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We're back here at home. The Race for the White House. Former President Donald Trump got a rowdy reception at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC. Independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Was also on hand to woo voters, but got a warmer reception. Here's ABC's Mary Alice Parks.


I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together.


Former President Donald Trump heckled by a hostile crowd at a political convention this weekend, libertarian party members he had hoped to woo, booing him instead.


That's nice.


Frustrated by the frosty reception, Trump mocking their chances for success at the polls without him.


Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don't do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.


It was an unusual event. The presumptive nominee for the Republican Party speaking at the libertarian Party's National Convention. Trump trying appeal to their shared interests, a deep disdain for federal bureaucracy. But libertarian party members told me they do not see Trump as one of their own. Donald Trump is not a libertarian because Donald Trump is an authoritarian. Libertarians have been spoilers in the past and could be again, especially in a tight race with so many voters dissatisfied with the two major party candidates. During his address, Trump calling out his Democratic rival.


Why isn't Joe Biden here speaking to you tonight?


In a statement, the Biden campaign taking aim at Trump's record, saying, Donald Trump says his Republican Party is the party of freedom, but tell that to the women who have had the freedom to make their own health care decisions ripped away. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, campaigning as an independent, blasting Trump over COVID lockdown. Downs.


Greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known.


Mary Alice Parks joins us now. Mary Alice, I know there was some question about whether RFK Jr. Might secure the libertarian party nomination. It would have gone a long way, certainly, in ensuring that he was on nearly every state ballot, but it seems like that won't happen.


Lindsay, that's right. It was a surprise that he went for it. There was no real appetite for him there in the room. The libertarian party members that I talked to said they liked some of his ideas, but fundamentally, they wanted someone who had been a member of their party. They really viewed him as more of a former Democrat.


Lindsay. Mary Alice, thank you.