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Tonight, America Strong, the underdog we just can't help rooting for. Tonight, an unlikely star at the Westminster Dog show, a rescue mutt named Miles, taking the agility competition by storm. But six years ago, his future looked bleak until Christine Longnecker showed up at this Pennsylvania shelter.


It was just staring at me with these liquid brown eyes, and I was like, That's it. That's the dog I'm taking home. The shelter had been like, I don't know if you really want that dog. He'd been returned a couple of times. But I said, No, he's getting in the car with me. Now, here we are at Westminster.


Christine, a horseback riding instructor, would take Miles along for the lessons, where he found his calling.


The horse jumped the fence. Before I knew it, Miles had taken off from my side and ran out and jumped the jump with the horse. I was like, Oh, wow.


Christine started to train Miles for agility competitions.


Jumping comes insanely naturally to him.


Soon, Miles Miles began racking up some wins, leading to this special moment today. The first of his Westminster runs, Christine leading him through. And while Miles did not make tonight's finals, he's winning hearts across America.


To everyone else, he's an underdog. He was unadoptable. But anybody who spent any time with him knows that there's nothing underdog about him. He loves every day of his life, and we could all take a really big life lesson from him.


All he needed was a chance, and he's making the most of it. Way to go, Miles.