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The breaking news, the shooting at a hospital in Concord, New Hampshire. An armed man opening fire in the lobby. Multiple law enforcement agencies responding. Officers locking the New Hampshire hospital down. A security guard fatally shot their officers then moving in to take down the shooter. Abc senior investigative reporter Aaron Katersky leading us off with what we know so far.


Tonight, shots fired outside of New Hampshire hospital.


We have shots fired at the state hospital.


Multiple law enforcement agencies responding to the state psychiatric hospital and the capital conquered. Officers securing the building, telling the public to avoid the area after reports of an active shooter.


They have one security guard who is wounded.


In the hospital's front lobby, police said a man shot a security guard who was rushed to the hospital and died.


The shooter is down right now. He is on the ground.




Gunman killed on scene.


The scene remains active as one suspicious vehicle has been located. The suspect in this situation is deceased.


The authorities say the shooting was contained to the lobby of the hospital. There are no additional victims that we know of, David, and all the patients are safe.


David. Aaron Gatursky with late reporting as we start this Friday night. Aaron, thank you.


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