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Tik-tok, where we take a closer look at the story behind the sensation. You've seen our next guest on Theater Stages as far away as Australia and as close as the New York Comedy Festival. Stand-up comedian, writer and actor Trevor Wallace is adding another feather to his cap with his first one hour stand-up special, Taradactyl, being released on Prime Video on November 14th. Let's take a look.


I have a husband, but you don't have a daddy. Hold up. Hold up. First date, she was like, scoyosis. I was like, word, I'm a Capricorn. Put some Nutella on your knuckle and just crack me in the face. Hot, hot. Psych, I'm out of here, dude.


I mean, you are really funny. Trevor, welcome to the show we appreciate you being here.


Of course, Phil. Thanks for having me.


I watch TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, and laugh, not at you, at your joke.


Please laugh at me. Laugh with me. I don't care as long as there's laughter. As long as the laughing emoji is in the chat, I don't care what's going on. I'm sure.


You're seeing a lot of emojis. So 10 million followers, you're getting to your first one hour special. It's just non-stop smiles when people watch you. And obviously that's evident by the number of followers. But Pterodactyl? Where did that come from?


I have a big nose. I look like a pterodactyl.


That's literally where it.


Came from. No, no, no, no, no. I have a joke in this special referencing who you are when your phone is dead is when your phone is dead and you have to spell the word pterodactyl. That's the real you right there. And then I keep tagging it back a few times later on the show, and I was going through a few show titles and it just stuck out. And also I want a word that's tough to spell because the people who talk the most smack in the comments, if they can't search for it, if they can't even know that there's a P upfront, they'll never find it. Thus, they can't talk smack to me.


Yeah, some of the funny recent TikToks are you trying to get people to spell it for you?


Yeah, exactly. I mean, a lot of people start with a T. One guy started with a W, and I was like, What planet are you thinking about?


You talk a lot in your comedy about you being a comedian, different personas. And it's funny to watch you step from one to the other. Where did that come from? Was that from the beginning? Was that how the comedy started or how it's progressing? And it's really become one of your trademarks. You know.


I just make fun of my friends. That's really it. All of my biggest videos are based on somebody in my life, whether they know it or not, but they say something dumb. And then I'm like, Yeah, for sure. I'm going to go to bathroom and I jot down stuff about them. Or it's a version of me. I do a frat guy character. I mean, look at me. I look like a bully on a Disney show. Im not going to be like I should be giving you a swirl, Phil. But it's just an accentuated version. It's Trevor Walls with an exclamation point on it.


So to your friends, you're the Taylor Swift who's going to write about them. Is that the deal?


Yes, exactly.


I'm the Taylor.


Swift of comedy. Wait till my heart break album comes out. That special is going to be good.


All right, so you started with vine Shorts, and I'll read some of the headlining festivals, best in comedy at the 2020 Shorty Awards. This is obviously a passion. When I met you before we came out here, it's just being funny is a passion to you. When did that start and when did you realize you could make a living?


When I realized I wasn't athletic. You drop a football enough times you go, Maybe sports isn't for me. I was the senior in the math class with juniors. I thought that was cool. Looking back on it, no.


But you.


Ran the classroom.


Yeah, gosh. So I think what for me, and I did stand-up for the first time I was 17, that first joke I felt on stage, that was my Cinarella moment. Everything just felt like it just clicked. And then I was like, How do I make money doing this? And then I did stand-up for 10 years and I'm like, I'm still not making money doing this. Standup is funny. It's a lot of this, a lot of this. You get paid in pretzels and PBRs, and then all of a sudden you're like, Oh, cool, we're doing festivals. We're going to Australia. It moves quick, but it's a lot of just hustling in the beginning, and then you start to get some traction and you just fall in love with the craft and it's like money is not even the point of this. If you get into standing for money, it's not for you.


Yeah. There's something that I saw on TikTok that I was talking to you about before this manifestation. You used to put your own face on the comedy billboard, and then you literally had a billboard across the street from where you were. And then you went and you do a funny bit on TikTok about finding it and about your nose. But how amazing was that? I mean, you literally spoke it into existence.


I make fun of people who talk about manifestation and crystals, and my boyfriend is a Sagittarius, rising moon, Capri Sun. But that's, to me, it is what I like to do. And in 2017, I used to take a photo of myself and I would put it on big lineups in town in Hollywood. When I was just doing open mics and I put it up with the big guys just so I could see what it would look like and visualize it and be like, this will work one day. And then I forgot about it. And then when I got the billboard, I go don't I have a photo of this? 2017, sure enough, it's up there. And now all the guys that are on that same post that I photeshoped are friends and acquaintances of mine. It's crazy, this whole manifestation thing. I'm going to start manifesting that I become the next Jeff Bezos.


Get the clipper.


Start saving. But look, it's great. You're on Prime. I'm on Prime. We're both on Prime.


That's right, we're on Prime. Prime on Prime. And look at.


You now. So maybe I manifested this moment with you right now.


Absolutely. I'm glad I could be part of it and your 10 million followers.


You are a.


Part of it. Trevor, thanks so much. Trevor Wallace, congratulations on Pterodactyl and for joining us, of course, you can catch more of Trevor's humor and unexpected characters on TikTok and at Trevor Wallace.


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