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We know that weekends are in part made for sports, and the US Open is well underway. American Cocoa Golf's dreams of defending her title still alive. She will play tomorrow. Joining us now to bring us up to speed on the men's side of the tournament, which is a different story and some surprising upsets there, Ike Ajachi is here. Ike, I guess the question is, is there anyone left whose name we know on the men's side? There have been so many upsets. I know.


This has been quite the... Well, just a bunch of upsets that we've seen so far in the US Open, but there's still a bunch left. Obviously, Skinner's up at top. He's still in there, Menvadev. But we saw Joker essentially go down surprisingly early to 28th ranked Alexis Pavlyiv. Then it was a surprisingly half-throttled effort, too. He said it himself, after match, he came out and said that was some of the worst tennis he's ever played. He even commented on it serving, saying it was the worst serving ever. So just a rare performance by Jokowitch. Then if you top, put that with Carlos Alcaraz yesterday, him leaving early. That was shocking. Yeah. We have a US Open tournament wide open with the chance for something to happen that hasn't happened in 21 years. Which is? An American winning the US Open. Why not? Since 2003, Andy Roddick was the last time that happened. Who's it going to be? Are we going to see Francis Tiafo from DC? Maybe we're going to see little Taylor Fritz or Tommy Paul. Time will tell.


It's crazy. It's been 21 years.


I know. Europe has been dominating.


All right. The WMBA on fire. Kate Kaitlyn Clarke, Angel Reece, going at it again last night. What happened?


That's right. Friday night was essentially the last regular season matchup between the Indiana Fever and the Chicago Sky. The Fever took three out of four matchups, and that night, they actually won that game 100 to 81. But we're seeing a brand new rivalry here between Kaitlyn Clarke and Angel Rees, and they both performed very well on Friday night. Angel Rees with 10 points, 11 rebounds. That was her 23rd double-double of the season. That's a WMBA rookie record. And we saw Kaitlyn Clarke just completely go off. 31 points. That's her new career high. We saw her do that on 8 on 14 shots, and she had five three-pointers, an unbelievable performance. Now, they were both asked after the game if they care about this Rookey of the Year award. They both said no, but those are really-The answer you're supposed to give. Really good TV answers.


They were trained in media well. All right, so one last thing, and you got to explain this to me. Got to wrap my head around it. What's up with college football changing its payoff structure?


That's right. For the first time in a decade, college football is changing the way it finds its champion. The playoffs expanding to 12 teams, the five highest ranked conference champions are guaranteed a spot. The next seven highest ranked teams will earn a spot in the 12 team bracket. Four conference champs will have first round buys. Here's the fun part. The other eight teams will all face off in the first rounds at home stadium. Those bowl games we love, the Cotton Bowl, the Orange Bowl, all those things, those are going to be home games after those first rounds. It's a really exciting time.


Trying to make it way more exciting, too.


Get more eyeballs in there late in December.


Mike, always good to see you. Yeah, it's fun. Happy holiday weekend.