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The case that made national headlines, the nine-year-old who was kidnapped and then rescued. Tonight, the suspect, now in court, that young girl was found in upstate New York in the closet of a camper on the suspect's mother's property. But prosecutors have now revealed tonight, and here's Stephanie Rammus.


Shackled and shuffling. The man accused of abducting a nine-year-old girl from an upstate New York park and holding her captive for two days, appearing before a judge for the first time.


Guilty or not guilty?


Not guilty. Forty-six-year-old Craig Ross Jr. Pleading not guilty to all charges, including rape and kidnapping. Ross's appearance, a stark contrast to that arrest photo taken after police swooped in and rescued the nine-year-old girl from a small bedroom closet in a camper on Ross's mother's property. State police telling us the little girl was relieved to see them. Was she emotional?


She was very emotional.


The nine-year-old vanished while riding her bike alone during a family camping trip in late September, sparking a massive manhunt with hundreds of law enforcement and volunteers searching. Police zeroed in on Ross after matching the fingerprint from a ransom note left at the girl's home to Ross's fingerprint from a previous arrest. Prosecutors today said they have one goal to hold.


This defendant who's committed a henceous, terrible offense against a tender, aged victim. We will hold him accountable and responsible. The judge.


Ordered Craig Gross to be held without bail. He'll be back in court next month, and his trial is scheduled for the spring.


David. All right, Stephanie Ramos with us here tonight.


Stephanie. Hi, everyone. George Stephanopoulos here. Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel. If you'd like to get more videos, show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel. Don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts. Thanks for watching.