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And Andy for deceased. Industry professional we will miss most goes to. Hi, everyone. This is the time in the show when we remember the legends we've lost over the past year, one of whom I was very lucky to know, and that was Bob Newhart. Those of you who knew Bob, For those of you who knew him personally, know he was exactly who you thought he was and hoped he would be. He did not have range. He didn't need to have range. Bob had what very few comedians have, especially today, a degree in accounting. Bob was a humble, politely hilarious man. He got his first Emmy nomination in 1962 and didn't win one until 2013, 51 years later, which is a great lesson, and that lesson is, Jon Stewart, you should be ashamed of yourself. You said you were retiring. Bob Newhart one of our most loved and funniest people for more than 60 years, and we will miss him for many years to come.