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Oversees now where the impact of the Israel-Hamas war is on full display in Bethlehem. Christmas celebrations were canceled in the traditional birthplace of Jesus. No festive lights, no big crowds of tourists in the town square. It comes as we learn of the heavy death toll on both sides of the conflict. This weekend, one of the bloodiest of the war so far. Abc's Brittany has more from Bethlehem tonight.


Tonight, a subdued Christmas in the Biblical birthplace of Jesus. The normally bustling Bethlehem in the West Bank are ghost town this holiday. Christmas celebrations here called off due to the war. Residents here prepared for a somber holiday.


It's a different Christmas, and everyone is sad, and everyone is focusing on what is happening in Gaza. Bethlehem looks different, but the prayers go on.


Normally, there'd be traditional Christmas decorations here this year, a powerful statement symbolizing Jesus born in the rubble. A similar Nativity seen inside this Lutheran Church. Reverend Muntha Isaac telling me it is a tribute to the children of Gaza.


The world right now celebrates Christmas and festive voice, and while the world is lighting Christmas trees, our child, our children are under rubble.


Meanwhile, in Rafa, Southern Georgia, Hazim Sabha, describing to me via phone call what Christmas feels like as a Christian in Gaza right now.


We don't feel that there is Christmas here. We don't feel about the date. We don't know if today is Christmas or it's Friday or Wednesday, or we don't feel anything.


What's your message to the world this Christmas Day?


Pray for us. Just pray for us. To still alive, at least. Some days we feel that we are not far away from death.


The holiday comes as relentless urban combat in Gaza takes a heavy toll on both sides of the conflict. The IDF today acknowledging at least 15 Israeli soldiers were killed over the weekend, some of its heaviest losses since the war began. 154 Israeli soldiers now killed. That mounting death toll increasing the pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to negotiate with Hamas. Thousands taking to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest his government. Today, the Prime Minister defending Israel's military operation.




War execs a very heavy price from us, but we have no choice but to continue fighting, he said, adding, We are continuing with all force until the end. Back in the US, President Biden saying he and Netanyahu spoke about Israel's military operation this weekend but did not broach the subject of a potential ceasefire.


I had a long talk with Netanyahu today in this.


Surprising conversation. No, I did not.


Ask for a ceasefire. Rachel here in Bethlehem, that gaza death toll now at more than 20,400, very much front of mind as aid groups continue to sound the alarm, one UN agency warning of a man-made famine and stain on our common humanity.


Rachel. All right, Brett, thank you.


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