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Tonight breaking news as we come on the air for the first time. Israel releasing video tonight saying it shows a tunnel shaft under the largest hospital in Gaza, the one they stormed with patients inside. News tonight on the hostages. My interview just moments ago with Secretary of State Blinken. And in the US. The commuter train colliding with a plow. Multiple people rushed to the hospital tonight. First, those new images this evening. The Israeli military claiming video showing a Hamas tunnel beneath the Al Shippa hospital, where Israel had claimed Hamas operates an underground command center tonight. Also, the laptop the Israelis say they discovered there with photos and videos of some of the more than 200 hostages. And they say the body of a hostage has now been found near the hospital. And the latest tonight on the efforts to get some of the hostages out. Matt Guptan standing by with new reporting in Israel. Also tonight, my interview with Secretary Blinken on the hostages, on the evidence at Al Shifa Hospital. And on the summit here in the US. President Biden and China's president Xi. Military communications back up between the two countries. Progress on Fentanyl and Secretary Blinken on the moment Biden called President Xi a dictator after the summit.


Also breaking the verdict and the attack on former Speaker Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi. What the jury decided the New York area congressman, George Santos under fire again. This time, the scathing new ethics report right here tonight accusing him of, quote, blatantly stealing from his campaign, spending money on trips to Las Vegas, paying for rent, paying for botox with campaign money. Rachel Scott live on the hill. The commuter train colliding with the Plow. Many passengers rushed to the hospital. The new warning tonight about the danger when it comes to your eyesight. The FDA expanding the recall of Eyedrops tonight. More than two dozen additional products now recall tonight this is sweeping and America strong tonight, the marathon runner close to her best time ever. Why she chose to stop running for a moment, giving up her best time with good reason.


From ABC News world headquarters in New.


York, this is World News Tonight with David Bjorn. Good evening, and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy Thursday night. We begin tonight with the breaking developments. For the first time, Israel releasing video of what the military says is a Hamas tunnel shaft at Gaza's largest hospital, al Shifa Hospital. That's the hospital Israel stormed with patients inside. Israel says it also found a laptop that they say has images of some of the more than 200 hostages taken captive by Hamas. And tonight, the body of one of those hostages found near the hospital. This is the video tonight Israel says shows the entrance to a Hamas tunnel on the grounds of that hospital. Israeli troops inside the hospital again today. An Israeli soldier showing this pickup truck inside the hospital complex. Inside they say ammunition, RPGs, AK forty seven s, and handcuffs. Those troops also revealing the body of that hostage, a mother of five kidnapped in the Hamas terror attack on October 7, found near the hospital. Her husband was killed on that day. And just moments ago, here, I asked Secretary of State Anthony Blinken about this new evidence put out by the Israelis.


Tonight is the US. Comp.


Tonight, Israel for the first time releasing video they say shows a Hamas tunnel shaft at the besieged Al Shifa hospital, where Israel claims Hamas operates a command center underground, and where thousands of people remain trapped with little food and water for a second day. Israeli forces searching the hospital complex, showing a bulldoze patch of hospital grounds amidst the broken concrete and rebar that hole. And then the camera panning up to reveal the hospital. In another video, the military showing that.


Pickup, we found a vehicle filled with ammunition, RPGs, AK 47s. We see handcuffs, knives, preparation for taking hostages from Israel.


He then lifts that tarp and shows the hospital beyond.


And this is where they choose to hide everything because they know the IDF won't attack. The air force won't attack. Here.


Hamas denying Israel's claims. But tonight, Israeli forces saying they also found laptops at Al Shifa containing photos and videos of some of the hostages. And tonight news, they discovered the body of one of the hostages, 65 year old Dehudeet Weiss, inside a house adjacent to that hospital. But no word on how or when she died. Tonight Prime Minister Netanyahu claiming israel has strong indications hostages were held at Al Shifa hospital, something the Israeli military showed us during our trip to the Rentisi Children's Hospital nearby. What makes you think that this was a spot where somebody was held hostage?


We're going to bring here a forensic team.


