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Ryan Anderson is a 37-year-old special education teacher, and like Gipsy, is from Louisiana. What led you to write her in prison?


Honestly, it was just out of a whim. And show Tiger King was very popular at the time. And my friend, she just kept going on and on. I want to write this person. I want to write him. Finally, I said, I tell you what, you ride him and I'll tell you what, you write him and I'll write Gipsy Rose Blanchard.


The first time that I talked to him on the phone, I could tell that he was genuine. I have a pretty good judge of character now, and he's just a Teddy bear. He's so sweet.


When did you realize it was love?


I actually always knew it. I always knew it.


I tell you what, the first time I heard her voice, I fell in love.


People seem to be very protective of Gipsy. A lot of people are expressing suspicion about you.


That's understandable. I understand that. I'm an open book. Gipsy could see that I was genuine. People can be protective all they want, but I'm the most protective of her.


You proposed to her, and you both decided to get married. You're in prison. You're going to get out. Why wouldn't you just wait?


Actually, a lot of people told us to wait. I think that I knew what I wanted, and I wanted this marriage.


Hi, everyone.


George Stephanopoulos here. Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel. If you'd like to get more videos, show highlights, and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel. And don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts. Thanks for watching.