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Washington in crisis control mode. We're talking about the President United States. Guys, I'm trying to answer the questions. President Biden is working to assure the country and members of his own party that he is the best bet for November. I've talked to people across Ohio. They have legitimate questions about whether the President should continue his campaign. Do you think he should step aside? If I don't go inside, I have people waiting for me, and I'm in trouble. Thank you. It's a simple yes or no, sir. Thank you. The President appears to be pulling out all the stops to counterimpression that his debate performance was a sign that he's not fit for re-election. Was this a bad episode or the sign of a more serious condition? It was a bad episode. No indication of any serious condition. I was exhausted. I didn't listen to my instincts in terms of parents and the bad nights. Today, he held a call with key donors, sent a letter to Capitol Hill saying he won't step down in calling for party unity, and called into MSNBC's Morning Joe. The bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere.


I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024. But the question just won't go away. Do enough people have faith in Biden to keep him on the ticket? Or is the pressure from some vocal party insiders growing too loud? Joe has made it clear that he's all in. This week is crucial. The President is meeting with NATO on Thursday, when he will also hold his first solo news conference since November. Today, he met with the Congressional Black Caucus to shore up support. Tomorrow, Democrats in the Senate and House will meet behind closed doors Congress. No cell phones allowed to talk about a path for the party going forward. Bottom line is just wait till this week. Give it another week. It's only been a week. What, three days? You said give it another week. So are you keeping an open mind on whether you want to see the President step aside in this race? My thing is to find out what direction the President is going to go. He said very clearly what he wants to do and what he will do. But the clock is ticking.


There are just 42 days before the Democratic National Convention. So far, at least six Democrats have come out publicly calling for Biden to step down. I wish he would make the right decision, but since he hasn't, and because of my bedrock belief that we can do better with a different candidate, not just a little better, a lot better, I got to speak up and just make the plea. There's plenty of time to have a conversation about what the alternative would mean. I think at the end of the day, regardless of what people are saying today, if Joe Biden stays in this race, we will have a unified Democratic Party in no small measure, thanks to the opposition being Donald Trump. Polling shows very little movement in the President's support. A New York Times poll found 91% of Democrats supported Biden before the debate, 90% after. Before the debate, 45% of Democrats wish they had a different nominee. That number at 47 after the debate. I have my usual go-to. People who are not political, they would be what you would call your typical swing voters. They don't like either of these candidates. I think in some ways, again, this is Beltway, swirling and stirring the pot.


I think that the lack of enthusiasm for either of these candidates has created an apathy within the American public at a time when we cannot afford that apathy. We need our citizens engaged in making decisions with their government. It's good to be home. Those numbers are playing out on the campaign trail as we talk to Biden supporters. I'm definitely sticking by him. I said, I don't care if they push him in a wheelchair, I'm going to vote for him. Biden barnstorming the battleground state of Pennsylvania this weekend. Thank you, Mr. President. Joined by the state Senator, John Fetterman. I'm about to point to the only person that's ever kicked Trump's ass in an election right now. But even within this crowd of supporters, some are worried. Well, I'm concerned, as we all are, that he might not be up to it. And it's so vital that we win. Well, I still plan to vote for President Biden. He still has my vote. Michigan voter Hurley Coleman is the Chief Executive Officer of Saginaw County Community Action Committee. How are you doing? We first spoke to Coleman earlier this year. His support for Biden, unwavering then and now.


President Biden has done his job despite his age, and he's gone out and said it. We know I'm not as fast, I'm not as agile as I was before, but I still have the competency to do the job. Fellow Michigan voter and small business owner, Eric Davis, says it's too late to make a change. I think that the only way that the Democratic Party does win this race is if they do rally around and genuinely support a Biden second term. We first spoke with David during the state's primary in February, where he backed Biden with some hesitation. But now he's worried Democrats are hurting themselves. I think that the downside about criticizing Biden in public is that if we want to see a Democratic nominee elected, I don't know that other Democrats in the party going on media and talking negatively about him or his performance is actually increasing the chances of winning. Certainly, Republicans are eager to have this fight among Democrats continue to play out, they see it as a win-win. Moments that reinforce the President's age or acuity issues are going to become the focus between now and November, and there's not much Joe Biden can do about that.


At the White House today, questions. After visitor logs show a neurologist, a Parkinson's expert, visited the White House eight times within an eight-month span, including meeting once with the President's doctor. To give you some answers here, has the President been treated for Parkinson's? No. Is he being treated for Parkinson's? No. He's not. Is he taking medication for Parkinson's? No. The same neurologist also appeared on the visitor logs during the Obama years, more than two dozen times. Late tonight, the President's physician confirmed the neurologist did examine Biden during all three of his annual physicals, and those results have always been public. Aides remains a big issue on the campaign trail for both candidates, with Biden, 81 years old, and Donald Trump, 78. No matter who wins, they would become the oldest ever elected President.