The director of Rentisi Hospital denies the allegations. And tonight, ABC News has learned a deal for about 50 hostages, all women and children is less likely tonight than it was 24 hours ago. The who saying more than half of all gaza's hospitals are not functioning. Our team inside one southern Gaza hospital today overflowing with the wounded, so many treated on the ground. Israel today dropping leaflets in southern Gaza warning people to flee to certain areas, signaling its ground offensive might expand southward. To understand, the Palestinians who are in the south, where it's been bombed, no longer feel safe listening to the Israeli military, because even in the south, the place that's supposed to be safer is apparently not.


So it is safer. And it is also the area we're bringing, allowing and pushing more and more.


Humanitarian aid to come amidst those shattered neighborhoods. Displaced Palestinians fleeing south, taking only what they can carry, showing their IDs to Israeli troops.


So let's bring in Matt Gutman with us live from Israel again tonight. Matt, 41 days now. Where do these negotiations stand tonight to try to free the hostages?


David, according to Israeli and American sources, we are told that the deal is now looking less likely in the next couple of days than it was just yesterday. The main sticking point continues to be the number of hostages. Israel wants 80 released. All of the women and the children and their family members, Hamas were told, is pressing for fewer than 50. David?


Matt Guppman leading us off tonight from Tel Aviv. Matt, thank you. And just moments ago, I interviewed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken about this new evidence put out tonight by the Israelis. Is the US. Confident there were tunnels, that there was a Hamas command center under that hospital storned by the Israelis? We also asked about the efforts right now to get the hostages out. And we asked about something Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told me about. What happens when this war is over, what happens in Gaza. Secretary Blinken telling me they do not see eye to eye on this with Netanyahu. Mr. Secretary, thank you for being here in the last 24 hours. US. Officials told ABC News that there was a potential plan in the works to rescue about 50 hostages, women and children, from Hamas. Last night, we were told that negotiators were getting closer. President Biden has said his message to the families is, hang in there. We're coming. So how close are we to seeing any of these hostages?


David, what I can tell you is this. We've been working intensely on this from day one to try to bring hostages home, bring Americans home, Israelis home, the other nationalities who are being held by Hamas. But having said that, honestly, the less that I say, the better at this moment, because we don't want to jeopardize anything that we're doing to try to bring people home. All I can tell you is we're focused on this intensely. And, look, I'm hopeful that we can bring people home.


I know you're aware of what we have reported tonight. Israeli authorities now saying the body of a 65 year old hostage was actually found near Al Shifa Hospital. Do you have any intelligence, should the world be prepared, that we could learn of more hostages who have not survived this ordeal?


I don't have the information to confirm what you reported, but look, what we've seen from day one is Hamas endangering everyone, endangering the civilians of Gaza by embedding itself with them in hospitals, in apartment buildings, in schools, in mosques, and, of course, endangering the hostages that it's taken by keeping them close to harm's way so horrifically. That could certainly be one of the results.


Let me ask you in particular about El Shifa Hospital. U. S. Officials said they saw intelligence that actually backed up what the Israelis were claiming, that there were tunnels under El Shifa Hospital. I know the Israelis are showing newer images tonight. Are you confident that there are tunnels, that there is a command center under that hospital? Of course, filled with patients, with babies when it was stormed.


Yes. And what we know, and based on information we have, as well as information that the Israelis have, is that this has been the practice of Hamas to use these civilian infrastructure, to use hospitals, to use schools, to use mosques, to use apartment buildings, to embed their own fighters, and to have command posts there, to have commanders there, to have weapons there. Already, what we've seen from the operation at Al Shifa Hospital are a huge number of weapons that were recovered, and you have assault rifles found next to MRI machines. So this is one of the monstrous practices that Hamas engages in, and it's, as you know, endangered so many civilians in Gaza.


Mr. Secretary, as you know, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netyahu told me that after this war with Hamas, quote, I think Israel will have, for an indefinite period, the overall security responsibility for Gaza, that Israel will be in Gaza. Does the US. Support this?


We don't. We've been very clear that there can't be a reoccupation by Israel of Gaza, just as Gaza can't continue to be used as a platform to launch terrorist attacks.


