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Now to our Trail mix, taking a look at what's happening on the campaign trail with New Hampshire primary just three days away now. Mary Alice Parks is back and joins us now from New Hampshire.


Good morning, Mary Alice. Rihanna, good morning. Maybe not a surprise in this date with such an independent streak. So many New Hampshire voters I talked to said they're looking for a candidate who can compromise.


This morning, former President Donald Trump ramping up his attacks on Nikki Haley, who could give him a run for money in New Hampshire.


Can waste his time with Nikki because she's not going to make it. She has no chance.


Do we want more of the same or do we want to go in a new direction?


The contest here likely decided by independents who make up 40% of voters, like Dennis Kutcher, who says he wants an alternative to both Trump and Biden.


I'm looking for someone who would be a good alternative to both of them.


Nearly every voter we interviewed mentioning their hope for more cooperation and compromise between parties. I'm concerned about the level of civility.


Democrats and Republicans choose to work together. They had little fights here and there. But in today's day and age, it's like, they don't want to fight you. They want to assassinate you.


Some GOP voters telling us Trump will be the deciding factor for them. Our votes matter a lot in New Hampshire.


You want a candidate to be an alternative?


Yeah, definitely. What do you think? I'm going to vote whoever is it, Donald Trump. Others, not so much.


No, I'm not against Trump if got the nomination, but I don't think that he deserves the nomination.


And all the pressure really on Nikki Haley to deliver in this state. And I got to tell you, the New Hampshire voters I talk to say they are dialed in, paying attention, and they see their role going early, Rhiannan, as really a privilege.


We are going to see what happens, Mary Alice. Thank you so much.


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