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Over the alarming investigation, after scores of children in the US were sickened by cinnamon, applesauce, contaminated with lead, some containing 500 times the acceptable limit, more than 100 children potentially sink it in 22 states. Tonight, investigators now believe the foreign manufacturer intentionally used cheaper ingredients. The FDA is now in Ecuador inspecting the factory. Here's Stephanie Ramos.


Tonight, ABC News Learning, the foreign manufacturer of those recalled, applesauce pouches, sickening children across this country may have deliberately used cheaper cinnamon in an effort to save money, later found to be tainted with lead. The FDA, with this urgent warning, do not eat, sell, or serve cinnamon, applesauce from Weiss, Wannabana, or schnucks that may be tainted with more than 500 times the acceptable level of lead. Political first reporting a top FDA official saying all signs point to an intentional act on the part of someone in the supply chain. The agency now inspecting a manufacturing facility in Ecuador. A senior US official telling ABC News a leading theory is that the company deliberately sourced cheap materials. Investigators now testing the cinnamon. The pouches started being pulled from shelves in late October. The recall expanding as more children became ill.


We thought we were only feeding our son.


Good thing. Kids like Sarah and Ricky Callahan's 15-month-old son, Rudy, who developed lead poisoning after eating the guanabana, applesauce.


This is something that he will be dealing with for a number of years, if not for the rest.


Of his life. The Callaghan is now suing the company that has not responded to their complaint. So far, at least 125 cases linked to the pouches across 22 states have been reported to the CDC, all in children under six. Forty-six children confirmed to have lead poisoning.


No immediate symptoms may appear, so it's important if you have any suspicion to get that blood test done immediately.


Tonight, the FDA is saying in a statement, the manufacturer using cheaper cinnamon for profit is just one part of the ongoing investigation. We've reached out to the three brands under recall and have not received a response.




Stephanie Ramos tonight. Stephanie, thank you.


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