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Tonight there are voices inside Israel calling for peace. The co-founder of Women Wage Peace, Vivian Silver, was presumed kidnapped until her remains were found at her home in Kibbutz, Paris, recently. A memorial service for her was held yesterday. Joining me now is co-director of Women Wage Peace, Dr. Yael, Brado, Bahat. Doctor, first of all, thank you so much for joining us. Our thoughts are with you. We can't imagine what this time has been like for you, but we do appreciate you joining us tonight. The organization has been around for about a decade now. Talk to us about the mission.


Women of the West Peace was established nine years ago by Vivian Silver and other courageous women who decided that enough is enough and this long lasting conflict, Israeli-Pakistan conflict needs to end with a political resolution, a particular political resolution because we cannot go on living from one round to another and we demand the participation of women in the negotiation throughout the entire process.


And your organization is calling for what, a humanitarian pause or humanitarian ceasefire to be able to get the hostages out?


Absolutely. The first thing that needs to be done currently is release all hostages and, of course, taking care and protect the civilians on both sides.


Israel was attacked, of course, as you know, on October seventh, and it was the single day biggest death toll, loss of life for Jews, really, since the Holocaust. It was staggering. Over 1200 Israelis dead in the days they followed, 12,000 people have died as Israel goes into Gaza, including many women and children. Do you think the Israeli government has crossed any line here? There are a lot of calls for a ceasefire, period, a humanitarian ceasefire, not just for the hostages to be released, but for Israel to stop its assault on Gaza. Does your organization go that far?


No, we don't say anything. We don't say anything strategic. We just say release all hostages, make everything, do everything. The government needs to do everything it can to release the hostages and protect the civilians on both sides. We don't want any more injuries and we don't want any more victims on either side. We just want the war to end, the hostages to be released, and the safety and security of Israel is and for the students to be achieved. And we know that this can be achieved only by a political solution.


Well, I was really struck.


By this. We just said we know it's not going to be within a day or two. It is going to be long. It's going to be hard. But needs to begin because for two decades, at least two decades, the south of Israel, specifically the settlement around the Gulf border are being attacked constantly and the conflict is being managed. And we say for nine years now that the conflict cannot be managed anymore. It needs to be resolved. And we received the proof on the seventh of October that the conception of managing the conflict has collapsed. It needs to be resolved.


And just three days before that, on October fourth, 1,500 Israeli and Palestinian women participated in a rally calling for peace. Are you still able to have any dialog with the Palestinian organization at that rally? It's called Women of the Sun. And that was just three days before this attack. What has gone on? Any communication since?


Of course, since the beginning of the war, since the first day of the war, they contacted us. They were very worried about us. They were very worried about Vivian and the other Women Moving to Peace activists and members living near the Gulf border. They were calling us. They were asking you for okay. And we are in contact and in touch since then. And we continue working together because for us, what happened, just reassures that our mission is important and it's crucial. And for us it just became even more urgent. Absolutely, we plan to continue together. We have a huge project that was supposed to begin on October first and was supposed to be launched by us on October eighth, and we continue to plan it and build it together.


Your organization, the Palestinian organization you're talking about, some familiarity with Seeds of Peace, there are so many different... And that's for kids to get together, Palestinian and Israeli children to get together so they can understand that they're just like each other. So many people have tried desperately for peace in this region. You are continuing to do it. Are you optimistic? Do you see a day where all the fighting will stop?


I don't know when these days are going to come, but I know it will come because other conflicts all over the world, harsh conflicts, bloody conflicts were resolved. When women from both sides of the conflict united and demanded its resolution, things happen in Northern Ireland, in Liberia, in Colombia. And we insist that this is possible also in this region. There is no reason that it won't happen. There are enough moderate forces in this region and in the world to support and facilitate this. We just need courageous leaders to sit down and begin negotiations because we deserve it. I ask the mother, the father, the children, the next generations, we won't be able to live here in this region for, I think, all the time.


Yeah. And as you point out, the situation is just completely untenable as it stands now. Dr. Yael, Brata-Bahaat, thank you so much. And again, our thoughts and our prayers to Vivian and her entire family.


Thank you so much.


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