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Finally, tonight, America Strong. Graduation is one of life's special moments, but this one came with a surprise guest. Malik Maldaneas Herd. Malik Herd was walking across the stage to receive his diploma from the University of West Georgia when he heard this special announcement. That one word taking him completely by surprise.


Kosovo. Kosovo. That's what I call my attention. I was listening to what he was saying, but then I heard Kosovo, and I knew that's where she was deployed. I was like, Hold on.


His mother, Sergeant Iva Roby, serving in the National Guard, has been deployed in Kosovo for the last four months and wasn't expected back home until later this year.


I looked to the right again and I saw her come around the corner. It was a heart drop.


Malik suddenly seeing his mother's face, running into her arms, overcome with emotion, holding on tight. Sergeant Roby determined to be there for Malik's graduation, requesting leave months ago. It was a pretty popular time, quite a few graduations. So it was a possibility mine wasn't going to be approved. Receiving support from the University. As soon as I contacted them, they were all for it. They were excited. And they helped keep her visit a secret until this moment.


She was a big part of it. Me going to school, she was always big on education.


A proud mother and son, reunited and grateful. We just love that moment. Congratulations to both of them. Thanks so much for watching tonight. I'm Witt Johnson in New York. Good night.