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Was the most shocking allegation in an interview.


Full of them. We have in tandem the conversation of he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title, and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. What?


During a 2021 interview with Oprah, the Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markel, alleging a member of the royal family raised questions about what color her son's skin would be. The ripple effects lasting to this day.


Do you know who made those comments about Archie's skin color?


I do know who made the comments about Archie's skin color. The names were mentioned in letters between Megan and Charles that were exchanged some time after the Oprah interview.


Royal reporter, Oman Scoby's new book, Endgame, sharing new details, claiming it was two people who made those comments, just one of the many allegations in the new tell-all about the House of Windsor.


Are you able to share the two names that you know of?


Unfortunately, those are two names that I have to keep to myself for now. But I do wonder if that might change over the future. It does seem that Harry and Megan have decided to put that to rest. Do you think.


That we'll.


Ever find out who that person or who those people are that allegedly made these comments?


The only way that we would ever find out is if a member of the royal family directly involved chose to say so on the record, we won't have any confirmation or that won't gain any further traction unless that happens.


Queen Elizabeth releasing a statement at the time saying the issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning, and Prince William asserting we are very much not a racist family. Scoby claims that Megan and Charles corresponded about the incident, and ultimately the Sussexes, he writes, still keep them in the loop on their family life, sending new photos of the children.


We know from sources that Charles was horrified that that's how Megan felt those conversations were, and that he wanted to, as a representative of his family, have that conversation with her.


It's the latest chapter in an ongoing royal saga, palace intrigue, reports of warring princees and a fractured family.


I believe that this book will burn the bridges for good.


On the brother's alleged rift, Scoby doesn't hold back, pointing the finger at Prince William, saying he briefed the press about Prince Harry.


He's sharing private information about his brother that ended up on the front page of a newspaper not long later. These are things that have caused irreparable damage in the relations between each other.


Scoby also alleging William has become a company man, an heir increasingly comfortable with the palace's dirty tricks and the courtiers who dream them up.


We've seen the emergence of a man who is much harder, who seems to have embraced and embodies the royal institution.


Do you think that's a.


Fair assessment of the prince?


The book is really quite unflattering of Prince William. It portrays him as being volatile at times. I think we'll see people who feel differently leap to William's defense. Him and Kate are consistently now very popular members of the raw family with the public.


The book claims it was William who spearheaded efforts to deal with his disgraced uncle, Prince Andrew.


I was impressed to learn that Prince William was the one that really led the charge to stripping Prince Andrew of his title. Hills and finally taking action over something that had been long ignored or not properly dealt with within the institution. I think that that was a genuine moment where we saw William step into air mode and do what had to be done.


Still, Prince William and Prince Harry, once very close, are now rumored to be estrange. The author says their tension apparent during the Queen's funeral when the princess and their wives, formerly nicknamed Fab Four, briefly reunited in morning.


I was told that that silence in the car on the way from the quadrangle at Windsor Castle to the long walk was palpable. It was just extremely uncomfortable and awkward. It was sad because I think that for the public, the image was, Oh, great. The Fab Four are back together again. The reality is, is after they left that walkabout, they didn't talk again.


Abc News reached out to the Sussexes and have yet to receive a response. The late Queen was revered by many in the United Kingdom. An estimated quarter of a million people lining up to pay their respects while her coffin lay in state. Scoby argues the new king, Charles III faces an uphill battle.


With Charles, it's different. We know that even as a Prince of Wales and in the run-up to throneom, he never had universal support from the royal institution.


Charles is much less popular than his mother was. Poles are showing that he is struggling with young people. The monarchy is less popular than it has been. Things have shifted, and it would be wrong to suggest.


That they haven't. Charles' nearly 15-month-long reign has had its share of uncomfortable moments. From anti-monarchy protests to this incident over a leaky pen.


Oh, God. I hate this.


Do you think it's a fair comparison to compare King Charles to his mother, someone who served for 70 years?


King Charles has an impossible act to follow. I do feel that the people around him would probably be feeling pretty positive about how things are going because it is all relative. I think what he's been very keen to do since he came to the throne is emphasize that continuity.


Abc News reached out to both Kensington and Buckingham Palace for response. Neither wanted to comment.


This book is coming out of time where there seems to be so much change going on in the palace, in the monarch. How do you think the palace is viewing Endgame?


The book goes much further back than that and brings up lots of negative narratives over the past few decades. And that's very uncomfortable for the royal family. These are all things that they do not want people to be reminded of and people to be talking about.


Owen Scobies, perceived by many as being a part of Team Sussex. He wrote the flattering biography of the couple finding freedom with input from them.


Did Harry and Megan help you with this book? Were they a source?


Yeah, people will ask, were Harry and Megan involved in this book? It couldn't be further from the truth, actually.


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shockingly quit their royal duties in 2020. They moved to California.


Do you think Harry and Megan would ever move back to the UK?


I asked these questions to people around them. Will Megan go back to acting? No. Will they move back to the UK? No, never. I think they found their forever place out here. They seem happy. They've built a world in which they're actually thriving in.


We know this summer, there were rumors of a potential rift within their marriage. Have you found any validity to these rumors?


From everything I understand, they're absolutely fine. This is a pair who have literally bonded over their trauma and experiences, them being against the world as it's felt to them at times. I don't think that that bond is particularly breakable.


Whilst Scoby believes Harry's marriage is strong, his relationship with his family, he says, is another matter.


Do you feel as if Prince William and Prince Harry can ever reconcile?


I think this book has reminded us of just how much hurt and damage was caused around the time when Harry and Megan left the Royal family and how there is a lot of strength of feeling there.


The reality is when you look at the details, when you speak to the people around them, any effort that Harry had made to speak with his brother has been thwarted. The sources around William say that William doesn't trust his brother. He called him a defector at one point. These are really strong feelings, and I don't think that they've gone away or changed.


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