Have you told the prime minister that you don't agree with this?


Yes, we have. We've been clear about that. Now, there may have to be a transitional period where there security is provided for Gaza. That's something that we have to look at. But when it comes to the future of Gaza, in our judgment, it has to be under Palestinian governance, and there has to be security provided as well. It's imperative, in our judgment, if there's going to be lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike, that we actually move forward on ensuring that the Palestinians have political rights, that they have the ability to govern themselves, to make decisions for their own future in their own state.


I want to ask you about this summit with China's President Xi. President Biden said today that the United States has real differences with Beijing. He said the US. Will continue strong diplomacy, military communications, back up progress on Fentanyl. But you also know that President Biden was asked if President Xi is a dictator. President Biden said he is a dictator. A lot is being made of your reaction in that moment. Do you agree that President Xi is a dictator here?


Well, David, it's not exactly a secret to anyone that we have two very different systems. And President Biden always speaks candidly, and he speaks for all of us. But the point you made a moment ago is this summit yesterday. This meeting yesterday produced real, concrete results for the American people. We have a couple of obligations in this relationship with China, the most consequential of any relationship that we have. We've got a real competition. We want to make sure it doesn't fear into conflict. Yesterday, we restored military to military engagement. That's critically important because we've had a series of near misses over the last year where Chinese ships chinese planes were driven or flown very dangerously close to our own second fentanyl, the number one killer of Americans aged 18 to 49. We've had a big challenge because the chemicals that are used to make fentanyl, the so called precursors, the ingredients made in China by some companies, a handful of companies, then sent over across the ocean to our own hemisphere, turned into fentanyl. They come in and devastate our communities. The agreement we reached with China yesterday, the president reached has China now cooperating, working with us, working with other countries to crack down on this, and they've already taken action.


Not only did they publish a notice to all of their companies that this is forbidden, they've actually taken concrete action to take down companies that were engaged in this practice. This is going to have a clear and positive impact on communities across our country.


Mr. Secretary, thank you for your time.


Good to be with you. Thanks, David.


Secretary of state Lincoln with us just before we came on the air tonight. In the meantime, we do move on to the other news this Thursday evening. And tonight, the verdict. The suspect accused of attacking former speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi, found guilty on both federal charges against him. ABC Selena Wang in San Francisco. Tonight.


Tonight, a jury finding David DePap guilty on both federal charges of assault and attempted kidnapping for his hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of the former speaker of the House.


Drop the hey, what is going on?


After the verdict, the Pelosi family releasing a statement saying they're very proud of their pop, who demonstrated extraordinary composure and courage on the night of the attack. And in the courtroom this week, paul Pelosi told the jury how Depamp broke into their home with a hammer, threatening to kidnap his wife who was out of town.


This gentleman just came out of the house and he wants to wait there for my wife to come home.


The attack, captured on police body camera, left Paul Pelosi with a fractured skull. On the stand, DePap broke down sobbing, saying Paul was never my target. But he admitted he was there to confront Nancy Pelosi about right wing conspiracy theories he found online. This is what DePap told investigators the day after the attack.


I was going to basically hold her hostage and I was going to talk to her and basically tell her what I do.


Hold her hostage and do what?


And talk to her. If she told the truth, I'd let her go.




If she lied, that was going to break me down.


Prosecutors say today's verdict sends a message.


Regardless of what your beliefs are, what you cannot do is physically attack a member of Congress or their immediate family for their performance in their job.


DePap faces up to 50 years imprisoned on the federal charges, and he still faces state charges including attempted murder and assault.


David, Selena Wang in San Francisco. Selena, thank you. We turned out to the scathing new ethics report on New York congressman George Santos. The report says Santos spent campaign funds on trips to Vegas, on rent, on botox. Rachel Scott on the Hill tonight embattled.


Congressman George Santos, announcing he will no longer run for reelection after a damning report from the house ethics committee. Is your plan to fully serve? Stay in Congress, not resign?


Like I've said before, I'm staying in the office for sure.


