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Nearly seven weeks after being taken hostage by Hamas terrorists, 24 Israeli and foreign citizens released to Israel. This video recorded by Hamas showing the moment that handover took place. A convoy of Red Cross ambulances carrying the group into Egypt, 13 Israeli citizens, 10 Thai citizens, and one Filipino citizen. Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, says Israel is committed to the return of all 236 abductees.


The released hostages include mothers with children as young as two and women from 79 to 85 years old.


Now undergoing the delicate process of reuniting with their families. President Joe Biden, today addressing the release from Nantucket.


I've consistently pressed for a pause in the fighting for two reasons, to accelerate and expand humanitarian assistance going into Georgia, and two, to facilitate the release of the host of the mass translations.


In exchange, Israel releasing 39 Palestinian women and teenage prisoners.


The temporary ceasefire also providing the opportunity to send more than 200 aid trucks into Gaza.


In Gaza, hundreds of people seen flooding the streets temporarily safe from shelling. This woman saying, My entire house was destroyed. This is all I could come out with. We thank God for everything. While the ceasefire remains intact, more exchanges are expected for at least three more days.


I want to cry. This is why I came today because I wanted to hug the families that are not getting their dears one.


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