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I'm Wade Johnson in New York. There is breaking news from the Middle East on the release of more hostages and the second day of that ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Let's go to ABC's Matt Guttman in Tel Aviv. Matt, what are you learning?


Wait just moments ago, a convoy of the Red Cross bearing 13 Israelis and a number of foreigners, crossed out of Gaza and into Egypt on the way to Israel. We understand that there are eight Israeli minors in that convoy, including the youngest is a three-year-old. This, of course, paves the way for the next two phases of this hostage release and for the release of 39 Palestinians, mostly teenagers from Israeli jails to the West Bank. But it was a roller coaster of a night for those hostages. Hamas arrived at the Rendezvous Point with the Red Cross, but then they said that Israel had not fulfilled its side of the agreement. There was a seven-hour standoff right there in Khanya, in Southern Gaza at that point that the US, Qatar, and Egypt got involved to mediate. Finally, Hamas relented allowing those hostages to go to Israel. They're now going to be met in Israel by a team of doctors, psychologists, and after a few hours, they'll be able to be reunited with their family members.


Matt Gupman, thank you. Once again, Hamas releasing a second round of hostages following that cease-fire agreement.


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