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Joining us now from Texas is Hendore Roberts. His cousin, Doron Katz-as-Shar and her two daughters, who are just two and four years old, were released by Hamas on Friday. Thank you so much for joining us. We truly appreciate it. First, have you been able to speak to your cousin yet or hear anything about how she and her daughters are doing?


Good morning, Wade. Thank you so much for having me on the show this morning. I have not yet had a chance to talk to my cousin. I know they're in the hospital right now in Snyder in Pettach-Tikva, gone under medical exams and care after a long period of time of being taken by the Hamas and held hostage for almost 50 days. I'm sure that she and her two daughters are going through some major examinations and care by the professional staff and surrounded by family and loud noise again. I received very heartwarming pictures and messages from them. I will probably reach out to them later on today and like to hear their voices and make sure that they're all doing well and healthy. We are very excited for this wonderful news yesterday from the Gaza, seeing them taken care of the Red Cross over the border to the Israeli army base. And then from there to the hospital was one of the most exhilarating moments.


And Chen, let me ask you about that emotional roller coaster. Seven agonizing weeks. You've been waiting for news on this. One can't imagine what your family members went through while being held hostage. Describe that moment when it was official that they were released and going home.


It was a very emotional moment for me. I saw a little bit of images coming in from the ambulance, from the Red Cross ambulance that was carrying him over the border. But I was waiting actually for the confirmation, the official confirmation from the Israel Army and from the government to let know that all 13 hostages, they were actually in those ambulances. And once I got there, I was very emotional.


And Chen, while three of your family members are now home safe, this must still be incredibly difficult for you and your family because your aunt was killed and her partner is still being held hostage. What can you tell us about them right now?


It is part of that complex reality when Daron had to, unfortunately, see her own eyes, her mom being murdered in front of her on the way to Qatar. In the entire time she was there, we were actually held the burial and service, and we are now have a temporary grave for her laying down next to her sister, my mother. That's the last time that I saw a fraud alive. It was three and a half months ago at my mom's funeral. She was there to support me and to hold my hand. And now she's laying there next to my mom. And one day soon, I think that the family will go up again and visit their mom.


Well, Chen, thank you again for your time this morning. We are thinking about you and your entire family and hopefully at least some moments to celebrate together in the near future. Thanks again.


Thank you so much, Ray. Good morning.


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