are on the front line or you are helping front line. You have no other choice.


Clinging to optimism and hope, our thanks to Patrick Rievel for.