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So as we celebrate the holidays, there is no better way to get into the spirit than listening to the classics you may have grown up with to spread the joy. Grammy award nominated singer-songwriter, Gavin DeGraw, released an album called A Classic Christmas. Let's take a listen to his rendition of the Christmas song.


Gavin joins us now here in studio.


How are you? I'm great. How are you?


I am well. You've got to say, first off, the dog take center stage, really steals the show. Really adorable dog.


With a hairdo like that, I mean, it's a win every time.


What made you decide to feature him as you're talking about being home for Christmas and you're outside of that mobile home, I guess it really is.


Yes, that's my airstream. I keep that parked in the woods at a very special spot I like to go to when I get off tour and want to decompress. That's where I go and campfire and whatnot and I bring my dog. That's my dog, buddy, buddy de Grahe. He's the best. And he actually, from my photoshoot, you might not have noticed, but he wore a.


Little tuxedo. I did see that. Yes, all dapper, dapper dog.


Very handsome. He's like James Bond. And he gets all... He's a ladies man. What can I say?


He's the man. Like his dad.


No, I'm not the ladies man, but my dog is. My dog is basically the Brad Pitt of K-9s for sure.


The Brad Pitt of K-9s. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?


That might have been it. I like pretty much anything off of the White Christmas record, Bing Crosbie record. It's a record that I happen to love.


How did you go about deciding which ones you were going to include on this album? There's so many.


Well, you can't really do all of the ones that you love. Not right away because there's only so much time to cut a record and we're all busy doing other things too because I'm on tour while I'm cutting records and things like that. But this particular selection, I want to do a few from White Christmas. I heard a few other ones that Elvis did, a few other ones Sinatra did. I wanted to do very classic recordings and particularly these older traditional Christmas songs. No offense to any of the pop Christmas records. I really like the sound of these old school Christmas recordings. They remind me of being a little kid. They remind me of having family around. They just feel warm to me. And I wanted to pay homage to that sensation and make a record that was more along the lines of the stuff that I like to listen to during Christmas time.


And speaking of this time, Five Nights, Sold Out, Christmas in the city. What can people who come to your concert expect?


Super old school. I'm doing all the stuff from the Christmas records mixed in with some other stuff, somesome old school stuff. I've got an amazing collection of musicians I'm playing with. Just wonderful New York talent. And New York talent isn't just from New York, they're from all over the world, as you know. So you get the best of the best because that's what it takes to make it around here, right? So the guys I'm playing with are pretty extraordinary. And we'll be doing that, doing my show of Christmas songs and then mixing it up with songs I've had off earlier records in my career.


You released this album, just joined Sony Music, Nashville. Yes. What's next for you in this new chapter?


Next is I've got some ideas for some other music. I've written already the next batch of songs for the next record, and probably the next couple of batches of songs for the next record. I like to stay ahead of it. And then -.


Is there a theme or an inspiration you can give us a.


Little hint? Man, I wish I was a theme guy. I don't have the attention span for that. I've never had that discipline. The theme is just being honest about how you feel about things. I'm an observer. I see patterns, I write songs about them, and I make them rhyme. I try to keep it under three minutes and 45 seconds.


That's my job. That's the key, authenticity. That's my job. In the key of whatever it might be.


That's exactly right.


Gavin, thank you so much for coming by. I really appreciate you having the time to come on the show. Thank you. Thanks for your time. I appreciate it. Want to let our viewers know you can listen to a classic Christmas now available on streaming platforms.


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