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Out of Iowa just over a month ago until the first of the nation caucuses, which will help decide the Republican nominee. Former President Trump is leading by double digits in the polls as the remaining hopeful scramble for some late momentum. Abc's Mary Alice Parks with the candidates in Iowa tonight.


Tonight, Republican candidates sharpening their criticism of their main opponent, Donald Trump. Rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. Telling Iowans that voting for the former President invigorates Democrats.


They need that negative partisanship that they can say Trump, Trump, Trump, and get people to come out. I want.


To choose someone who is going to be able to unite both the Republican Party and the country.


But Trump is leading Iowa polls by 25 or 30. You're in the middle of the race, according to 538, and some voters think the nomination is just his to lose.


Did any of them.


Beat Trump here in Iowa? Yeah. I think they could.


You've hesitated more. Yeah. He'll get the nomination again.


Do you say it with a sigh?


Yeah, there's worse guys for the job, but there's better guys.


For the job. Businessman Vivek, Ramaswamy, the youngest candidate in the race, bonding with college students through a push-up challenge.








But he struggled to make friends Wednesday at the fourth GOP debate.


It's Nikki Haley who thinks the government should identify every one of.


Those individuals. The crowd booing Ramaswamy repeatedly when he attacks his competition on stage, though he avoids criticizing to Trump.


Do you have a likability problem?


I don't think so. I think sometimes the truth is uncomfortable, and I'm a candidate who speaks the truth without constraint.


It wasn't just the candidates trying to win votes. Governor DeSantis telling me that his wife, Casey, flips voters and draws crowds of her own.


She's a great vote getter, and we're going to look forward to having her out.


Now, the DeSantis campaign has been playing clean up these last few days. After Casey DeSantis, Ron DeSantis's wife there, made comments where she seemed to encourage women in other states to come to Iowa to caucus. The Trump team really jumped on those comments. They said that she was embracing voter fraud. Desantis had to clarify them with and say that she was just encouraging people to volunteer.


All right, Mary Alice Parks on the campaign trail tonight. Thank you.


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