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Back to the deadly IDF air strike on a school complex in Gaza. At least 90 people were reportedly killed, including children, according to Gaza's Hamasra and civil defense. Some of the victims performing dawn prayers at the time of the strike. Israeli military officials say the complex was being used as a headquarters and hideout for Hamas. All this coming as Israel braces for a possible retaliatory strike from Iran. Abc's Tom Sufi Burge is in Tel Aviv tonight.


I A devastating strike by Israel on a school housing hundreds of displaced families in Gaza City. Tonight, the White House saying it's deeply concerned. The IDF saying the building was being used by her mass. In the aftermath, a young girl inside the building screaming. Around her, dead bodies litter the ground. The attack coming as people gathered for morning prayers. Aya and her siblings were asleep as the fire approached. My hand and leg were burnt, she says. Strike happening just a day after President Biden announced a new push for a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel awaits a potential Iranian or Hezbollah retaliation for two assassinations in Tehran and Beirut. Gaza's Hamas run civil defense, saying at least 90 people killed in that school. The IDF saying it eliminated at least 19 terrorists who were carrying out attacks from inside the school compound, adding it used a small warhead, aerial surveillance, and intelligence to, quote, mitigate the risk of harming civilians. And, Whit, as Iran and Hezbollah threatened to attack Israel, the White House is pressing the Israelis for more details on today's strike in Gaza, saying it underscores the urgency of a hostage and ceasefire deal. Those talks between Israel and Hamas now set to resume next week.


Whit? All right, Tom Sufi Bridge. Thank you.