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Now to the 2024 campaign with our trail mix series with the first caucuses and primaries just weeks away. We're taking a closer look at voter insights around the country. Jay O'Brien joins us now with more. Good morning again, Jay. Stephanie, good morning again. And all eyes are now on those early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire. Candidates are entering crunch time there. So our team of ABC News 2024 campaign embeds fanned out across those states to ask voters what's driving them. This morning, as crucial presidential primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire near, Republican voters there reacting to the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Biden. For formalized this week in a vote by House Republicans. I think there's certainly enough there to warrant at least looking into it. If there was some validity to it, and then yes, I would say that they should look into that. Thus far, there hasn't been. The first in the nation, Iowa Caucuses, is now less than a month away. Voters, they are concerned about the economy. The money I make today is basically the same money as I've made 20 years ago, and I'm no further ahead of my life.


The same worries, more than a thousand miles away in New Hampshire. Entering adulthood post-college, I feel like the job market is slim and the housing prices keep going up. Abortion rights polarizing as candidates grapple with the historic lawsuit from Kate Cox challenging Texas' abortion ban and its effect on women's health care. I don't think that anybody should have a right to discuss medical options about someone else's body. I'm hoping that they have good judgment on that. Former President Trump still dominating most primary polls. Other GOP hopefuls looking to grow their support in these crucial remaining weeks. I like Vivek. I would probably say Ron DeSantis. I'd have to say Trump, really. When people walk into the voting booth, that's when they're going to decide who they really want. Again, Iowa's primary is less than a month away. New Hampshire is just a week after that. The question, still hanging over this entire race, will any Republican candidate pick up enough momentum to beat former President Trump? Stephanie. We will see. Thank you so much, Jay. Heart to believe, just a month away from those Is, and the Congress is. Hi, everyone. George Stephanopoulos here. Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.


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