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To the breaking news overseas, what's being called the deadliest attack on israeli citizens since October 7. At least eleven children and teenagers killed after a rocket strike on a soccer field in israeli controlled Golan Heights, Israel blaming the militant group Hezbollah vowing retaliation. Let's bring in ABC's Matt Rivers now near the scene of that attack tonight. Matt, you're getting new details about the strike and the victims.


Yeah, with five of those victims, all teenagers inside that hospital behind me with serious injuries in what's been the deadliest day here in Israel since the October 7 attacks. This video is the moment the IDF says an iranian maid has bull a rocket landing near a soccer field in a druze community in the Golan Heights, killing at least twelve people there with most being children, injuring dozens more. Hezbollah, however, denying responsibility for the attack. It immediately spiked tensions at the northern border with Lebanon where the IDF and Hezbollah have been trading fire daily. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently flying back to Israel after a trip to the US. This as fighting in Gaza, of course, continues. Another 30 people killed there in israeli strike at a school turned shelter. And with all of this coming just one day before, negotiators were set to resume ceasefire discussions in Rome.


And Matt, as you noted there, Israel and Hezbollah, they've been exchanging fire since that October attack and this strike only adding to the fears of a possible wider war.


That's exactly right. And Netanyahu has already said that Hezbollah will, quote, pay a heavy price it has not paid before. Now, what that means exactly remains unclear. But the fact that we're even posing the question of all out war shows you how serious this attack is and the gravity of Israel's looming response. Whit.


Matt Rivers, our thanks to you tonight. I.