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From Carnival to the Courthouse. While Real Housewife of Beverly Hills star, Erika Jane, parties with her co-stars in St. Lucia, thousands of miles away in Los Angeles. Tom, how are you this morning? Her estranged husband, Tom Girardi, is on trial for fraud.


What are your thoughts for the trial ahead?


The one-time legal titan not saying much as cameras caught him coming and going.


His clothing is very ill-fitting. He looks like he's put on some weight. He looks really despondent. He doesn't look up much. It seems like he has his head down most of the time.


Girardi stands accused of stealing millions of dollars from his own clients, some of them and others who worked with him, will testify against him this week.


I think it is other than burying my son, I think it'll just be the hardest thing I ever do.


Girardi's fall from grace captured the attention of the country, in part thanks to his wife. Jane is a longtime star of the Bravo franchise, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Girardi himself often appearing alongside her. I love you.


Thank you for meeting me.


Instead of having lunch with a bunch of gnarly insurance people, I got you. The reality TV star has not been charged with a crime related to Girardi's alleged scheme and is not part of the federal case at trial, but she is facing a number of civil cases. Thank you. Something she addressed in a sit down with Girardi's victims in the Hulu documentary, The Housewife and the Hustler, Two: The Reckoning.


Thanks for coming.


Did you ever hear about him taking money or anything before this whole thing blew up?


No. Like the lawsuits that were against him? I found out when I was sued in Arizona from a lending company, when I was named, and that was the first time. And I said, Why am I in this lawsuit? The three answers I kept getting were, It's. Don't worry about it. I've got it handled. But why is my name in here? I'm not part of the business. That's when I started noticing something's wrong.


Erica is not expected to make an appearance for Girardi's trial, but she will be mentioned in evidence and in testimony.


The government did say that he allegedly She's currently used $20 million of funds to help fund Erica Jane's career. So I think in that respect, we will hear it then.


The AUSA is not saying she did anything wrong. They're saying that she benefited from all of this and that her profile is part of it. Tom was using this money to redirect it to the It's Expensive to be Me lifestyle.


It's expensive to be me. Looking this got the Girardi has pleaded not guilty to the four counts of wire fraud. The US attorneys will now try to prove to a jury of seven men and five women that Girardi deliberately stole client money and lied about it.


Emails, voicemails, promises, and lies. But you're also going to see a ton of documents, a lot of which came out in the bankruptcy. So there will be some of that document-heavy testimony.


The defense says Girardi depended on the wrong people and alleged it was really his chief financial officer who stole all the money. He has pleaded not guilty. Girardi's attorneys maintain that the 85-year-old was in mental decline and had no idea what was going on at the firm.


While the defense is going to be leaning into Tom Girardi's aging, he was found competent to stand trial, and none of this seems to have been an issue when these thefts were going on. So we know that the US attorneys are going to lean into Tom Girardi, covering up his behavior.


The current charges against Girardi come from four specific former clients, including Cathy and Joe Ru Gomez.


He's not going to do this to anybody else, and he should have never done it to me. He shouldn't have underestimated me.


Their story was shown in the Hulu documentaries, The Housewife and the Hustler, and its sequel, The Reckoning. I'm fighting for money that I'm owed. I'm fighting for money that's going to take care of me with all the surgeries I have to do. Joe was burned over 90% of his body and won a settlement tens of millions of dollars. The US attorneys say Girardi leveraged his Fame as the lawyer who won the Aaron Brockovich case to assure clients like Ru Gomez that he was on their side.


I think people who know about this case know the Ru Gomez's, and I think that's also why they were first up. His case is so dramatic, right? He has physical injuries that are very apparent, and I think it's important to put a face and a pain behind that to the jurors.


The jury may only hear about four cases because those are the cases that are going to be tried. But Tom has a trail of tears of victims that go back decades.


Kimberly Archie is a close family friend of the Rue Gomez's. She also worked with Girardi over the years as an expert in sports injuries.


I don't know who's been more gaslit in the last 20 years than Girardi Keyes' victims, but they definitely have been through a lot, and I would hate to see the system let them down again.


Many of Girardi's former client and people who feel wronged by the attorney also showed up at court today. Even though their allegations aren't on trial, for them, this feels like the only opportunity to hold Girardi accountable. Justice, to me, is an idea, and it's only as good as the people that represent it. I would like to see him get convicted. To see someone with so much evil behind them is a really unsettling feeling. It's important to support these victims and to hear their stories so many people so invested in this case, the once famous, now infamous lawyer will likely be making headlines until the verdict.