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We turn to the other major news this Tuesday night. And there is breaking news as we're on the air here in the west involving Israel's war with Hamas. The breaking developments at this hour involving the hostages. We have learned that a tentative deal has now been reached to free a number of hostages held in Gaza. Families on an emotional roller coaster here, waiting to hear whether their loved ones could be among those coming home, including the family of this three year old American, Abigail Moridan. Her parents were killed in the terror attack. It's believed she could be among those freed. And tonight, another major question. Will the Red Cross, will authorities have access to the hostages that remain to check on their health? ABC's Matt Guppman in Israel tonight.


Tonight, after 46 days of agony, top Israeli officials approving a deal to free more hostages held by Hamas. That tentative plan includes the release of about 50 of the 236 hostages, civilian women and children, in exchange for a four day pause in fighting and the release of about 150 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. The Red Cross will also be given access to the hostages who remain in Gaza. But Prime Minister Netanyahu tonight vowing the war will not stop until every hostage is freed, saying, we are at war, and we will continue the war until we achieve all our objectives. Netanyahu also thanking President Biden for his help. At least ten Americans are still missing, including three year old Abigail Moore. Idan orphaned and kidnapped by Hamas. She's the youngest American held hostage. And tonight, a US official confirming she's expected to be released. Abigail's parents were killed when Hamas terrorists stormed Kibutzkfar, Gaza. Tonight, Abigail's family, hopeful but skeptical.


Until we actually see Abigail and other children come out of Gaza, I really don't think I can go to that place where I will let myself really believe that she's free. We all pray that this release will happen and that Abigail will actually be home to celebrate her fourth birthday.


And tonight, as demonstrators clamored for the Israeli cabinet to approve the deal, we caught up with hadas Calderon overcome with worry. You're fighting for this deal, but you don't know that your children are actually in it.


I don't know.


Five of her family members were taken hostage, including her 16 year old daughter, Sahar. And here the very moment her twelve year old son, Eras, was kidnapped by Hamas.


Why did you help him so much? Wow.


Close to 50 days into this now. Let's get to Matt Gutman again in Tel Aviv tonight. Matt, what more have you learned about this tentative deal tonight?


David, we understand that the hostages could be released in batches of ten to twelve over four to five days. It could last longer, and that's partly because some of them have been dispersed across the Gaza Strip, and because some of them are being held by other groups. Now, we understand from that U. S. Official that that three year old orphan Abigail is expected to be on that list. It's unclear if any of the other nine missing Americans are on it as well.


David, Matt Guppen in Tel Aviv for us again tonight. Thank you, Matt.


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