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It seemed like a fairy tale. A beautiful ballerina, seen here dancing in the Nut Cracker for the Maryland Youth Ballet, swept off her guilty for what they say she is.The prosecution rested their case today. The defense begins tomorrow.The defense is going to put on witnesses and evidence to try to argue that she had reason to fear for her life based on the months and years of abuse.The jury of five women and one man are expected to begin deliberating Ashley's fate next week.You could possibly go to jail for a very long time.It's a horrible reality. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Emerson has already been through a lot. I can't imagine how this would affect her if things were to go poorly.


guilty for what they say she is.


The prosecution rested their case today. The defense begins tomorrow.


The defense is going to put on witnesses and evidence to try to argue that she had reason to fear for her life based on the months and years of abuse.


The jury of five women and one man are expected to begin deliberating Ashley's fate next week.


You could possibly go to jail for a very long time.


It's a horrible reality. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Emerson has already been through a lot. I can't imagine how this would affect her if things were to go poorly.