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This band accomplishes an intricate balance between folk, soul, jazz, and classic pop. The five band members of Lake Street Dive come together to create this eclectic sound with nostalgic songs on WNDYR and Youth. Now, in their new LP called Good Together, the band is hoping to inspire and change a few mindsets. Let's take a listen.


We could be good together. We could be good together. Let's knock on wood together.


Can't help a bob your head to that. Mike Calabrese and Bridget Kearney, kind enough to join us tonight. That was a song Good Together off their new LP. We thank you so much for joining us. Give us a sense of the inspiration for this album?


We've been putting the term on the theme of the record as Joyful Rebellion. So yeah, it's like there's plenty that we all are scared and sad and potentially angry about going on in the world, but we're fighting fire instead of with fire, with joy and with things that can bring folks together.


Mike, I want to bring you in here because to that point, there's a lot going on that's heavy in the world. Do you feel like now is more important than ever to really get joy back in music?


Absolutely. I think it's one of the things that's easily forgotten, maybe one of the first things that goes. It's something you see a newborn child with. Joy comes naturally to all of us. But I think when you get older, you might need to be a little bit more intentional about it and try to cultivate it.


Bridget, part of this is the idea or theme of a lost childhood. Even when love isn't meant to last forever, it can still be magical. What was the inspiration for those themes?


Well, there's one song in particular on the album called 25 that's about a love that existed and maybe wasn't built to last, but still can be celebrated for what it was. I think that just has to do with an attitude of embracing the time that you're in and the moments that are great. I don't know. Any further thoughts on that?


No, I think we've been a band for 20 years, and you write enough break-up songs and you go, What's a new twist on a breakup song? Sometimes it's a good thing, or at least it doesn't sting anymore, looking back.


Tell us about Dance with a Stranger, and its square dancing roots.


I was up in Kingston, New York, working on writing songs for this record, and someone invited me out to a weekly honky-tog at the VFW Hall. It was just really inspiring to me as a gathering point for the community community. There was people there of all ages, people from the country, people from the city. It's just such a beautiful thing when you can see someone and say, Hello, nice to meet you. Would you like to hug me for three minutes since been around the room? It's a point of connection. Then you might see that person later at the grocery store and say, Hey, remember me? Or maybe you might even come into conflict with them at some point, but you've encountered them in this setting that invites human connection.


Mike, you mentioned that you all have been together for 20 years. What would you say that you've learned together or how you all have evolved during that two decades?


Yeah, we literally grew up together. I think a lot of people don't really know behind the scenes what it takes to be a touring band and stay together for a lot of years. But you need to be a decent musician to do this job. But more importantly, you need to know how to hang. But we've had our backs, each other's backs for 20 years, and that's how you grow.


Speaking of hanging, you guys are about to hang at some big venues like Madison Square Garden, for example. Does that excitement still come through each time? Does it get old?


Touring is a grind like anything else, but I don't know. Madison Square Garden is really exciting.


I live here in Brooklyn, so it's not only this world famous arena, but it's my hometown arena. I've had so many good experiences there seeing Billy Joel and Anderson Park. It's going to be amazing.


Now, Lake Street Dive, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you both so much for joining us. Really appreciate it. I want to let our viewers know you can listen to Lake Street Dive's new LP, Good Together, out tomorrow.