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I can't express what this day means after waiting and hoping for answers.


Prosecutors have charged this suburban dad and alleged Gilgo Beach killer, Rex Hewermann, with the deaths of two more women.


This year has been 21 years since she was taken from us, longer than the chance that she got to be alive.


One of them, Jessica Taylor.


Her body was recovered on July 26, in 2003. She was decapitated, and her hands and arms were severed just below the elbows. Eight years Years later, her arms and skull were found on Ocean Parkway.


Taylor was found decapitated in the woods. More of her remains were found at Gilgo Beach, near the bodies of four of Huhermann's other alleged victims. The second new charge is for the death of Sandra Castillo, a 28-year-old found in the Hamptons, who was killed in 1993.


The victim suffered numerous sharp force injuries, 25 in all, which we believe were postmortem.


Prosecutor said advanced DNA testing established a link between Huhermann and hairs found on or near Castilla and Taylor. These new charges are just the latest gruesome twist in a case that captivated the nation. Prosecutors believe the suspect meticulously planned each murder, and they're now revealing details glean from some 300 150 electronic devices seized from his home. Among the disturbing discoveries, an alleged blueprint and plan for his killings. The document that you found that you've called a planning document, what did it say to you and how did it influence how the investigation proceeded?


It invenses a certain intent, and that intent is to hunt and capture and kill females.


Authorities say the document shows Huhermann reminded himself to hit harder and consider a hit to the face or the neck next time, as well as notes about restricting sound, which would lead to more play time. Huhermann has now been charged with the murders of six women. Do you believe you'll be able to prove he killed more than these six?


The investigation is continuing, and we'll let that The investigation speak for itself.


I'll be highly surprised if there aren't more victims. And the reason why is serial killing is an obsession. He showed no reaction in court where his attorney entered a not guilty plea.


He's obviously horrified by new charges, new murder allegations. He's in a bad place in terms of the new charges.


With one of the crimes now more than 30 years old, prosecutors are broadening their timeline, reexamining more accounts of missing women.


With the universe of information that we have, not this case, but other cases, how can we work towards solving some of these cold cases?