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Finally, tonight, America Strong and proof you're never too young to make a difference.


Hello, my name is William Miller.


Most days, nine-year-old William Miller is not in a suit and tie. He likes playing catch with his dad, practicing kickboxing, and walking with his grandma to the local Sonic. But when dangerous street racing continued to be a problem at the intersection they had to cross, William took action.


We just hear all the time. It's not very safe around here. I don't I wanted my grandma to get hurt.


After his grandma almost got hit, he went straight to the city Council, the pint-size activist showing up in that suit and tie.


How are you guys doing today? Me and my grandma would walk to Sonic to get some ice cream, and It's very dangerous because of all of the street racers, I wonder if you guys have any solution to fix this.


The mayor and police chief later meeting with William and promising change.


Everyone started to come to talk to me.


Now, they're stepped up law enforcement in the area and a brand new stoplight.


This light here, this is the one that you did, LB. I know. Isn't that crazy?


William returning to the council last month.


I want to thank you because you guys made some changes.


My grandson at nine years old has taught me, if you have a problem with where you live, you have to go talk to the people who are in charge.


William encouraging others to speak up and making no secret about his future aspirations.


I want to lead the country. I want to be President. I want to do some things for America.


Already doing big things, and we're all for it. Thanks so much for watching tonight. I'm Wade Johnson in New York. Hope to see you on GMA in the morning. Good night.