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Real life drama playing out in the trial of Alec Baldwin after a day of tension filled testimony, the moment that brought the actor to tears, here's ABC's Moa Lange.


Tonight, a stunning and dramatic end in the trial for Alec Baldwin, charged with involuntary manslaughter for the fatal shooting of cinematographer Helena Hutchins on the set of the film rust.


Your motion to dismiss with prejudices granted.


Baldwin crying in court as the judge announced her decision. The shocking ruling coming after a contentious day in court as Baldwin's attorneys asked the judge to throw out the case, accusing prosecutors of failing to turn over key evidence, bullets that they say may have connected the film's ammunition supplier to live rounds found on the rust movie set.


They buried it. They put it under a different case with a different number.


During a pretrial hearing this morning, the defense claiming Santa Fe county investigators were given ammunition back in March by a retired police officer who alleged the bullets were from the same batch that killed cinematographer Helena Hutchins.


This is critical evidence in the case that was never disclosed to us. It's time for this case to be dismissed. Your honor.


But the prosecution, pushing back, arguing those rounds did not match the bullets on the set and that the defense was, in fact, aware of them.


So this is a wild goose chase. This has no evidentiary value whatsoever.


Prosecutors also alleging that the retired police officer Troy Teske, who turned in those bullets, is a family friend of convicted Armorer Hannah Gutierrez and likely has ulterior motives. The judge having this tense exchange with the lead investigator about whether the prosecutor was involved in the decision not to enter that ammo into evidence.


When you say that there were discussions and the decision was made by all of you to put that ammo in a separate file, right? Is that correct? You said that?


Yes, ma'am.


Was Miss Morrissey part of that discussion?




Thank you.


In a dramatic twist, that prosecutor then taking the stand as her own witness.


I was not aware at that point in time that a doc report would not have the same case number as Russ.


It was like a train wreck that just kept getting worse and worse and worse. A dismissal with prejudice means that the prosecution can't bring back this case. It's done. It's over. Alec Baldwin is the equivalent of not guilty.


The Hutchins family releasing a statement saying, we look forward to presenting all the evidence to a jury and holding Mister Baldwin accountable for his actions in the senseless death of Helena Hutchinse. Outside the courthouse, the prosecutor asked if she let the Hutchins family down.


No, we didn't. We did everything humanly possible to bring justice to Helena and to her family, and we're proud of the work that we did. Again, we disagree with the court's decision, but we have to respect it.