Santos defying calls to step down after that explosive 56 page report found he to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit. Allegedly using thousands of dollars in campaign funds on botox trips to Atlantic city, and even to pay his own rent making purchases at Hermes and on the website OnlyFans known for its adult content. And while he was allegedly cashing in, his campaign didn't have enough money to pay off outstanding debt once. That for going nearly a year without a paycheck for months. We've pressed Santos about those funds. Congressman, did you misuse campaign finances? Tonight, the New York Congressman calling the bipartisan report a politicized smear. But now a growing number of republicans say they want him gone.


George Santos is a fraud. He should not be a member of Congress.


Santos has already pleaded not guilty to 23 federal charges, including wire fraud, identity theft and falsifying records. He could face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty.


David rachel Scott, live on the hill. Thank you, Rachel. We turned to Chicago tonight where a commuter train slammed into a plow on the tracks in a Chicago suburb. Several passengers rushed to the hospital, some critically. Here's Giovannitas tonight.


Dozens of people are hurt after this now. Mangled chicago transit authority train rounded a curve and slammed into a snow plow on the same track.


The passenger train was traveling at its normal speed and the other vehicle was not traveling very fast at all.


Police, fire and EMS racing to the scene just before 11:00 this morning.


We have multiple victims on the train. Had a little trouble getting down to the train due to the terrain and the downhill.


Officials say of the 38 people hurt, 23 were taken to the hospital, at least three in critical condition. At least fourth victims were children. Shayla Smith was on a different train, but could still feel the impact of the violent crash.


We are like a big boom. It was just like a weird sound that I never heard before.


The crash shutting down service of multiple commuter rail lines for hours. And David, the NTSB now tells ABC news it is launching a team to investigate this crash.


David gio Benitez tonight. Gio, thank you. When we come back here, breaking news in the Breonna Taylor case at this hour involving a former police officer charged and this sweeping new recall just in from the FDA tonight. This effort to protect your eyesight. Tonight, a federal judge declaring a mistrial the civil rights case against a former Louisville police officer charged in connection with the deadly shooting of Brianna Taylor. Bret Hankerson accused of excessive force and violating the rights of Taylor, her boyfriend and her next door neighbors. Authorities say he fired ten shots into her window and door when police wrongly raided her home. The jury unable to reach a verdict after several days of deliberations. When we come back, this sweeping new recall just issued by the FDA to protect your sight. And the woman about to get her best time at the Chicago Marathon. Why she stopped on purpose to the index. And tonight, the FDA expanding its recall, adding more than two dozen more eyedrops because of possible bacterial contamination. Health officials pulling 27 products from multiple brands, including CVS, health, Rite Aid, Target, and Walmart. FDA inspectors finding, quote, unsanitary conditions at the facility where the eyedrops were made.


Drops could cause infection, even vision loss. We have much more on our website when we come back here. She was about to get her best time at the Chicago marathon, and she suddenly stopped because of what she saw. Would you finally tonight, the marathon runner about to get her best time until she saw something America strong tonight, here the marathon runner who gave up her best time for a very good reason. 26 year old Sarah Bowen, running the Chicago marathon on her way to beating a personal record when suddenly she saw something near mile 21 a baby kitten. He was shaking. Sarah picked him up. Sarah just happened to be running for a local animal shelter, Paws, Chicago. And she carried that kitten for about a mile until the Maldonado family along the route was so moved by what they were seeing, they offered to adopt the kitten on the spot during the race right here tonight.


Hello, David. I'm Andrea Maldonado. Thank you for having me on. I'd like you to meet Casper, our friendly cat.


That family naming him Casper for his white fur and black spots.


You're never expecting to come home from a marathon with a cat, but he brings so much love and joy into our home.


Casper now at home with five month old baby Enzo. And tonight, that animal shelter, Paws, Chicago.


Hi, David.


Medical Director Emily Acker.


He's well hydrated. He's a little thin, but I think he's going to fix that in no time. Hi, Casper.


And of course, tonight, the runner, Sarah.


Hi, David.


Telling us she would stop that race again.


It's beautiful. I'm very thankful, and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.


Sarah saving Casper. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night.


Thank you for making World news Tonight with David Muir, america most watched newscast.