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Sources tell ABC News, embattled former congressman George Santos is expected to agree to a plea deal in his federal fraud trial. Santos faces 23 felony counts. A guilty plea would avoid a trial, which is set to begin next month. Two of his former associates have already pleaded guilty. Abc News senior investigative correspondent Aaron Kutursky has the details.


For months, disgraced former Republican congressman George Santos has insisted he's innocent and vow to fight criminal charges. But tonight, sources familiar this case tell ABC News, Santos has instead expected a plea guilty. Santos, just the sixth member expelled from the House of Representatives, had just reaffirmed his not guilty plea to 23 financial crimes in a hearing Tuesday. But on Friday, his attorneys and federal prosecutors asked a judge on Long Island to schedule another hearing without saying why. Our sources say Santos now wants to plea guilty, though they caution the erratic ex- congressman could always change his mind. Santos himself admitted he lied to voters about nearly every a part of his biography, from where he went to school to claims his grandparents fled the Holocaust. But the federal charges mainly involve money, allegations including lying to Congress about his wealth, defrauding donors, and using campaign funds for personal expenses. It's not yet clear, Mary, which charges Santos will be pleading guilty to or what the sentence could be, but he will be in federal court on Monday here on Long Island, and this expected guilty plea coming just weeks before the start of his trial.




We know you'll be watching it all closely, Aaron. Thank.