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All right, we're going to start this half hour here with a look at this week's top political headlines and ABC deputy political director, Avery Hopper. She's not sick of us yet. She's back with that. Good morning. Welcome back. Good morning. Okay, so let's go ahead and start with Congressman George Santos. Of course, in our last half hour, we were talking about that house investigation, alleging that he used campaign donations for Botox, purchases at Fairgameau, Hermes, even OnlyFans. Other attempts to expel him have not worked. Is this any different?


Well, there is a high bar in order for George to be expelled from the House of Representatives. They need at least two-thirds of the House members to vote in favor of expulsion in order to remove them. I think that we are.


Going to see.


Some of the math change on this, especially because of some of the findings of that Ethics.


Committee report. They are very damaging.


There's some lawmakers who indicated that they were not in favor of expulsion before who are now indicating that they could vote yes on this. In terms of political implications.


This seat.


The New York Congressional district, the third congressional district, is really one that is credited with the a razor-thin majority for Republicans in the House. Regardless of whether it is going to be a special election or we're going to wait until 2024, there's going to be lots of heavy investment from both parties to figure out who is going to replace George Santos in that seat. At last check, there are about 20 folks on both sides of the aisle who are vying to replace him.


Okay, that should be interesting. Let's talk about the government shutdown that did not happen because President Biden signed that stop gap spending bill to avert it. However, this is another one of those continuing resolutions. We kicked the can down the road. What happens next?


They sign.


What is called a ladder.


Of continuing revolution. That's just a really complicated way to say.


This is a temporary fix that funds the government in two different parts. Some agencies are going to be funded through January 19th, and others are going to be funded through February second. It does kick the can down the road. It gives lawmakers more time to strike a more long-term deal. It is really important to note in this deal, there is not funding for the war in Israel with Hamas. There's not funding for Ukraine. There's not funding for humanitarian aid for Palestinian people. I think we can expect for lawmakers to make a separate push for that before the year is over.


A lot of people will have their eyes on that. But let's get to this. President Trump has successfully beaten back these attempts to keep him off of the ballot in Michigan so far, Minnesota, and now we're talking about Colorado.


Right, in Colorado, we saw just like in Michigan and Minnesota, we saw a judge there rule in favor of former President Trump, saying that he can be on the ballot in Colorado. This all has to do with the 14th Amendment. There is a clause within it that says that folks who participate in an insurrection or rebellion, that they should not be able to hold public office.


In this case, the judge said because there's no definitive guidance.


About how that clause is supposed to be.


Interpreted, that she.


Couldn't apply it to former President Trump.


In this case. But it doesn't mean that those attempts are going to go away.


The group that's behind.


These cases in.


Several states across the country, they said.


They're going to appeal to Colorado Supreme Court, and it's likely that we could see the US Supreme Court asked.


To weigh in. Yeah, and that opinion was 100 pages, so it was very far reaching. Avery Harper, we really appreciate it.






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