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Now to the Race for the White House. Former President Donald Trump hitting the campaign trail with a rally tonight on the Jersey Shore. Earlier, Trump announcing on social media that former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley would not be his vice presidential pick, shutting down any previous speculation. Here's ABC's Perry Russell.


Tonight, former President Trump trading a New York City courtroom for the beaches of Wildwood, New Jersey.


We have to set high standards because this country has never been in a position like we're in right now. We're left at all over the world.


A rare campaign rally as he spends his weekdays defending himself in his felony hush money trial. Trump has denied all charges. Many here tonight still standing behind the former President.


If it was such a big deal, they should have dealt with it then, not now.


They want to make him look bad. They want to smear his name.


Our latest ABC news, Ipsos Polling, finds 80% of Trump supporters say they will still support him even if he's convicted. 16% say they will reconsider, and 4% will withdraw their vote entirely.


If he's found guilty in that trial, would that change your vote at all? No, it won't change my vote at all.


And as Trump trails President Biden in cash on hand, tonight, the New York Times and ProPublic are reporting on an IRS audit, which they estimate may cost Trump $100 million if the IRS prevails from allegations of, a dubious accounting maneuver to claim improper tax breaks from his tower in Chicago. Abc News has not confirmed the reporting. Trump's son, Eric, telling ABC News this matter was settled years ago, only to be brought back to life once my father ran for office. We are confident in our position, which is supported by opinion letters from various tax experts, including the former general counsel of the IRS.


You have to look at yourself as a person. Are you a perfect person? Is he a perfect person? No one is perfect except for the man upstairs.


With this is a chance for Trump to get back in front of his base. There are thousands of people here, one of the larger crowds he has had recently. Some people lining up on the boardwalk since Wednesday just to be here with.


Perry Russam, thank you. We want to note that this is your first report for us on World News tonight. Welcome to the team. It's great to have you. We appreciate it.