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Joining us now to talk more about the life and legacy of Rosalynn Carter is ABC news contributor and national political correspondent for The Washington Post, Mary Jordan. Mary, just such an incredible, extraordinary life she lived. You've covered the Carters for more than 20 years. How would you describe the former first lady?


Smart, disciplined, and somebody who wasn't just there for the good times and the glamor, the parties. In 1994, she went to North Korea with Jimmy Carter, and there was such a high stakes. The dictator there was threatening nuclear war. Nobody, no foreigners were allowed in. And she said, I'll tell you to go. To be like she was both the adviser to her husband, but she was also the official note taker. And she told me this a couple of years ago when I was down there in Plains, and she was really proud of her role. And she was sitting beside Jimmy, and he was looking at her admiringly, and he said, I couldn't have done any of this without her.


It seemed like there was such a mutual admiration there. You were able to attend their 75th wedding anniversary bash. They were together 77 years. What does that love look like? How did it evolve over time? And what did you still see as a testimony to their love for each other?


I've asked them that I was at the 75th wedding anniversary. They had just a small group of people, but I had known them because I was a foreign correspondent and they would show up in Nicaragua and in other countries in Latin America and Asia doing their humanitarian work. And then I went down to Plains and started a series of dinners and lunches with them. And I'm married to somebody for 30 years and I'm like, okay, this is a long time. How does it work and a lot of stress. And I think it really boils down to respect for each other. And I think there was also a little passion there and zip. They were constantly holding hands. They loved the kiss cam at the baseball games. They were all over each other. I mean, it was... I just don't know if we'll ever see anything like that again.


She talked a lot about, in the past, their shared passions of fly fishing and bird watching. What do you think made the late Mrs. Carter different from other former first ladies?


I think this combination of how simple and humble they were. When you're in their kitchen, you can't believe how small it is. They had a cooler beside their refrigerator for leftovers. It's a 1961 little rambler in Plains, which is out of the way, far away from Atlanta. She wanted to make her mark. She wanted to be in the cabinet meetings. She wanted her husband and she called herself an equal partner, as he did. She wanted to make something huge. And I think that was just extraordinary. She was both humble and simple with the most extraordinary ambition.


As someone who spent so much time with her, what's your favorite memory together?


I think they were eating this pasta and hamburger, very simple dinner and planes off of plastic paper plates. And Jimmy was telling a story and she looked at him and she just made this very funny face and said, Can I just correct you and correct the record here? Then she said, You had slightly wrong. And then he started finishing her sentences. It was adorable. They really did finish each other's sentences. They were there for all the moments so they could add on and correct or amplify each other. You just won't forget the smile that she had looking at him and he had looking at her. And that was after more than seven decades of marriage.


An enduring love story. Abc News contributor and national political correspondent for the Washington Post, Mary Jordan. So appreciate your time.




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