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That's titanium, I'd say.


It's an out-of-this-world mystery, a 15-inch hunk of metal and carbon plummeting into a North Carolina man's home.


We heard a thump on the roof right above me, and I came outside to see what might have hit. I looked out in the yard and saw this piece laying in the yard.


Mike Wooton thought a bird flew into his window, but then found this strange object that could potentially be debris from space. Wooden's chunk appears similar to this four-foot chunk of debris found in nearby Canton, North Carolina. His son law pointing out the similarities.


He said, Look at this article on WLSTV. He said, That piece you've got, it goes with this.


The space junk has crashed to Earth recently. In March, this piece of debris crashed through a home in Naples, Florida, tearing through the roof and two floors, causing $15,000 in damage and nearly hitting the owner's son. Nasa confirmed the cylindrical object was part of a cargo pallet for the space station. And back in 2019, this pseudo satellite launched for a Samsung promotional campaign came crashing down onto a farm in Michigan. The US is tracking an estimated 45,000 objects in orbit, including nearly 19,000 pieces of space debris. Among them, this tool bag dropped by astronauts during a spacewalk. Back in North Carolina, no official word on the source of that debris, but one expert claims a SpaceX capsule may have passed over both impact sites, but SpaceX has not yet commented.