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Now to Israel's war with Hamas. 42 days now. And tonight, the news coming in. The body of a second hostage has now been found near that largest hospital in Gaza. Al Shifa Hospital. Stormed by the Israelis this week. Last night, another hostage was found dead, a mother of five. There are new images tonight of the brutal fight. Israeli video claiming to show the destruction of a weapons production plant of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Tonight, Israeli troops inside Al Shifa Hospital again gathering evidence, they say, that Hamas hid a military headquarters underneath that hospital. Tonight. Hamas denying that claim. And the striking satellite image here tonight, the toll on Palestinian civilians. New satellite images showing thousands of civilians walking through the devastation in northern Gaza right there, heading south, where Israel continues to say it is safer. And tonight, where does this effort stand to try to get these hostages out? ABC's Matt Guppman in Israel again tonight.


Tonight, the Israeli military continuing its relentless assault on northern Gaza, blowing up what they say was a weapons production plant of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And Hamas releasing its own video. Fighters targeting Israeli forces with rocket propelled grenades. Sniper teams firing from bombed out buildings. The Hamas run Health Ministry saying the death toll in Gaza has now surpassed 12,000. And Israel today confirming the bodies of two dead hostages were found near Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital in recent days. 19 year old Noah Marciano, a corporal in the Israeli army, was buried today. It comes a day after Israel discovered the body of 65 year old Yehudit Weiss, both found in the street across from the hospital. Officials say Hamas also releasing video of 86 year old hostage Aria Zelmanovich, his family asking the media not to show it. Israeli troops are excavating what they say is a tunnel entrance near a Shifa hospital, searching the grounds for a third day.


The extent of the tunnel network is being exposed. We're seeing blast doors at the end of the tunnel, so it's obviously a terror tunnel.


After 42 days of fighting, much of northern Gaza has been laid to waste. This satellite image showing huge numbers of people trying to fleece out the pew. Hospital still in operation, overwhelmed. So many injured, including these children. There's no place to put them but the floor. One wrapped head to toe in gauze. This boy, his face bloodied, saying, my parents don't know I'm here. I want to sleep, and I'm cold. I can't stand. I just want to go home. Despite the catastrophic damage in Gaza, hamas still able to lob rockets into Tel Aviv. Most of tonight's barrage intercepted. And in Israel, pressure for a hostage deal mounted.


Behind me are the families of the hostages. This is part of their five day march from Tel Aviv. What they're saying is, free everybody, all.


Of the hostages now, but that's looking increasingly unlikely. Israel's national security advisor tonight saying there will not be a ceasefire without a, quote, massive repatriation of hostages.


The question is, what does massive mean? Let's get to Matt Gutman in Israel again tonight. You witnessed the families. They're trying to put pressure on authorities to do more to get these hostages out. But, Matt, as you know, there are divisions within the Israeli cabinet about what any deal to release these hostages should actually look like.


David the current deal on the table. Officials tell us we'll see about 50 hostages released, women and children, in exchange for a three day ceasefire for Hamas. But that division inside Israel's security cabinet, which you just mentioned, may be holding things up. A group of the ministers, we are told, want to accept the deal as it is. Another group is pushing for a much larger deal that would include all of the women and the children and their family members, including males.


David Matt Guppman in Tel Aviv for us again tonight. Thank you, Matt.


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