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All right, folks, it is that time of year. Time to turn up the holiday tunes as the season gets underway. And tonight we are joined by the pop prince of Christmas himself, comedian and recording artist Matt Rogers to talk about his latest jolly project. Let's take a look.


Way back in college in Bethlehem, they knew each other like, oh. They were like, oh. Honestly, I have not been a church in a very long time. I have not been a church in a very long time. Have you heard of Christmas?


It's the Teddy and Negligé that does it for me. Matt, who joins us now in studio. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, Lucy. I think Mariah Carey, you're giving her a little run for her.


Money here. Listen, I'm not saying that she inspired it, and so therefore is now threatened by me. But basically, yes, she was doing an interview one time and said she was the Queen of Christmas, which I was like, I think I see what she's going for here. She's going for seasonal ubiquity. I was like, I'm interested in that.


And so you started out with this wildly successful comedy tour called Have You Heard of Christmas? Was this in the works? Was this always the next next?


So basically, it started as a joke. I saw this interview with Mariah Carey, and the interviewer said the quiet part out loud. She was like, So this Christmas thing, you're going to be busy every year, right? You're making money every year. And I was like, Oh, I think that's so funny, to just baldly call out the capitalism of it. So I was like, I'm going to announce that I'm doing a Christmas album just because it will never happen. I was like, It's the bit of my life. I'm coming out with an album, everyone come see it. And then, lo and behold, it was a successful enough show year after year that Capital Records actually gave me a record deal this year. So I stuck the landing on the bit there.


So this is not the traditional Christmas album, just so everybody is aware.


Yeah, I don't know if you got that from.


The clip. What was this for?


It's for everyone that has a sense of humor, I think. What I love about Christmas is it is for everyone by nature. I mean, it's everywhere, so everyone has an access point into it. But what I like about this project is it equal parts celebrates and drags Christmas. You know what I mean? It's making fun of the Christmas characters and the whole thing, like you said. It's really... It's a comedy album, first and foremost. That's what I'll say.


But not only is it an album, there's the video that goes along with it as well. I mean, it's like you've got the delights.


So basically I did it as a showtime comedy special last year. I filmed it at Joe's Pub in New York, which was such a cool honor to be able to shoot my special there because so many of the greats have performed there. And it was out on showtime. And basically, I guess the only way to get bigger than that, the comedy special, was to do the album. Now we're going back out on the road. I actually just got back from London where I did a bunch of shows. They went great. And starting December first, I'm going to be touring all through December. I imagine.


It's pretty surreal when you look back to your humble beginnings, your NYU College grad student just trying to make it as a comedian. And now look.


At you. It's wild. I mean, especially when I was younger, I grew up like a gay kid on Long Island. I was really not presented with a lot of people in pop culture that exactly had my sensibility, to be honest with you. But then by the time I got to college and met diverse peers and people that were like me and we all wanted to do the same thing, it felt like I was part of a little movement. My best friend is Bowen Yang, who's on Saturday Night Live. We have a podcast together called Las Cultaristas. And we're so proud of the fact that we're a part of this movement in comedy and entertainment.


How do you top this? What's next for you?


Well, I don't know. I guess I got to record another album. Maybe it's Summerbops. I don't know. Maybe it's something like that. But I think really what I'm excited about is people finding this and just enjoying this moment.


Of Christmas. Matt, thank you so much for coming on. Want to let our viewers know the record Have You Heard of Christmas is available anywhere you stream your music. You can also catch Matt on tour in a city near you.


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