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Finally, tonight on this Father's Day, the dad who has given his son life now for the second time.


Andrew Ross and his father, David, have always been close, but their father-son bond has now been further cemented after Andrew, who's now 15, received a devastating diagnosis when he was just eight.


You got the news that no parent wants to hear them having stage 4 cancer.


Andrew's form of cancer, neuroendocrine, is rare in children. But Texas Children's Hospital in Houston offered a variety of treatments, from chemotherapy and surgery to radiation, some experimental, which stabilized his cancer.


It was a big, tough struggle for a lot of years.


At one point, he had more than 50 tumors in his liver, but his family's unwavering support has helped carry him through.


They've been there right next to me.


While the treatments eradicated all but two of his tumors, they did serious damage to his kidneys, which then required Andrew to go on dialysis.


We didn't realize that it It could even be a possibility for him to have a transplant. The doctors were very supportive, but once he got to two years of no growth in his cancer at all.


As soon as those two years passed, David was tested, found to be a good match, and did not hesitate to donate one of his kidneys to his son.


You're the dad. You want to do anything you can to be able to take away any type of pain that your kids are going through.


The transplant last summer was a success.


This year, I played soccer for my high school doing normal kid stuff.


On this Father's Day, this father and son duo have so much to be grateful for.


Gratefulness that he's my dad, that he'd be willing to give me his kidney to change my life forever.


So meaningful. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. And thanks so much for watching. I'm Lindsay Davis, David Neyour, right back here tomorrow night. Good night.