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Breaking developments in the Middle East. The Israeli military releasing new video they say shows Hamas militants bringing hostages from Israel into Gaza's largest hospital. This video here allegedly recorded just hours after that horrific October seventh terror attack. The IDF also sharing drone footage saying it reveals a Hamas tunnel more than 30 feet below Al-Shifa Hospital. All of this as efforts intensify for a deal to release some of the hostages. Abc's Patrick Revel in Israel tonight.


Tonight, the Israeli military releasing new video they say shows Hamas militants bringing some hostages into Gaza's largest hospital. Israel saying this surveillance video shows Hamas moving a wounded hostage into Gaza's Al-Shifah Hospital on October seventh, just hours after that surprise attack in which it seized nearly 240 hostages. A second video showing another hostage being dragged into Al-Shifah, the IDF says.


We do not know.


Where they are. They're still hostages we need to rescue. Israel Tonight also releasing this video, showing a drone entering what they say is a Hamas tunnel 30 feet below ground in the hospital compound, saying that tunnel had a blast door and firing hole, claiming Hamas ran a command center underneath, which they deny. The IDF Tonight also claiming another hostage, 19-year-old IDF soldier, Noah Matiano, was murdered in that hospital, but Hamas claiming she was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Today, the World Health Organization sending a team inside, describing it as a death zone. Among the patients, nearly three dozen premature babies removed from incubators after electricity ran out. Nine said to have died. But today, 31 of those babies finally evacuated to our hospital in Southern Gaza. Doctors desperately trying to keep them alive. A note in Arabic taped to this baby's chest saying he was found alone. A newborn with no name and no family. The babies expected now to be moved to Egypt. Israel continuing to pound Gaza. Dozens reported killed in strikes on refugee camps this weekend, including two UN-run schools, according to the United Nations. The survivors rushed to overflowing hospitals, toddlers covered in dust and blood, laid on the floor with nowhere else to treat them.


Amid the carnage, pressure growing on Israel to accept a ceasefire, as talks inch closer to a deal to free the remaining 236 hostages, including Americans. Significant progress reported in talks mediated by Qatar. Us and Israeli sources telling ABC around 50 hostages could be freed in exchange for a five-day ceasefire, and for Israel releasing some Palestinian women and children.


There has been a significant progress, including in recent days, in recent hours, some of the issues where there was disagreement.


Final warning, the deal could still be derailed at the last minute.


Israel's war cabinet has met tonight amid those reports of progress on this deal. Just in the last few minutes, representatives of the families saying that there has been significant progress, but that it could still take.


Several days. Whit, Patrick Revel. Thank you.


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