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The Carters are also known for their inspiring love story. Abc's senior national correspondent, Steve Osonami, interviewed both of them together a few years ago and what would be their last television interview together. Steve joins us now from Atlanta. And Steve, in your special conversation, the Carters had some advice for all of us.


They did. Good evening to you, Ed. I sat down with them for their 75th anniversary a few years ago and we decidedly did not talk about the news events of the day. Instead, I got a master class on love and how to make a relationship last. What advice do you have for people who want to make it last?


First of all, choose the right person to marry and then give each other plenty of space. Let the other person have a full life in the way they choose and help when you can share things a lot.


And do things together. We're always looking to do things, to find things we can do together, like fly fishing and birdwatching and just going out to the pond.


Every night we try to make sure we are completely reconciled from all the arguments during the day when we go to bed. We also read the Bible every night, and we've done that for 60 years, probably.


It's hard to go to sleep if you've read the Bible, if you've read the Bible.


So never go to bed angry?


Try not to. Try not to.


It was clear even then that they had planned to walk into the sunset of their lives together. They were finishing each other's sentences and thoughts. They just loved that we were talking about their relationship. And a few weeks later, a letter came in the mail, and it was a small bit of graciousness. A week or so after that interview, it shouldn't have shocked me that Mrs. Carter was able to find me so easily. She, of course, had the US Secret Service at her disposal, but it still did. It was a handwritten letter of thanks, bit of old school charm and blue ink, bit of class, a legacy from the desk of Rosalind Carter.


Wow, a small treasure and a piece of history in your hand there, Steve. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. We appreciate it.


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