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Tonight, for the first time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy is acknowledging that his country's forces are conducting an operation inside Russia. These images circulating online show the moment a Ukrainian missile struck a building in Western Russia. The Kremlin says dozens of Russians have been wounded in the past several days, some of them children. Abc's Patrick Riebl has the latest.


Tonight, the moment a Ukrainian missile crashes into an apartment building in the Russian city of Kurs, video circulating online, Russian air defense is bringing the missile down, windows blown out, and cars mangled, at least 13 injured. Six days ago, Ukraine launched its unprecedented surprise attack into Russia's Kursk region. This video circulating online showing Ukrainian troops crossing the border, mounting the first major major foreign military incursion into Russia since World War II. Several thousands of Ukrainian soldiers now estimated to be in the Kursk region, some up to 19 miles inside, according to military analysts. Some filming themselves, raising their flags over a handful of villages. Russia saying 76,000 Russian civilians have now fled, now housed in shelters, and dozens of Russian soldiers surrendering. State TV showing Russia racing to send reinforcements to the region, trying to gain the upper hand, now hunting Ukrainian military vehicles with drones and aircraft. President Zelensky for the first time Saturday, confirming his operation. Ukraine is proving that it can indeed restore justice, he says, and put pressure on the aggressor. The Kremlin is being caught heavily off guard by this, but this is still a very big gamble for Ukraine, which appears to hope that this will help relieve pressure elsewhere on the front, perhaps strengthen its hand in future negotiations, but the next few days are likely to be crucial, Lindsay.


Patrick Forrest. Thank you so much.